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Everything posted by cocco

  1. My AD200 changed my life. Whoever you are you NEED this rig.
  2. Don't mug yourself mate.
  3. 2eqs are great. I love mine. Having never owned a 3 I dont have a comparisson but it's way better in every way than my bongo 4HH was
  4. No neck dive at all. Play like lightning. More tone than you could shake a stick at. You couldn't buy a better new bass for under £400 IMO
  5. This is gonna be sweet. I've always fancied a ray in Paul Simonon colours
  6. Maple glo is the best colour but that's still a lot of wedge
  7. Surely they're Mexican?
  8. That's still mega expensive! Have they been lowered?
  9. That is gorgeous. On the subject of leather surely the pickguard should be? Old school wal stylee!
  10. Fender have released so many pickup and finish options this year. As much as it's great to see I can't help but feel like they're flooding the Market. Fender always made the standard in my eyes, everyone else made super fenders. I liked that fact.
  11. That looks awesome!
  12. Well done that man!
  13. 8x10
  14. I've been looking for a replacement bridge for mine with no avail since I got it. There's not a lot out there. If you do find anything let me know. If I were you I'd just stick the black scratch plate on and leave it but hey, thats just me!
  15. I'm rather excited about the end result of this
  16. I liked the skjold lionspride
  17. I've only ever seen or heard of him playing italia basses live. although from what I've been told he's got a pretty serious collection.
  18. Incase anyone is interested, a friend of mine has been doing a bit of tech work for Nicky Wire of the manics. Nicky has recently got himself a fine black toaster which he's apparently besotted with. He'll never use it live apparently but it's gonna be on the next record
  19. I'd seriously recommend an SB then not the 1000 though, it's a tad over priced!
  20. They have super narrow string spacing too, I'm just not sure they come with 5 strings
  21. One recently went for £530 on eBay! It had daft looking metal scratch plate and truss rod cover but still....
  22. I have a CAR with matching headstock Jazz CIJ with a badass and a pair of custom wound pickups that I'd trade. it has a slightly sketchy home relic job though. Im after a nice P/J
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