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Everything posted by cocco

  1. have you any use for a Hofner Club bass?
  2. They're an aquired taste, They are really long, can be neck heavy and generally heavy but having said that the combination of mahogany and humbuckers means the tone is thunderous. Neck is jazz like in profile I think you either love them or hate them. I don't think they'd be much use to anyone apart from rock players.
  3. Maybe a sterling?
  4. Any more BBs? Preferably with pick guards
  5. I've been dying to get my hands on a 3001 for as long as I can remember
  6. Demz sum niiiice fenders G-waz!
  7. Thanks Gust0o your more than welcome to pm me with any grabber related questions i like talking about my armoury. Put it where you want, that's what I say!
  8. Thanks everyone
  9. If anyone is selling a blade let me know.
  10. He does make a mean looking jazz!
  11. No probs mate, if it does ever sell I'll bite your arm off for this.
  12. I recorded with one once, the neck is quite fat. Fatter than my 60s jazz anyway. Tone was great though!
  13. That's a lovely T! Don't sell it. You'll regret it.
  14. [quote name='Lord Sausage' post='1372380' date='Sep 13 2011, 07:26 PM']Good tune, excellent sound quality. And excellent professional video. Could only wish to make a video that looks that sharp.[/quote] The track was recorded by Romesh at longwave in Cardiff, hes done Kids in glass houses, funeral for a friend and loads more awesome records. I'd seriously consider using him if you have the urge. Fella has mad skillz
  15. It got over 1000 hits in it's first day! Theres a free download at www.caesarsrome.bandcamp.com if you fancy it!
  16. My jazz is still up for offer!
  17. Thanks guys! The song was inspired by "moon" the film with Sam Rockwell in which was directed by Duncan Jones, who is David Bowie's son. Duncan got wind of the song and video via twitter and now our singer is being interviewed for his blog! We're all rather excited. By the way for anyone looking for a video this was made by GoLRG who are not only increibly talented but ridiculously cheap!
  18. Thanks guys
  19. Just thought I'd share this with everyone. Im mega proud of it and I hope you enjoy it. Bass tone on the recording is a Sandberg California JJ through a dirty marshall on one channel, a darkglass driver on another and the good ole sansamp BDDI. The grabber in the video is mine. Here it is! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19VIkWvelGU&feature=youtu.be&hd=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19VIkWvelGU...utu.be&hd=1[/url] I'd appreciate any feedback.
  20. Roto swing bass 55-105 and a hot pickup, either a quarter pounder or a di marzio model p or similar. Or get a ray!
  21. Is it red or pink?
  22. This might well be the coolest thing I've ever seen. Does it sound like you'd expect?
  23. Also thats a lovely looking vigier
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