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Everything posted by Anders

  1. Chris,how much for just the 115 cab? Also,would you consider shipping to Sweden?
  2. I have used an ampeg svt15en alot with ampeg v4bh(100w). I can say it's got quite alot of mids and highs too,not enough for modern-sounding popping.But that's not the intention,it's oldschool sound but a bit more mids and highs than expected. I really like the sound of it,but you might think different. The only thing i would think about is that it's only 200w so be careful...
  3. ...Or the Ampeg heritage 410hlf. I don't know what it sounds like but seems to have the same specs. as the regular svt410hlf exept it weighs about 35kg and probarbly has a hell of a secondhandvalue. I know some German stores have them, www.thomann.de for one.
  4. [quote name='Jag_Bassist' post='732357' date='Feb 2 2010, 01:43 AM']cheers for the advice im gunna get in touch with the guy selling it seel if its a usa a model or a newer korean model but all that aside is 800 for a svt-av good? i cant seem to find to much info on this head let alone people selling it[/quote] If you REALLY want to be sure it's an USA.Ask him to take a picture of the serialnumber on the back of it.Then you call ampeg and ask.I got a real quick answer when i did that,i was checking one out on ebay. My not so professional opinion on the price is,if it's an USA -It's a very good price. If not- it could be one of the first ones from Korea and they were much cheaper new than the USA ones.So ,maybe not so good price.
  5. EBS Fafner perhaps? [url="http://www.ebssweden.com/"]http://www.ebssweden.com/[/url] Sounds alot bigger than i thought.-And i'm a fan of all valve-Ampeg svt sound.
  6. [quote name='Jag_Bassist' post='728121' date='Jan 29 2010, 12:24 AM']and just out of curiousity why is there such a hate towards new svt's?[/quote] I'm not sure it's hate.Just doubt about quality in the longrun.The newer are made in Korea or something in Asia,and the first ones atleast,made in Asia and not in USA had a few problems. I think they have moved to a different factory in Asia now and i think things are looking up. There are others with better info i'm sure. Also,they might not use the same components as the 2005-ish and older ones made in USA. I have heard people say the new ones sound the same as the USA made,but there are maybe some bad ones qualitywise. I hope some owners of AV and Classic can tell you more,they don't have the same layout as far as i know with drive-knobs/gain. I have an SVT IIpro USA made,myself.(just for info)
  7. [quote name='umph' post='727166' date='Jan 28 2010, 03:38 AM']mesa 400+ or matamp i wouldn't normally go for a newer svt but i guess the av would be the lesser of two evils.[/quote] Doesn't Matamp and mesa 400+ sound the complete opposite way from SVT? Perhaps the new bassier version of Matamp in that case? I agree on not buying newer ampeg though.
  8. It's around 300w at 4 or 8 ohms right? I have never tried the 400+ only Mesa 400 and i have owned a Mesa Buster 200.The mesa 200 and buster must be the same components,they sound very much the same. The sound of an Ampeg svt 300w(anyone of them)has a completely different sound to mesa 400/Buster.The mesas i have tried sounds MUCH more in your face,not so warm,very much string-on-fret-zing.And with a voicing more towards midrange and treble. If you dial in zero midrange,low on treble and high on bass you might get close to the same sound/voicing of an ampeg 300w. As i said,i haven't tried the 400+,only read just about all reviews there is and that still doesn't count for much compared to actually trying it,so ofcourse you should try it.But you might find it quite different to an svt.
  9. Based on what everyone owning Berg or Scroeder have said here i would go to the nearest shop and try those Bergantino. If you want more midrange than you hear from the bergantinos,don't buy them yet. I kind of envy you guys with those well sorted stores. You are way better off than us here in Sweden i can tell you.
  10. Hi I haven't tried any Shroeder cabs yet but i have read tons of reviews. www.talkbass.com reviews very often seem to come from midrange-fans (Jaco Pastorius-sound)and alot of them like the Shroeder cabs. As the cabs in those reviews often are with 10's and 12's maybe with a 15" in the mix produces a more balanced fullrange-sound.They seem to sound kind of tight and lowmid-and clearness in general. Please note,i'm just assuming this. I have been interrested in those too,but i haven't been convinced yet as i'm more into Ampeg/Orange/vintage lowend grunt rock kind of thing.
