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Everything posted by Anders

  1. [quote name='Amazoman' timestamp='1325265493' post='1481543'] I am an absolute novice with regard to valve amps and the characteristics of the different valves. The stock valves that come with the AD200 are 6550's. From what I have read they do start to break up and give that gritty driven sound quite early on when driving the gain when compared to KT88's. When I spoke to the amp tech about this and that I was after a smoother tone, and as I was having it revalved anyway, he suggested KT100's. His reasoning was that they are very similar to a KT88 but in his terms a little beefier I assume he meant more robust, The tone that I am getting from them is just what I was looking for but I'm not driving them hard as I said in a previous post I am only using the amp in the bedroom currently so I certainly don't want any masonary falling down. Just a final question in the pre amp stage the amp takes two ECC83 and one ECC81. I can get the ECC83's locally and save on posting but not the 81. Could I put 3 ECC 83's in as their characteristics look to be the same when I've searched the internet. The 83 are high gain the 81 medium gain thats the only difference I can find. [/quote] Just thought I would add,I haven't heard any Orange AD 200MK3 owners say there is a hum in their amps.So probarbly something wrong with,hopefully a preampvalve,as said.Did the humming start right after you had it at the tech?Not to critisise him,but is he a well known,experienced with valve amps?Either you had just bad luck with the preamptube or whatever broke right after he had it,or he might have done not a pefect job.Otherwise he would have heard it. Again,I'm just asking,not blaming the tech.
  2. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1324479436' post='1474769'] Not all pre-amps benefit much from a valve change. A number of manufacturers design out the valve characteristics to keep control of the variables. Valves can vary incredibly, even from the same batch from the same manufacturer (yes even NOS Mullards!) you'll quite often get 1 really good one to about 4 ok ones to about 6 not so good. To combat this, and keep the sound consistent, a lot of the characteristics of individual valves are designed out of the amp circuit to some extent. That way everyone gets a valve sound, but if the valve in there is one of the not-so-good ones you'll still get a good pre-amp sound. Some amps really drastically change when you swap valves (Mesa I know do), with others its difficult to tell the difference between a Tung-Sol and a Telefunken because they have designed it to work that way. So before you go spending a fortune on cryogenically treated NOS military spec hi-fi valves, i'd try a couple of cheaper/free ones and see if you notice any differences first... I don't know if you'll ever lose the 'Orange' sound just by replacing the pre-amp valves, Orange have quite a distinct growly tone to them which some love, others do not. [/quote] Thanks for the tip. I have tried some other preampvalves before in the Orange AD200MK1 that were cheaper and it didn't change the sound very much.But,all those valves had a soundcharacter that enhanced the sound that is already there.They had a vintage,warm sound (which is already there) but now as I'm going for something that is more even and tight and not the dreaded boomy,muddy-around 80-150Hz -and mids sound which is part of the vintage sound.I'm going to take a chance(and have ordered )from TAD a pair of good tubes.If it works it works. I realise changing preamptubes doesn't change the tone much in some amps,but in some amps it does it seams. As i'm trying to change the character a bit maybe some difference can be heard.Atleast Tubeampdoctor is a well known dealer and hopefully doesn't sell tubes without testing them first,atleast there will be some good tubes in the amp.We'll see. I'm sure the Orange sound is still going to be there by the way.Maybe a bit tighter lowend atleast.
  3. [quote name='BB3000S' timestamp='1324246252' post='1472281'] Hey Anders, Yes, it's a small world innit? (But your nick on PB is something else right?) I was really surprised about the difference when I first changed to the GE ones, but at that time I only had one SVT-IIp so I didn't think too much about it. Just play and be happy you know. When I got the second one I hooked them both up to my power amp so I could do some proper A/B switching between them and that made it very obvious how different they sound. They both sound like an SVT-IIp though, so I would definitely expect your Orange to maintain the Orange character, but for sure it's worth a try and my bet is you will hear a difference depending on what tubes you feed it with. Good luck! [/quote] Many thanks. Your information is excactly what I was hoping to find. My nick on PB is Anders too.I use it on every forum but I know there is a Ton of Anders' on PB so it might seem a bit presumtuous.Wasn't my meaning,I'm just lazy.
