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Everything posted by cocco

  1. I found a video on Jim Dunlop which gives a tour of his whole rig, he uses an array of modulation effects and has 2 GK amps running constantly, one dirty one clean with separate effects loops for each, dirty into a Mesa 4x12 and clen into an 8x10.
  2. Cheers guys, what's the difference between the GT2 and the BDDI? I only ask because I already have a BDDI
  3. Bernard Purdie, Nicko McBrain, Cosy Powell, Travis Barker.
  4. Hi guys, can anyone tell me what the effect Justin uses on most of 10,000 days and Lateralus is? Specifically in the songs 10,000 Days and The Grudge.
  5. To quote a great film "wow, you're amazing, dood".
  6. Yeah she's a bolt on, the one from Jons stock page. I'll get some more pics up later for now on the subject of spec, she's a mahogany body with a burr imbuya facing, sycamore veneered neck with maple fingerboard, 26 frets. Shuker 3 band eq and vol and pan pots, Delano pvmc pickups and ABM bridge/tuning units. It's the first modern design I've had and i love it! The playability leaves nothing at all to be desired, it's feather light and the neck is fast without being too thin. I just can't believe it was already built like this and it's perfect for me. The body is slim and overall length wise it's a head stock shorter than my short scale hofner club bass but still 34" scale
  7. here we go !
  8. My headless single cut 4 is here! Anyone want to see pics? She's a beauty
  9. We're lucky that we have our own sound guy, he takes the bass feed from my sans-amp which is great!
  10. sh*t you've had some gear! And most of it is right up my street. I'm envious
  11. makes ewe 25% welsh
  12. Why oh Why is this still here??
  13. The 'vette $$ is quite high up my GAS list, It's a beauty! I sold my Streamer Stage 1 5er for £700 back last year I think Im an idiot too
  14. Come on down! Can I add you and your gear to the attendee list yet? ps my Shuker is on its way?
  15. Mark Hoppus, blink 182
  16. I have a very simular CIJ jazz just with a bound neck.
  17. I like your Finn
  18. Ill make sure plenty of pics get taken for you Rich, I was gonna ask you which Charity Si would have donated the profit to, I was hoping to donate half of the profit to that and the other half to BC (if I make any). In other news......... I just ordered a Shuker Headless single cut (yes the one off his stock page)!!!
  19. Just ordered my the Shuker single cut headless 4, the one off the stock on his website! ill post pics as soon as it arrives!!!!
  20. Bad times He's had some bangin bass lines on tracks in the past, you can call me Al for instance! what a solo
  21. Sorry Rich, it has to be that weekend for me otherwise I can't go Working weekends is the worst thing about being a Chef, however I will probably have a rather exciting Shuker by the time this rolls around . The plan is..... Im going to contact Dave Dearnley (local guitar/bass set up/repair/build master) about doing some sort of demo, as well as John Caulfield (local teacher) about doing some sort of demo/workshop and Burke Shelley (local bass player off of Budgie) about bringing his lovely P-bass, Travis Bean and himself along for a chat should he be in good enough shape to come down by then. If i even get one bite out of the 3 this should be a lovely day. Also edited my first post for more info on the day so far.
  22. I say more power to him! Hes no jaco, he's even no sid vicious but he has every bass player on earth talking about him at the moment!
  23. I'll hopefully be able to add a rather nice 4 to this thread soon! where are the shukers recently? this threads been dead for months
  24. Suicide machines - Hey Tool - schism Death cab for cutie - I will possess your heart Anything RATM Anything level 42 Anything Duran Duran
  25. According to the good folk at music box either day is free at the moment so it's entirely down to us to decide, going on the price, admission will be £10 a head with all profit being donated half to bass chat and half to a charity if thats cool with everyone?
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