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JellyKnees last won the day on April 27 2018

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About JellyKnees

  • Birthday 22/08/1966

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    The oblong of dreams

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  1. Fresh out of the studio yesterday, our second EP is now available. https://awkland.bandcamp.com/album/triumviral Enjoy!
  2. Saw them in Liverpool last night, they sounded ace. Chrissy was clearly struggling a bit with a hip/leg problem towards the end, but she still delivered a great performance. Don't point your camera phone at her though (I'm with her on this). The bass looked all black to me - we were up in the circle so I couldn't tell what is was unfortunately.
  3. Recently got our first 'EP' onto Spotify! Back in the studio in December to finish off the other 3 tracks we started earlier in the year, so more to follow soon hopefully.
  4. Andertons are very helpfully going to supply me with a replacement battery holder gratis! Thank to everyone for their suggestions, offers of help etc.
  5. Thanks for the offer, but I'll figure something out myself.
  6. Yeah, that was my plan if I can't get a suitable replacement. Cheers 👍
  7. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Gc322a5tnhMRk8qr6 Dimensions are 70 x 50 mm. I'd be surprised if nobody else had had this problem, given how poor the quality of it is. I've contacted andertons to see if they can get me a replacement, hopefully they will be able to help me out.
  8. It takes 2 batteries unfortunately, but thanks anyway.
  9. Finally, a Christmas song I can really get behind!
  10. Hi, Does anyone know of a replacement battery holder that will fit the above? I bought the bass 2 years ago as a backup and have only just had to change the batteries. Unfortunately, the plates in the stock holder are really crap and aren't making contact with the batteries - one of them actually seems to be loose. The only one I can find so far is by Gotoh, but it's too big for the cavity. Any suggestions would be very welcome. Cheers, Mr Jelly
  11. Debut at Cavern Pub open mic last month
  12. Our new EP released today... https://awkland.bandcamp.com/album/somethink-and-nothink
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