  4. [quote name='BB3000S' timestamp='1324239932' post='1472226'] I've got two Ampeg SVT-IIp preams, one with NOS GE 5751's and one with something else, haven't opened it up. The difference is incredible, with the GE both holding together the low end better and with a top end clear as summer morning dew. It's a difference that is totally obvious also in a band setting. [/quote] Hey hello!I know you from the Swedish forum. Very interresting! Thanks! I didn't expect that big changes from a preamptube,and maybe that tube gives similar result in the Orange amp.Definitly worth a try then.
  5. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1324218991' post='1471903'] See if you can grab a nos GE 5751 , specifically the medical grade triple mica on black plates. A veritable HiFi banquet! Bit pricey but you'll be rewarded with crisp clarity that won't be out of place in home HiFi. [/quote] Thanks, I'm going to use it for my bass amp but I bet it works good there too. I've read lots of good reviews about that tube.Maybe it's more flat than the Philips JAN 5751 as said on the watfordvalves page. http://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=1784
  6. Sorry,no shots of my own but similar: http://www.dustblow.com/ad200b/ Thanks.Do you know of a good store who has those? I've seen them mostly on ebay. Something like this perhaps? http://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=630 http://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=1784 http://www.tubeampdoctor.com/en/shop_TAD_Tubes_amp_Accessoires_NOS_Rare_amp_Vintage/JAN_5751_NOS_USA_475
  7. OK,valves again.I'm looking for very good valves that has a full,tight clear sound and evenness of tone.Hifi I guess. My current sound is too vintage,and too warm and a bit muddy in the lows and mids. It's for my Orange AD 200 MK1 which uses 1 ECC81 and 1 ECC83(or similar). I have tried TAD 7025 S Mullard style,JJ's,one Harma,one RFT and some more,looking for a warm sound.Now I want to try the opposite. What have you tried and can recommend?
  8. As said,and I agree,it's the difference between a good tubeamp compared to many solidstate amps.It's probarbly because of the headroom and the transformers or whatever. I don't know any amp able to deliver that kind of nonmuddy,firm,punch-through lowend without effecting any other area. The Orange AD200 MK3 can also but not nearly the same amount. My experience of using an SVT is that it doesn't have to sound so loud from your amp and cab.You will hear yourself anyway,even if you don't use tons of mid or whatever to punch trough like you would have to from many other amps.It sits well in the mix and the main part of the sound is down where the bassguitar is.So,that leaves room for the others and you're not competing with them,you are making music with them. Atleast that is how I see it anyway with the rocktone i'm after. Edit: And with the meat in that amp you don't always need that big cab.
  9. [quote name='nash' post='1140127' date='Feb 24 2011, 06:32 PM']looked into [url="http://www.morganamps.com/amps/mp200/mp200.php"]Morgan Amps[/url]?[/quote] Slave,if you're looking around anyway,not completely settled on Matamp there is the Reeves Custom 225. Made in the US.As you're going to buy from overseas anyway.. Maybe you have looked at that already? [url="http://www.reevesamps.com/custom225.htm"]http://www.reevesamps.com/custom225.htm[/url] And some reviews: [url="http://www.reevesamps.com/assets/articles/bassGearCustom225.pdf"]http://www.reevesamps.com/assets/articles/...arCustom225.pdf[/url] [url="http://www.reevesamps.com/assets/articles/51807_eprint.pdf"]http://www.reevesamps.com/assets/articles/51807_eprint.pdf[/url]
