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Everything posted by cocco

  1. I have one tonight in bridgend, the snow has meant i have to rely on public transport to get there and back. Thankfully I don't need cabs. Wish me luck :s
  2. PM ewe now
  3. Not really unfortunately, unless you fancy a boxed early Marshall guv pedal just quite fancy a hofner ATM, it's lush!
  4. What sort of trades do you fancy?
  5. Tis a beaut!
  6. TBH Eric i think I may have to come visit you. I've been keeping up with your blog. What a collection you have! We share very similar tastes. I shall bring beer indeed
  7. Do it MythSte! You shan't regret it, I can garauntee you that.
  8. This is gorgeous! I've toyed with the idea of getting a rail to accompany my toaster. Sadly no funds ATM T-40s are literally amazing by the way.
  9. A thousand times yes! Someone lend me some cash?
  10. cocco


    I bought one off these off Si too. Great bass! He didn't buy rubbish. Who ever buys won't be disappointed. RIP si
  11. Seconds hand T-40, sub, G&L trib, MIJ fender, status groove/eclipse?
  12. I'm literally dieing to see this bass now!
  13. [quote name='tom1946' post='1056003' date='Dec 12 2010, 01:37 PM']those are tiny.[/quote] That's what she said I'll get my coat..... TAXI!
  14. So you plug the bass into the kaoss pad, the kaoss pad back into the bass for the bass mounted controller to work then the whole thing into an amp and the Kaoss pad basically works an an effects processor but with a drum machine and everything? How many leads run between the bass and the kaoss pad?
  15. My Aria SB is my favourite slapper by a long way. Narrow string spacing and light strings at a low action is the key IMO
  16. Warwick resale value is at an all time low at the moment dude. It's a stunning example though, there have been all manner of german made warwicks going on here for sub £600 recently. It's criminal!
  17. Me too! I have serious Status GAS ATM. If the deal goes tits I may well cry myself to sleep for the rest of my life, or until I can afford an S2 classic headless with a spalted maple facing
  18. I'm hoping to have a lovely wooden S1 to add to this thread soon. Fingers crossed.
  19. Welcome aboard amigo
  20. Eager beaver here.
  21. Are there any position markers?
  22. I thought the control switches were a series/parallel and a coil tap?
  23. These are stunning! I have an ivory one. The neck plays like a rocket and it's great for pretending you're Cliff Burton. Even though mine couldn't look more 80s pop if it tried.
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