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Everything posted by Anders

  1. Guess not....
  2. I have the AD200MK1 it has a little bit more headroom and output compared to the MK3.Also,the bass isn't as deep(very small difference)as the MK3. I have tried a few cabs to hear if the Orange-sound is still there without orange-cabs.Here's what i found:Most of them do make it sound like Orange. Except ,Ampeg SVT(classic)cabs,they don't work so well,they sound like Ampeg. The cabs i tried that sounded the most similar to the Orange cabs was Peavey TVX 410 and 115. EBS classic410 worked well.And ofcourse the Orange cabs. You can use any kind of non colouring cabs and get the Orange to sound like it does.It's not the Orange cabs that makes the Orange sound,it's the head. That's my experience anyway.
  3. I'm thinking about this one: [url="http://www.jimdunlop.com/index.php?page=products/pip&id=248"]http://www.jimdunlop.com/index.php?page=pr.../pip&id=248[/url] I have an Orange AD200MK1 head with no effectsloop and i plan to use it before the signal input in the amp. Like this:Bass-EQ-Amp I've read alot of reviews from people using it when playing guitar but not alot about how they work with a bass amp. Is anyone using this?
  4. [quote name='duke of prunes' post='1007600' date='Oct 31 2010, 07:41 PM']i took out the Berg 15 for the gig last night (powered by the iAmp500) had been gigging regularly with 2 Berg 1x12s, mainly because of ease of transport. the 15 is the practice space amp because... the 15 is a beast. 60lbs of beast. but. it sounded fantastic. big huge round bottom end. the 1x12s just can't do it the same way. i'm a convert. the 15 it is from here on out.[/quote] Of what i've heard people say,that Bergantino (HT115 ?) 15 inch speaker is one of the best liked there is.On top of beeing a 15 inch,that is Congratulations!
  5. [quote name='umph' post='960866' date='Sep 19 2010, 02:48 AM']tone stack in the matamp is much more flexible if you know how to use it. The orange is also voiced for more low mids, so it'll generally sound like theres more bass going on. Matamp are technophobes best way about it is phoning jeff up and having a bit of a chat[/quote] I have owned one GT200 which was unaltered soundwise exept for some extra clean headroom. I tried all possible settings but i cloudn't get less mids without loosing clarity on top for instance. And with bass i mean bass,not low mids.It simply doesn't go as low as the Orange AD200MK3. Ofcourse you can call Jeff and speak to him.I did that before buying mine.He told me that I really needed to come over and try it to really know what it sounds like.I should have gone there and tried it before i bought it.
  6. They don't have the same sound though,so if you like the Orange AD200MK3 it's not certain you will like the tonalpossibillities or sound of the Matamp GT200.The Matamp doesn't have a mid level and the Orange has meetier and deeper bass imo.You might be able to tell them to make the bass more full when ordering the Matamp but then you would get a little lower output.Atleast that's what they told me. The GT200 isn't on their homepage no,and i don't understand that either.
  7. I don't understand why people say the Orange AD200 MK3 can do 200w clean.The only thing i have read from people who has checked it is that it doesn't.It's more like 150w at most. Here for instance: [url="http://www.chambonino.com/work/miscguitar/misc9.html"]http://www.chambonino.com/work/miscguitar/misc9.html[/url] But,those 50w or whatever isn't much difference anyway.It has a meaty powerful,(full and bassy),sound so it sounds big.The efficiency of the cab makes up for it,almost. Believe me i have tried an AD200MK1,Matamp GT200 and AD200MK3 side by side.The MK1 and Matamp is louder but the MK3 has a tiny bit deeper bass. The Matamp and MK3 can distort about the same(maybe i found the Matamp distortion a bit more interresting),but the Matamp could get really loud when distorted and the bottom end was still there,where as the MK3's bottomend diappeared when it broke up. Edit: If you want full bottom end but a broken up sound you could get a box with the AD200MK3 that leaves the lowend clean.I'm no big user of boxes so i coudn't tell you what to get.Sorry.