  10. Cool sound of the band!
  11. [quote name='slave' post='1117331' date='Feb 6 2011, 07:00 AM']You're pretty much right. ...... unless I have a tube die, or a fuse repeatedly blow at a rehearsal space or venue (both have happened) Another amp on hand is something i'm leaning towards, and it would also mean I could use the slave for keys or guitar or even vocals. I have tried and/or rehearsed through SVT2pro, modern SVT-CL and once tried the Orange AD200B. Done recording through a vintage 70's SVT. I liked all of them, but been unable to do a back-to-back. A lot of retailers over here are a bit protective of their big bass amps, and don't like people trialling them if you don't flash the cash. I like all of what I've heard so far, but leaning towards the Orange compared to the SVT-CL, bearing in mind I've only been able to use the SVT2pro with the band. A vintage SVT for sale is something pretty well impossible to find where I live...... The ORange's [b]power tubes resting on the PCB[/b] has me wondering how long the amp will actually last with those hot 45 degree days running at full whack, and knowing how hot my slave gets.... Not knowing about the Matamp, been very keen to find more info about them. [i]I guess this is what has me most interested.[/i] So the Orange has a little more depth whilst clean, but at louder volumes or using high gain the bottom breaks up to mush? Is this comparable to the old OR120 on bass? - which I have used with the band. Very cool amp, but suffered the same broken up bottom which made it something awesome, yet not awesome at the same time. ......so I guess my real question is; [size=3]Is the difference in the bass "depth" whilst playing clean-ish or slightly overdriven, at band stage\rehearsal volumes enough to justify buying one over the other? - or is it only very minimal?[/size] [size=1][i]BTW - my main cab is a sealed Berg NV412.[/i][/size][/quote] As you've tried the OrangeAD200MK3 you know how deep the bass of that amp is,atleast compared to the other Ampeg heads you tried.In my opinion,the Ampeg 300w tube heads(I've tried 2 different SVT II PRO,SVT,that I can think of.They all are able to deliver bottom end punch I've never heard any other amp do.Including Orange AD200MK3 because the Ampegs are louder. The Orange AD200MK3 goes deeper than a Matamp GT200(standard and untweaked)Also the bottomend is more firm on that Orange. As I've said before(probarbly)I asked Jeff at Matamp about more lowend,deeper and firm.He then said that would bring the total output down a bit but it was possible. Let's say very roughly the Orange AD200MK3 is 150w clean,the Matamp GT200 200w or (slightly less if you want more and lower bass)the Ampeg II PRO 250+and SVT, I don't know is it even louder?I haven't compared it side by side to any of the others,only read about what others found. That's what I heard when I tried the Matamp and Ampeg side by side and Matamp and Orange side by side. If I were you,having that cab and tried the amps you have tried,I would go with what I know works:Ampeg or Orange if you think it will be loud enough. I thought about the construction of the OrangeMK3 too,but I haven't heard too many people owning them complain,so. Just to be clear,this is my opinion of what I have heard and experienced.You might have different oppinion.
  12. Slave,so none of these are avaliable for you to try them? Which ones have you heard or tried? If it comes down to tone alone,the choice is very much up to your taste,in other words it might be really hard for others to help as everyone has their own taste. Edit: You were basically asking about Matamp GT200 sound.I read your post more closely now.My bad. Look at Jonthebass link.
  13. How low does the low and mid sweep knobs go?Do you know between what frequencies in the bass,low and mid?(I'm more interrested in altering the lower half of the sound.) Is it boost/cut in 5 areas but 3 of them you can choose the frequency?Or am i way off? By the way I live in Sweden,would you ship it here?
  14. I have the same V4BH and i'm never selling it,but that's me.I particularly like that head because of the lowend punch.I use it with 12" and 15" speakers that can go low.I know the box you have goes low too,i have tried it,but it still is 10"speaker-sound.If possible,try a 12 or 15"cab with good sensitivity(high output)in a store with your amp.Or Barefaced for instance.I've heard they are efficiant.
  15. Brave move! I agree.Great thing. 300w with good oldschool punch.Many eq possibillities. 1 or2 midfrequency sweeps.Basically Ampeg svt but better tonalpossibillities.Good transformers.
  16. [quote name='billyapple' post='1050083' date='Dec 7 2010, 03:02 AM']I know, you are right. I've tried out Orange at GAK in Brighton, and love them, I've yet to try Matamp, but their London dealer is not too far from me, so soon as. I realise that its all down to me, but with it involving a not inconsiderable amount of money, its good to get as much ammo as you can[/quote] If you love the Orange,get it. I would not advise you to buy the Matamp without trying it out,that's the whole point with their amps by the way.Try it,have them tweak it to your liking. I had about the same thoughts you have.I tried an Orange AD200MK3,loved it.Then i heard about Matamp being handbuilt,no circuitboard and so on.And that the Matamp would be insanely loud. I bought a Matamp in standardversion without trying it.(I live in Sweden)It sounded very different to the Orange,more like a Mesa/Boogie.It was a bit louder but with 2 cabs the Orange is loud too. Yes the Matamp is VERY well built,compared to the Orange,but the Orange might be good enough.In the end it's all about what it sounds like IMHO,so try the Matamp,you know what the Orange sounds like.
