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Everything posted by cocco

  1. In my experience of the RW (strat and tele) guitars. They are incredibly thin sounding compared to other fenders.
  2. Damn! Well if I win the lottery in the near future it's mine
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='1005500' date='Oct 29 2010, 05:27 PM']You are in luck then, I'll sell it to you at a tenth of that - £1,400![/quote] I will give you £150 and two 5 month old kittens called bill and ted?
  4. [quote name='MB1' post='1005534' date='Oct 29 2010, 05:56 PM']MB1. I've not previously seen a solid one colour bic before. Theyre usually multi coloured exotic woods, looks great! (very SB reminiscent) Sadowsky actually waterproof Mr Newsteads Basses! BUMP![/quote] You can't be serious?
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='1005435' date='Oct 29 2010, 04:44 PM']No you are quite sober! He modded his Spoiler by fitting Series 1 controls to it (and a hard-to-see pickguard as he sweats so much it was going into the pickup cavities - yuk). Mine is simple by comparison with volume and tone filter knobs, a rotary pickup selector (which has a useful 'off' position for total silence) and a 'Q' switch (which subtly changes frequencies, making it a bit deeper).[/quote] Fair enough! I dread to think what they all do..... Tis a lovely looking bass this. I'd love to take this off you. Sadly I'll never have £14,000 to spend on a bass as long as I have a hole in my arse
  6. am I trippin' or are there eight control nobs on the one newstead is pictured with?
  7. I have one of these. It's undoubtedly the best cab I've ever had. It's more than slightly fridge like in terms of size and weight though. No rig is complete without one. Btw mine lives just behind my front door because it physically will not go any further into the house!
  8. I'm in a similar situation of wanting a decent 6er for not much money. Never played one before. I just fancy a go to be honest. I'm told there's not much that will stack up to the quality of the trb. If I do decide to get a 6 it will more than likely be a second hand yammy!
  9. MIJ/CIJ for me is the way to go. I have 2 jap fenders which are a million times better than any American or Mex ones I've ever played.
  10. I have an original grabber. Not sure about the new ones but here's a list of stuff that grinds my gears about the old one. 1. Neck dive is a massive problem. 2. Sliding pickup does nothing at all really. 3. 34 3/4 inch scale plays he'll with my muscle memory. The tone is good though.
  11. Iommi has a signature Jaydee too doesn't he?
  12. Stroke of genius that! I love this bass
  13. What's the groove above the neck pickup for?
  14. Pissed off that I couldn't quite afford this. Ahh well. There'll be more!
  15. I was thinking along the same lines. I'm looking for sound files or a you tube vid of a graphite one but they're all wood. I've very recently fallen in love with status. I think they're an aquired taste. Like Guinness
  16. Do the all graphite ones sound drastically different to the wood and graphite?
  17. Definate four pinter atleast IMO. I don't like the shape and the contrasting wood makes it worse.
  18. Wow! Didn't know that existed.
  19. I feel bad for you. Hope she finds a good home. Really is a beautiful thing that! Atleast you had the chance to own it.
  20. Lodestones parent company is ashdown? I didn't think they'd be into wood.
  21. Pm'd RE cow vibe
  22. Seriously cool bass that. What's the price?
  23. Really want the j!
  24. Ok I want an ASAT now. Thanks guys. Thanks a lot!
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