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Everything posted by Anders
[quote name='kevcooke' timestamp='1361477404' post='1986433'] Hi Anders, It's kind of like gigging with a giant studio-monitor. It delivers a huge amount of detail, with plenty of oomph in the low end, and is very loud. I can't compare it to anything else I've tried, other than my two Accugroove Tri110s (which I am keeping as they are plenty for me). Let me know if you have any other questions. Kind regards, Kevin [/quote] Thanks.I'm considering some options here in Sweden too,I have to think it over.
[quote name='thebassman' timestamp='1361262721' post='1983474'] Hi I have owned quite bit of Mesa gear over the years. I used to run a Mesa 400+ through a 1516 cab, then a powerhouse 4x10. Both sounded great but were a bit difficult to move around, especially the 1516. I then moved to my current rig a Mesa M6 and powerhouse 2x12, 4ohm version with adjustable tweeter. I much prefer the sound of the 2x12. This rig is awesome, I use it from small pubs to large halls. I also used it last year for a few outdoor summer gigs with no pa support, it had no trouble cutting through and could be heard clearly all around the venue. I also use this cab with my Orange Terror when i want a bit more of a distorted sound, it's the best pairing i have tried with this head. cheers thebassman [/quote] Agree on the 2x12. I tried a carbine combo + another(with no amp installed) sounded absolutely fantastic.Meaty,warm,fast attack and just huge.That was in other words 2pcs of 2x12 though. As I understand those 2x12's are similar to(or the same as) powerhouse 2x12 cabs.
Ampeg SVT CL and Tecamp cab,anyone tried that combination?
Anders replied to Anders's topic in Amps and Cabs
[quote name='RussFM' timestamp='1360824631' post='1976989'] I use an S212, it's very punchy. In my punk band I like a lot of treble to hear the pick attack, but I barely touch the EQ, just have the tweeter on hard attack up full and turn the pre-EQ tone control on the Puma up to about 2 o'clock. Great cabs, well built, lightweight and sound great. [/quote] Thanks,you use it mainly with the Puma head probarbly,but have you tried it using a different amp? I've seen a few clips of Tecamp 10" and 12"cabs on Youtube but it's always Tecamp heads.I don't know what makes the soundcharacter,head or cab. -
Ampeg SVT CL and Tecamp cab,anyone tried that combination?
Anders replied to Anders's topic in Amps and Cabs
Anyone using Tecamp cab? -
Ampeg SVT CL and Tecamp cab,anyone tried that combination?
Anders replied to Anders's topic in Amps and Cabs
[quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1360586887' post='1972690'] Schroeder 1515L - had one of these- absolutely tiny- same size as a 1 x 12 - weighs nothing- 4 ohms so your amp will be fine with that. Massive tone and power- can be had for a little over £400. [/quote] Thanks.Sounds great. You mean this one? [url="http://www.google.se/search?q=schroeder+1515l&hl=sv&tbo=d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6DUZUZOWGdTE4gSup4B4&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=1075&bih=810#imgrc=Q-S1Hjkf2aUXQM%3A%3BEiYJMF6FE9hXSM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.zachhegwood.com%252Fimages%252Fbassstuff%252Fschroeder01.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.talkbass.com%252Fforum%252Ff127%252Ffender-bassman-yorkville-400b-schroeder-1515l-657804%252F%3B540%3B720"]http://www.google.se...52F%3B540%3B720[/url] I have never tried or heard Shroeder cabs other than from their website,where they all sound very much Jaco Pastorius-like low-mid focus,and not much bottom end.But ofcourse things are different in real life.And this cab is obviously different then.Not sure they even had a soundclip of the 1515L.So I'm sure it sounds as good as you say. I'll look into what is said on talkbass also as it gets quite good reviews there too. The thing is though that I'm kind of set on Tecamp and don't want to have too much to choose from. I know what they sound like roughly and just can't say what size of cab is needed.I have narrowed it down to Tecamp so to speak. What they seem to have is an extreemly smooth and even sound with quite round low end.But as I said I'll try to find out how the 1515L sounds like too. -
I have an Ampeg SVT CL. I have had a quick listen to a Tecamp 2x15 which had a very soft and even lowend (good) and almost a bit muffled sound in the mids(not so good).It was completely free from booming sound,which I liked. Maybe the Tecamp 10" or 12" cabs has more even midrange but also some of that punchy soft lowend.Don't know. I'm looking for a cab that is quite small so that I can use the head fully even in medium sized rooms. Also,wide enough for the head.Maybe a Tecamp M210 on it's side? Suggestions?