  8. [quote name='nash' post='916769' date='Aug 6 2010, 11:16 AM']I'm literally asking if there are any common mods where the general consensus is that it makes the amp sound even better.[/quote] If you do a search on the orange forum for AD200 there are some people talking about changing preamp tubes mostly for more headroom before breakup.Also swaping 6550's to KT88's. I have an older one AD200MK1.I have changed the Powertubes and pre tubes.It made almost no difference at all in the sound.The only noticable difference was the output volume got a little bit lower(very little)and the lowend got a little bit cleaner/even sounding/focused. But the sound(the voicing) didn't change one bit. I changed from Electro Harmonix 6550 to Svetlana winged C 6550.And from JJ to ECC83-RETRO/HARMA CRYO-BALANCED (Harma) ECC81/12AT7/RFT-BALANCED (RFT ). I got recommended by watford valves to buy these tubes to get more focused but still warm sound,and that's what i got. I'll say one thing if you want to change the sound,try different strings,that can give much bigger difference in sound imo.
  9. Anders


    I like the cabs.Just curious.Have you tried these cabs with a different amp? I have only tried the 2x15.It was almost too pillowy sounding to my taste. The HF speakers were quite unique sounding i think.
  10. Of what i have heard/read the 400 is pretty much the same as Buster200 soundwise and not much louder(I have tried one once).I had a buster to a tech who said it delivered 150w so i don't know.It's probarbly difficult to hear the difference between 200w with lots of lowend dialed in and 150w with lots of agressive mids at two different occations. I have also heard/read that 400+ is about 300w.I'm not shure about this though. My point is,if you hear a 400+ which probarbly is a bit louder than the 400 and you have lots of agressive midrange in the sound,you would probarbly think the 400+ is 500w or whatever partly because of the agressive sound.I don't know how Mesa has measured the 500w or if it's peak power,but it would be really interresting to try them both side by side. By the way,what is the sounddifference between the 400 and 400+? Is it possible to get alot of lowend punch (SVT-like) out of the 400+?
  11. Congratulations! That must be a happy birthday then!
  12. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='840899' date='May 18 2010, 03:30 PM']Hmmmm at this point not sure it may be the more bassy voicing, they are quick mods that can be done when I collect it so I'll wait and see. I've had a lot of involvement with Matamp so they know what I'm after. I am so excited right now between this and my new bass [/quote] Well,you are getting what you want then,so you don't have to care.Perfect!
  13. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='837316' date='May 14 2010, 04:52 PM']As sent to Matamp [b]Amp internals[/b] Slave output (I’ll provide db,v and ohm shortly, unless we can tune this around completion) Standard output on DI with a view to possibly removing the pot and resistor. Preset switch to switch depth, bass, treble and presence controls to internal trim pots. Gain and volume to stay controlled on the front panel Preset switch to be labelled as TaySte If possible I’d like the preset switch to be a big heavy duty one like the power switch located next to either Power or Standby Switch to turn front panel light off Standard depth control but extra caps to allow for more bass from the Low A I play. Gain is to be a pot not 4 position click [b]Aesthetics[/b] Red headcase with chrome hardware inc front handles (This should be sat around from before Bassday) Blackface plate with red writing Glowing Green Matamp logo (The 3d cinemascope one [url="http://file017b.bebo.com/4/large/2006/09/27/12/12216502a2118822541b795756287l.jpg)"]http://file017b.bebo.com/4/large/2006/09/2...795756287l.jpg)[/url] But it only has to glow in 2d. Custom made for Ste “TaySte” Taylor Circles around inputs to be red Hi Lo inputs to be renamed Active Passive depending on which one has the resistor on it[/quote] Cool! Congratulations. So,as said i think,you're getting the standard voicing of the sound then.(Not the more bassy version)?