  17. Try them out yourself.There is no better way for you to find out. You might even find out you like something else even better.The Matampfactory in Huddersfield isn't insanely far away and i'm sure there's got to be a store nearby selling Orange.
  18. As I'm going to use the eq between the bass and the amp. Just a stupid question. If I use something like this,probarbly made to be used in pa-systems or studio,the signal into the input on the amp would be too hot,right? [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/media/2c0a3423381641259fba9b7077e4b481.pdf"]http://www.tcelectronic.com/media/2c0a3423...b7077e4b481.pdf[/url] or this one for instance: [url="http://www.dod.com/graphiceqs/sr431.htm"]http://www.dod.com/graphiceqs/sr431.htm[/url] I guess you can tell I'm not a big user of pedals.
  19. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1028001' date='Nov 18 2010, 06:04 PM']I tried one - and the Boss EQ20. I bought the EQ20. I thought it sounded better, and having presets was excellent.[/quote] I saw it on the website.Probarbly very good and very easy to use if you're using different sounds. I need something to tweak just a few frequenzies and not affect the sound too much.
  20. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='1027261' date='Nov 17 2010, 11:02 PM']IMO it is a good graphic equalizer. I think a graphic equalizer is the kind of pedal every musician should keep in his toolbox. Even even if I don't use it I don't think I'll never sell it.[/quote] I guess I agree with you on that. I had a look at your homepage.Really nice pedals!
  21. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='1027083' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:08 PM']It is part of my pedalboard (i.e. between bass and amp) but to be honest, I don't use it much. It will be the next pedal to be removed. Not unexpectedly, I use [sfx] EQs that I design and build. More specifically I use the Micro-EQ and the AY2.[/quote] AAAH,You're building pedals.I never got that till now.Sorry. I will have a closer look at your pedals. I tried the MXR 10-band EQ today in a store.(On a Peavey VB-2 and Peavey 8x10)It kind of worked like i thought it would. The 32Hz band was hardly noticable,62Hz band was good for getting soft low-bass-punch,125Hz was right in the area where the boom-sounds usually comes,250Hz was a bit too high to get to the boom-frequenzies.I was kind of missing a band between 125 and 250.You had to be really careful when boosting or cutting as it seemed pretty powerful,and ofcourse affected the setting on the amp. Silent Fly,what do you think,you seem to know quite a bit about this,is the MXR 10-band EQ all i can hope for ? It has bands nearly where i want them to be and above all the in and outsignal is suitable to be used between the bass and the signalinput of the amp.Compared to a studio/pa rackmounted mono 15 band eq atleast. As i said,I will ofcourse have a look at your pedals too.
  22. [quote name='Finbar' date='Nov 17 2010, 01:56 AM' post='1026498'] 40-50Hz? Woah. I wouldn't be accentuating that, I'd be high-passing that out. I have this pedal, but I've never used it. I know that isn't too helpful :/ [/quote I know it sounds stupid to boost(or rather,not cut)40-50Hz,or on the MXR it would be 62,5Hz,but the booming sound i have encountered seems to be higher in frequency.The Orange head i'm using could need some help with a little deeper bass and less at around 100-200Hz.It doesn't have as much of the deepest bass as the Orange AD200MK3 head. So the plan is probarbly to cut 31Hz,boost 62Hz,cut 125Hz or 250Hz on the MXR 10band eq.
  23. I was also actually looking for a parametric eq to be able to dial in the exact frequency that creates booming sound in different rooms but i can't find anyone that has one band around 100-200Hz and still have one band in the 40-50Hz area to accent low-bass punch. So i thought this one might work. How do you use it? In an effectsloop or before the signal input in the amp? (Or maybe it's very quiet)
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