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Everything posted by cocco

  1. cocco

    Yamaha BBs

    Good news!! So if I was to look around for a tidy second hand one preferably active, preferably (but not a massive problem if not) bolt on, what models should I be looking for? I really wouldn't want to spend more than £500 and wouldn't want to buy new.
  2. Just googled 1987 bass guitar and I got a Kubicki ex-factor and a Thumb NT. What a great year to have been born!
  3. cocco

    Yamaha BBs

    So I've been watching YouTube videos! According to James Lomenzo, Glen Hughes, Nathan East, Leland Sklar and various other big names there is little point playing much else other than a BB. If all this is true why have I never seen anyone play one? Having never played one it's hard to judge. Do we have any enthusiasts, players, owners, ex owners, haters or lovers in our community? I love the look of them but have never had the pleasure Share your experiences....... GO!
  4. Rotosound Swing bass 45-105s. Best strings ever!
  5. cocco


    Oh it will have no lack of quality input. I shall be touring my SB and either my Wizard equipped jazz or a T-40. Given that I havnt sold them all and bought something else by then. I'd take my Shuker but the band dont think it fits in with our image.
  6. cocco


    From the pic it could be a heart rock.
  7. cocco


    I dont know exactly, ive only seen pics, the heads all look pretty much the same to me, it has a 2x10 and 4x10 cab though. Are they hi-fi sounding? I'm really excited about it! How will it compare to my SVT 4 pro and 8x10 rig?
  8. So I'm going on tour to Germany and using a Glockenklang rig while I'm there. Anyone got any advice/experience/info on them? Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I really like this!
  10. Incidentally does anyone else use music box for rehearsals? I know v8bass does and I do.
  11. Surely you're all joking? It's a dog! I agree that it looks melted though, anyone else detecting a hint of Vigier around the horns?
  12. Sorry I've been a bit slack boys, my head chef is currently in Thailand leaving me in charge and I havnt had a day off for a while, music box is booked! Sunday 1st may 12-5 and I have 3 rooms at a cost of £150 meaning that if 15 people pay £10 we've broken even, anything over that will be donated to charity or half to charity and half to the forum depending on how far over that we are at the end of the day. Bring as much gear as you like! I'm praying someone brings a Wal and that Gary v8 brings the Kingbass he's trying to sell. I reckon we should make ourselves name tags with our user names, avatars and real names on so that everyone knows who everyone is?
  13. I really like the colour of this S2. Beautiful bass!
  14. I love this! Get an EQ in it, just to see what happens. I bet it will rock even more!
  15. Top of the heap! Make me an offer I can't refuse
  16. Are you sure youre not gonna regret this? It really is an amazing S2
  17. I had a stage 1 fiver that was awesome apart from the fact it was a fiver, quite an expensive way to find out I don't like fivers, bump for the bass I should have bought!
  18. With what Flat Eric said in mind lets add a T-40 blade to the trade list shall we? I'm not gonna let it go for anything that isn't special to be sure. This really is a great bass.
  19. A few offers but nothing concrete yet, keep em coming, worst I can say is no
  20. To the top!
  21. She's a candy apple red with matching headstock 05 model, and a US spec so she has Japanese built American pickups and hardware and a bound neck, the bridge has been swapped out for a Badass II, the pickups are currently Shed spirits, customs modeled on Geddy Lee's tone. The E tuner is a little bent but fully functional. However in a moment of drunken madness at a cottage in deepest darkest west Wales I decided to relic it so parts of the finish on the body are missing but it doesnt look too bad, ive actually had compliments on it!
  22. Fancy it rich?
  23. I worried about getting rid of the P I got off Si too, mine was a 70s RI jap one. I wanted to keep it as a sort of tribute but I realised it should be getting played, not looked at. Plus Tredders was excited to be getting a bass that had come via Si so I don't think it was a bad thing in the end.
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