  14. Uzzell,you get first hand experience from algmusic.Try it. I have only tried the SP212.Same thing but 12s i suspect. I tried it in the store with an Orange AD200 full blast.There was very full and warm sound,great bottom end. BUT,the SP212 was litteraly consuming the power of the amp!! The total output was probarbly half of the OBC 115 or OBC410.I know the 4x10 is louder than the 1x15 but there was a big step down to the SP212 from both of them. Also,the SP212 is a bit more uneven in the respons.(A few notes was peaking noticably louder) I'd say it is pretty good as a studiocab,or very small and quiet gigs.But not rock n' roll soundlevels. Anyway,the SP210 might be totally different,or your needs compared to mine so why not try it.
  15. Thanks Musicman20. Yes,the OBC115 is supposed to have an Eminence Kappa inside.Eventhough a few apparently have found an Eminence Delta when they actually looked inside.(The Delta has a warmer more even respons but it's not cabable to handle as many watts as the Kappa in the bassregion when used in the obc115 box). I haven't looked inside mine because then it would probarbly be seen as used,by the store. Also,i agree as you said,the AD200MK3 head and OBC115 is supposed to break up,they are a perfect match and the cab is helping to get the more distorted sound you from that head. But,my AD200MK1 head doesn't distort when breaking up,it bludders(i don't know the word in English)it sounds brrrrr,not bzzzz,so to speak and it has alot more headroom than MK3. The sound i get with the OBC115 is Bdddddd(sounds terrible). I'm looking for more clean sound anyway and i'm really happy with the MK1 head. I have read the Tom Bowlus tests,thanks for posting them. The Markbass is just a longshot,the store-guy offered to bring it to the store for a try.I'll see when i try it. Hiwatt overpriced,yes i would say so,they want about twice the money compared to the Orange,so it better be good!(A box with one speaker) But i don't care that much.If it's good enough i won't be selling it and buying other stuff,then it's worth it. Oh,and about Ampeg svt15en,i already have one.It doesn't sound Orange with the orange head,it sounds Ampeg.But works perfectly with my Ampeg v4bh head. In the end i will probarbly have to settle with the lower volume and keep the obc115,or get a new one from the store. I'm kind of surprised though that noone has tried orange head with Hiwatt cabs even in a store in it's homeland.
  16. Thanks for the replies guys. Have any of you tried the Orange AD200MK3(the current one) and a OBC115 cab? Even with that amp you get earlier distortion with the OBC115 than the OBC410. I have the MK1 wich is 200w or very close.The MK3 is not producing 200w.Maybe 150w. That's the whole thing. I was in the store,they had the MK3 head obc115 and obc410.I tried the 1x15 with that head,there was only a little distortion at 2/3 of the output(before breakup).Sounded fine,so i bought the cab. Then, when i tried the cab with my MK1 head in the studio it went brrrrrrrr at little over half the volume. There is very little distortion from that head.With a 500w 2x12 i can turn it up to 3 o'clock on gain and volume. I'm not making this up but the OBC115 bottoms out from a 200w amp,yes. Even the guy in the store confessed-you are not meant to run that cab alone with any orange AD200 head. My guess is that ,as the MK3 head is made to break up early,the obc115 will help giving distortion. But it doesn't fit the older MK1 heads apparently. Is the Hiwatt custom cabs avaliable in stores in UK,or is it just very few used ones occationally?
  17. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='835772' date='May 13 2010, 12:14 AM']How about adding another cab? Best way to get the sound you like but with more volume. Otherwise check out the Barefaced Compact / Big One, they can take lots of power before fartage sets in. Let me know if you want to sell the OBC115![/quote] I'm still going to get what i payed from the store,but I have to buy something else from them or ofcourse keep the orange 1x15.So,no refund. I'm looking for a big cab (2x15) and a small cab.This Orange cab was supposed to be the small cab and if not,the hiwatt/markbass?/EBS classic,or whatever they have in the store.That rules out the barefaced because they don't have that. The thing is,i really like the sound of that orange cab but it can't take more than 150w.
