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Everything posted by cocco

  1. Hey all, I want to down size my current Ampeg SVT-4 pro and 8x10 rig. I think I'm sold on the Genz Benz shuttle 9.0 or max12.0 head but the question turns to cabs to replace old faithful. I've looked at GB and Bergantino cabs but I don't really know what I'm looking for in honestly. The philosophy is transparency and fullness of tone but loud enough to keep up with fender twins and AC30s. I use a sansamp BDDI for a touch of drive, otherwise I'm dry effects wise.
  2. [quote name='BassBod' post='1085209' date='Jan 11 2011, 09:56 AM']And that's a bad thing??[/quote] A child with learning disabilities, looks like he may have built it too.
  3. I'm not feeling them at all. I've always liked the idea of a fenderbird but not that one.
  4. Looks like something a child drew in a maths book.
  5. So what's the difference between this and the classic EBMM? Aside from price and logo ofcourse.
  6. I played one of these, a 4 stringer at Bass Direct last week. Oh my god what a bass it is. I'd happily get my hands on one and sell everything else i own, well maybe not the T-40 or the SB but I doubt they'd see much more use. The frets are easy to get used to and it's so clear and well balaced across the whole neck, also the fit and finish is bang on. Did I mention I like them?
  7. Annoyed I missed this
  8. Nice looking wal
  9. Played a Dingwall at bass direct yesterday. What a bass! I've never felt so inspired by a bass
  10. Just got the very same club bass in a trade for a PB-70 + cash. We met at a services in strensham. Great guy, even bought me and the missus a coffee. A pleasure to have dealt with.
  11. No worries. I've had GAS for a $$ for a while. Guess it continues.
  12. Anything in my inventory take your fancy?
  13. Jesse from death from above 1979, never heard filth like it!
  14. cocco


    Yeah I do. No funds though
  15. I've got a hofner club bass for such occasions.
  16. cocco


    Tis a vantage mystic (i think) and a fine bass! The tone is P through and through with plenty of growl. Simular to the westone thunders but passive. The pickups are dimarzio model P replicas. They're amazing. If you've never owned a matsumoku bass get one! Build quality is second to none.
  17. It's lush! What's the tone like?
  18. Thank feck thats over for another year
  19. SBs are amazingly versatile and well put together things. I'll stick a pic of mine up if the snow melts. Even if it is a bit rough 'round the edges.
  20. Pretty cool bass that. What's the tone like? I bet it's a monster.
  21. Blazers are amazing, as are musicians and studios. Get a blazer
  22. Whoever bought this is gonna be happy! SBs are amazing
  23. Jump into the unknown for me. I don't really want to part with Si's P but as it turns out they aren't my bag and I'm more than a little drawn to hofners at the moment. Fun times and all change for me again
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