  11. [quote name='Conan' post='703317' date='Jan 6 2010, 10:28 PM']Hi Anders! What do I like? Tough one! There is so much new gear that I like the sound of (meaning that I like what I read), but I haven't actually tried ANY of it! I've had a few very kind offers from other Geordie Basschatters (cheers Bottom_endian and Warwickhunt!) to listen to and even try out their rigs, but the weather being what it is all of that is on hold! Thunderfunk sound awesome but way outta my league! I feel oddly drawn towards TC electronics.... and also BareFaced - but need to try out first. On the other hand, Ampeg ain't to bad to be starting with! Just need to get this band up and running so I can try it out at proper volumes! Sounds to avoid? Not many. I don't really do distorted, but I don't really like the excessively clean ("sterile") sounds either. My Status in particular has a very clean sound, so maybe needs a bit of "colouring up" from an amp/cab combination... I dunno! The more I think about it, the more the options paralysis (isnt that a great term?) sets in!! [/quote] You've got ampeg gear now right? Maybe if you use that a couple of times with the new band and try to find out what's missing. Ampeg SVT or SVTII pro (a big ampeg all tube head)will give you more lowend punch,fullness and volume/headroom and they will especially with an ampeg 8x10,or svt 410's or coupled with an ampeg hlf cab colour the sound even more than the hybrids.Even coupled with Peavey tvx cabs. If you want less ampeg colour but still the same general bassyness and not as loud,try an orange ad200 head with for instance ebs classic cabs. If you want even less ampeg sound,try tc electronics gear mentioned earlier(i haven't tried them myself). Otherwise there is tons of great stuff with different sounds.EBS Fafner head,Mesa carbine or what ever they're called,markbass and so on.
  12. If money wasn't an issue i would first of all have someone make me the ultimate Fender-ish 5string pbass.But for amp/cabs i would try out the Reeves custom 225 head,or use the Orange MK1 head i just bought,put some ridiculously expensive old tubes in it and go nuts with all the avaliable Bergantino,Orange,Mesa(EV),old Marshallcabs,and so on. This is not much help for you ofcourse. So,what do you like? What have you tried that you almost like? What sounds are you trying to avoid?
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='701622' date='Jan 5 2010, 04:16 PM']I must admit some of the really lightweight amps do lack the tone...but thats just me. I like a big powerful vintage rock tone, but I also like the smooth fast and warm Markbass tone....as it has massive lows with such tiny amp. The RH450 is the closest Ive ever heard a micro sound like a tube amp. So much I made myself skint to buy one. But, its not hugely light....its about 10lbs, but it feels substantial. Some of these micros probably weigh less than a large effects pedal. Like the obsession with stupidy small phones, it seems the market balanced out with a larger size but better features (iphone, etc etc). I think some of the 'inaccuracies' and 'colour' that certain cabinets add actually really make a lovely tone. Its finding one you like. I always liked the 90s Trace cabs...they arent perfect...but I like the sound. Not tested the latest ones....but I imagine I will still like them. I think the obsession with lightweight and complete accuracy/no colour of tone, actually led me to realise thats not for everyone. I tried it...and didnt really see the massive deal with it. Maybe it because of the tones I like, and the music I listen to. For instance, Ive always wanted a Warwick, but I tried one 'on', as well as a Spector, and they just do not suit me. Im an idiot because I cant see past the vintage style of basses. Each to their own though. Thats the fun![/quote] Very well put! I agree 100%. Lets say you have the perfect bass that suits you like a glove when playing.You might often need an amp and cab that together with the bass makes the sound you are really after. All three makes the colour or maybe just two.(Or if youre really lucky,just the bass,and you are happy to play through monitors or whatever.) The inaccuracies makes the colouring.Maybe a little bit more of a certain frequency or frequescies combined with a cab that projects the sound the way you like,makes the difference. Look at the Marshall JCM800 2x15 cab for instance,or Ampeg SVT.Maybe not so many manufacturers would build something like that today because they would find it ineffective for instance. And yet they have tons of fans.
  14. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='697326' date='Dec 31 2009, 06:49 PM']I'd read it as 350W RMS, 700W Peak - so I'd view it as a 350W cab. No more.[/quote] Same here.
  15. That sound has alot to do with playing technique.It sounds particularly in this recording like not the most hifi sounding bass going through not the most hifi amp and cab.And that the sound is from mic. and not lined. Otherwise doing the sound,to me sounds like he's plucking with the thumb,muting with the palm/side of the hand.Sounds like a Jazzbass,by the way.
  16. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='681569' date='Dec 11 2009, 09:11 PM']not sure about the 'same thump' but the b series definetly has amazing bottom end as well as plenty of top too[/quote] It wasn't my intention to tell you what your gear sound like/or the gear you have experience from.I was just trying to explain the difference in sound between b series and classic. As i've said i have only read about what others think about the difference between the two.I only know what the classic series sound like. So ,apparently you know better than me as you have tried the b series.Sorry.
  17. [quote name='bassjamm' post='679764' date='Dec 10 2009, 03:01 AM']I'm confused here...what's the difference between series and parallel when it comes to cabs? Is parallel taking a line out from the amp to 2 separate cabs, so 2 8 ohm cabs? And series, taking 1 line out to cab A, and then taking a line out of cab A and hooking it up to cab B? And if both were 4 ohm, you'd create an 8 ohm load? Forgive me if I'm asking some what elementary questions![/quote] If you have an SVT 2 and want classic sound it's probarbly easier with classic cabs. The B series have a different sound to classic cabs of what i know,not as old school. Perhaps someone who has more experience from both of them could tell you the difference in sound. I have only tried classic cabs,but i have read about people trying to get that same thump using B cabs not succeeding.