  18. Has anyone tried a Hiwatt se115 with Celestion or Fane speaker? I bought an Orange OBC115 and really like the rocksound with my Orange AD200MK1. But it farts out at a little more than half the volume. So,the guy at the store is offering me alternatives and can offer Hiwatt a cab. Anyone?
  19. Well.You would have to try the amp before you buy it right? So,what i would recommend for trying: -Orange AD200,obvious choice. -Ampeg SVT of any kind.(You try anyone of the 300w tubeheads,just to see if you like it,and be sure to buy an American made) -If you get a chance to try a Matamp it might work too. Lots of people say Matamp sound great,BUT,also,lots of people have have had them tweaked to their liking.So one doesn't have to sound the same as the other. My point.Listen to what you like,and buy that.Choose ONLY from what you have heard/tried your self.(With your bass and your finger so to speak)
  20. OK thanks
  21. [quote name='joegarcia' post='791433' date='Mar 31 2010, 03:09 AM']It really does sound better! The standard Marshall cabs aren't even that thick or heavy compared to the beastly Orange ones. I have two Marshall cabs, one standard 1960a and one oversized one from the Mode Four range with way thicker ply (built pretty much the same as the Orange PPC412). They both have the same speakers and the Mode Four one is much bigger and deeper sounding. Wins hands down.[/quote] Mode four range,What is that?Sorry for the ignorance. I guess i was a bit unfair saying Marshall's are bulky/heavy. Ampeg classic line aren't that lightweight either but they also have a great sound,like Orange for instance. But,Ampeg heritage is lighter.I have big hopes they sound as good as the standard svt classic.(I'm kind of interrested in the Heritage 410hlf cab.) I agree from experience that heavy/cabs with thick walls sound better.I have yet to hear a lightweight cab sound as good as a heavier one(atleast those i have tried,and i haven't tried Tecamp for instance). However,I have heard theories saying,cabs doesn't have to have that thick walls and can be braced interally to do the same job,ending up with less weight.And the new models from most companies seems to lean towards those more lightweight solutions.
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='791214' date='Mar 30 2010, 11:04 PM']"Neo-Dineum", looks like they've invented their own tech, only references I can find to it is orange cabs. I figured the weight I'd heard about was from ceramic drivers, looks like heavy woodwork though.[/quote] Yea,i don't know why they keep using such thick heavy boards compared to others.It's Orange and Marshall against the rest of the world If anyone has tried one of these cabs,please post....
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='791006' date='Mar 30 2010, 08:51 PM']Are they neo loaded? And what do you mean by 'plastic'?[/quote] [url="http://www.orangeamps.com/products.asp?Action=View&ID=111"]http://www.orangeamps.com/products.asp?Act...View&ID=111[/url] It says neo on the website. What i mean by plastic is the eveness of respons through the frequencies that is too even and too tight to sound natural/musical. Kind of the sound like you have a crappy limiter somewhere in the signal,when you're using a good tube amp and expect natural,breathing,warm sound.Instead the sound gets boxed in in a way that sounds artifitial. Not the best ways to put it but i hope you can imagine a little bit of what i mean.
  24. [quote name='discreet' post='789237' date='Mar 29 2010, 12:02 PM']Anyone actually heard these cabs apart from yorick? If they sound hot, I'm not too bothered about the physics [/quote] Second that,i'm kind of interrested in the actual sound of the actual cab.Especially the SP410. So,i can expect the sound of a 2x10 with lots of lowend for a 2x10,but does it sound plastic like other neo cabs,anyone? The OBC cabs have great warm rock sound.Are the neo's anywhere near that?
  25. [quote name='Chris Horton' post='785983' date='Mar 25 2010, 07:14 PM']Hi , I just want to sell the rig all together, id rather not get involved in sending stuff abroad Many Thanks Chris[/quote] OK,makes sense,i just took a longshot.
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