I haven't tried BF,Aguilar DB(not enough anyway),Bergantino so that leaves some great builders out,but the best I've tried yet must be Mesaboogie Carbine combo/powerhouse 2x12.Same soft warm sound as Peavey TVX but moreopen,responsive and evensounding.
[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1360005891' post='1963472'] Can't determine which is which in the pics... but hope it is wide enough to take a normal head. [/quote] +1
I tried an Ashdown head and two cabs once.Can't remember what series.It sounded like someone put it through an eq,and the two more eq's with different setting.Totally uncontrollable and the most uneven,un natural sound I can remember.
I use one 2x15(+6") for loud gigs and 2x12 for more quiet ones.The aim is to be able to use the SVT CL head as often as possible,with the smallest cab possible but able to handle the SVT.
[quote name='Sean' timestamp='1359057743' post='1949278'] Money no object. Uncompromised tone is everything. Weight is not an issue. Size is not an issue. Cab size/weight not an issue. Price of spares not an issue. Maintenance not an issue. Now that I've hacked out a lot of subjectivity... What is the best bass amp ever made? [/quote] SVT CL + Peavey 8x10
[quote name='eddiehoffmann' timestamp='1358587725' post='1941665'] Why does 90% of bass gear videos always have someone slapping away at the speed of light with a ridiculously trebly tone? I'm playing bass professionally for 15 years and not once I was asked by engineers, musical directors, or band members for a sound like that. In what style of music does one use this kind of bass sound? Honest question. [/quote] +1 I agree 100%
Very decent post Billy Apple! Absolutely no need for apologising in my opinion. I will confess ,I haven't heard the new Matamps with their new transformers,only the older one.I hope they could put up some kind of soundsamples on the website.
I agree with Musicman20. The Matamp GT200 is a great amp and really well built.But it does not sound like an Orange AD200MK3.Try for your self and see what you like.
[quote name='talkinganimals' timestamp='1349774562' post='1830225'] So as I thought I didn't really have much time at all to play with this before the show but I ended up leaving the VT out of my chain and having the CL set with pretty high gain, bass at about 10 o'click (seemed a little boomy otherwise), mid-freq 4 boosted a touch, and treble at about 2 o'clock. It didn't really sound how I was hoping to be able to sound, but it was pretty OK and cut through the mix nicely. Thanks for all the input, much appreciated. [/quote] I know it can sometimes sound quite raw or boring,or boomy,especially on lower volume.The sound always seems to work well in the mix like you said,or on higher volume(above 12 o'clock on Gain and Master) though IME.It also seems to depend alot what tubes are in it.And the cab. Proper tubes,proper cab and on higher volume it's the ultimate amp IMHO.But on the other hand,there are lots of other amps that might be better for you.
By everything flat I meant everything 12 o'clock.It's real simple because there is just Bass,Mid and treble.The sound stays about the same just more bass,mid or highs.Dialing in the amount of gain is also just as easy.
I agree with Mr.Foxen.You will probarbly like the sound better in the Superbass. Thunderider,I don't know what your Laney amp sounds like,and I haven't tried the superbass too many times either,but I would guess the powersections would give you a big difference in sound. I had a Laney amp 150watts a long time ago and it didn't seem all that powerfull in the lows.(Could be different offcourse with your current amp). Almost all (all)tubeamps I have tried has much more meat in the sound making them sound big.On the other hand ,many solidstate/hybrid amps I've tried doesn't have that meat.(Silly word I know but I can't come up with much better,sorry) I mean,solid state could sound loud ofcourse,but that's often just parts of the sound and not where the bassguitar is the loudest IMHO.