  18. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='671485' date='Dec 1 2009, 11:00 PM']I've owned a 1210L, a 1212L and a 410L and I wouldn't describe any of them as particularly vintage sounding. The 1210L and 1212L have a tight and punchy very mid prominent sound that is great for making yourself heard in a dense mix. The 410L has a very punchy sound but more balanced and without the honky mids but again not what I'd call vintage. I'm not sure that a small sealed box is ideal for getting a vintage sound although I'm no expert. Schroeder have started making various 15" configurations which may be what you're looking for, but as yet I've not heard of any over here. Why don't you try asking this question on TalkBass[/quote] Thanks for the info.Yes,i had my hopes for the 15"s.I thought maybe he had found some genious solution to make a small box sound big and vintage.I'll try talkbass.
  19. [quote name='pal1972' post='669643' date='Nov 30 2009, 01:44 AM']ive git the 1212L cab playing through an ashdown mag600 head into it and it sounds ace!!! can't really comment on the 'old school' sound but its very flexible and great sounding cab!!![/quote] Flexible, then it could be good at reflecting what is put into it.Perhaps. I'm kind of curious about some of his cabs that he says on the website to be vintage/oldschool.Mostly with 15 inch speakers. And i saw he has some new stuff too. The thing is,there is no one in Sweden who sells them,so i kind of have to ask around. So i apreciate your reply.Thanks.
  20. Has any one tried a cab from schroeder that sounds really old school/Vintage? I'm curious of those cabinets with lots of speakers in small space.
  21. [quote name='rodl2005' post='657553' date='Nov 18 2009, 01:19 AM']Hmmmmm I hadn't even considered the Harma 6L6GC's Are they the ones from Watford valves?? Anders- you say the JJ's are reliable- thats good!!! I've heard they're a darn good sounding tube too. Are U using the JJ 6L6GC ?? or a KT66 ??? Yeah I was thinking of grabbing a 6L6GC either 'Winged C' OR 'JJ', I guess I'll now throw Harma 6L6GC's into the mix,- especially as you say you noticed a vast improvement in the sound Dr. Thanx again. Rod[/quote] I'm using JJ 6L6. As i remember there wasn't that big difference in sound from the ones put in by the factory. As i said,the sound didn't make me want to throw a party or something.Maybe the lowest of the lows is rounder and fatter with other brands,and maybe there are warmer sounding tubes.But,it still delivers a good sound. I don't know if it's the 6L6 that makes the "glassy"sound in the hi mids,kind of the same heard in Mesa/Boogie amps.Just a smidge/a hint i mean.It might be the preamptubes,that i haven't changed yet.(Mine is bought new in 2004). Please note that i'm comparing the sound to an SVT,so it's not that strange that i'm looking for a bigger and warmer sound.Ofcourse, I know,there is a Whole different lowend punch,higher volume and drive/grind in an SVT but i use it as a refference what it almost could sound like.
  22. [quote name='doctorbass' post='657244' date='Nov 17 2009, 08:36 PM']My V4BH (AV) went from Sovtek 5881s to a quad of Harma 6L6GCs. The difference is fantastic (as is the addition of a Barefaced Vintage!) I took the advice that these amps like a 6L6GC specifically, and without costly testing of different types, I'd be inclined to go along with that advice.[/quote] Those Harma's are on my next shoppinglist too.Good to hear you're happy with them.
  23. [quote name='rodl2005' post='656648' date='Nov 17 2009, 10:13 AM']Yep another thanx from me to Colin B!!! Yep I'd read re & heard about the Winged C 6L6's -good idea! ANDERS-- what power tubes does your V4BH have in it?? I've heard of some shipping with Sovtek 6L6's mine had Sovtek 5881's, others with Svetlana 6L6's (NOT the Winged C's) Apparently the Winged C's are Not really Svetlana's or vice/versa... But the 'Winged C' tubes Def. have a "Winged C" on 'em Where the Svetlana's have that name only & NOP wings or C's [/quote] As you live in Australia,outside Europe by a few yards ,i'm not sure about the svetlana /winged C and so on,but i've heard it's easier to get the tubes made in Russia or tjeckoslovakia or where ever they are made if you buy them in Europe.Not sure.There is an american kind...ah i don't know. I use JJ's.Not the best sound perhaps but reliable,at least what i have heard,and it seems to be true of what i know. I wouldn't mind to get better sound if it's possible by just changing brand of tubes though,that's why i thought this thread would be interresting.I'm no expert though,sorry to say..
  24. Thanks from another v4bh owner.Real useful info!
  25. I sent a pm
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