[quote name='bassickman' timestamp='1338301894' post='1672368'] Looking at an Ampeg SVT CL with an SVT 410HLF? Thoughts? [/quote] My imediate thought is,you can't get much more bottomend punch from an amp than an SVT CL,so you don't need much help from the cab at all. I think Ampeg SVT cabs are great and a bit underrated sometimes,and they fit the sound of the SVT head well. Before I was using 200w tube heads (Orange AD200MK1 and Matamp GT200)and had to get very particular(big) cabs to get enough punch down there,then I bought an SVT CL and can now use a very small cab compared to before. If you're looking for massive lowend,it's another world compared to micro heads and lightweight solidstate heads IMHO. Sure,the head is very heavy,but if you don't have to carry that head around and minimize the lifting,it's not that bad.(Perhaps a case on wheels). The SVT CL head hasn't got much more than one sound,so if you want a little more possibillities you could get an SVT II Pro.(Make sure it's in good shape tough). If you want a little less in your face ampeg tone you could try some other cabs with the head ofcourse. Personally,I don't like the tweeter in the HLF cabs,otherwise they're great,but that's my personal opinion though.
As I said,hope you find your sound. You seem to have found good places to look for it,and I'm sure you'll find the right gear.
Theobass88,Could I make suggestion.As you have a bass that probarbly sounds like the bass used by the Obscura bassplayer in the clip,maybe even checking out what strings he is using,may I suggest an Ampeg SVT II Pro with a hifi sounding cab? That amp has very warm,clear,defined lowend,eq,and a drive knob to make the sound even smoother.It also has about as much output volume as you can get from a tubeamp.I know there are louder tubeamps,but not nessesarily with that sound you are after,unless ofcourse if you use the Hellborg preamp and a massive poweramp.Expensive! Also,you could ask someone like silentfly at sfxsound perhaps about making the sound even more defined: [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=micro_thumpinator"]http://www.sfxsound....cro_thumpinator[/url] Only suggestions,hope you find the sound. Edit:One benefit if you use a Crown poweramp or something wellmade I've heard that they are really good at killing the signal when there is no sound so to speak.A tube amp lingers on long after you have hit the string in comparison,and there is unwanted sound between the notes. I've heard this from Tommy Folkesson,a Swedish tech who is famous for rebuilding guitarpreamps. So maybe your own suggestion is pretty much dead on,by the way.
[quote name='gub' timestamp='1328123325' post='1522248'] Looking for something a boit smaller than my big trace just for rehersals ,what do you guys think would be a minumum bearing in mind its with a drummer too . [/quote] Minimum:200w tube and good medium sized cab,or 100w tube and very good big cab.
I would keep them there if I were you.Sorry I can't help you with info about them,other than that I've heard good things about some Fane speakers used in basscabs.Not much help there,as different speaker is different and can't prove that every Fane speaker is great for bass.Hiwatt is using some kind of Fane speakers,right?Maybe it's similar? Anyway,if they sound good,keep them.I would.
[quote name='Amazoman' timestamp='1325284286' post='1481870'] The tech is a top man, highly recommended. It was John Chambers from Champ Electronics in Nottingham. I did have a problem originally with the power tubes which was caused by a cracked tube and air getting inside. This had the effect of taking a second tube out as apparently they work in pairs. When those tubes were replaced and biased John found a small black line of (I can't remember what he called it!!) material that was linking two of the power tube bases together on the board and causing one tube to discharge all of its volts into another. This he cleaned off and everything power wise was fine. All of this was checked using an oscilloscope and meters. There was no need to look at the preamp stage for any of this repair. He said it looked like the amp had been worked on before and this material should have been cleaned away and was the root cause of my original problem. He did this work as I waited and watched, absolutely fascinating. He kept inviting me to look through his workbench magnifier to see exactly what he was talking about. With regard to 'was this hum there before he worked on it' I expect so but I don't actually know because the amp developed the problem with the power tubes within half an hour of me taking ownership of the amp. (See previous post). [/quote] OK,the tech seems to be a great guy.I guess as said by others here ,see if it's the preamptubes.If not,I would call the tech and ask if he could help you again. I've not been very helpful here,sorry.Im' not very good at the technical stuff,if I were maybe I could help.Hope it works out well for you.