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Everything posted by paulbass

  1. Hi i had a trace elliot 1210 combo which had a ah500 head in it.This too stopped working and showed the same symptoms as your amp.I had to write it off and it was only 3 years old. The tech i took it to was informed that because these amps are so compact inside static would be created causing arcing across the circuitry thus causing it to short everything out.I was told that trace elliot can prevent this from happening but once the damage is done its too late.There have been a few people on here with the same problem.....a common fault by the sounds of it.
  2. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1338816570' post='1679591'] Thanks. I have to say though, I do hate Trace Elliot. In fact there's 2 brands I was never able to get a good sound of personally, Trace and Ashdown, for the life of me I can't understand how so many people rate them. I've got on best with SWR and Hartke, followed by Ampeg (a bit too scooped) and GK (a bit too trebly). I haven't tried almost any other brand so this isn't worth much... [/quote] I have a Hartke 2000 bought it in the earlier 90's and gigged with it for 15 years,now gathering dust in the shed as i wore it out!.....great little workhorse.Never let me down and very powerful.I would say a RH450 and my old hartke have a lot in common in the way they perform and let the sound of the bass be heard without adding too much colour.The range in the tones are also quite similiar.
  3. Hi i've been a massive fan of trace elliot amps and used to have a 1210 combo....great sounding amp but very heavy.Like you i wanted to get something lighter(easier on my back tbh!) and i got a RH450 with a RS210 cab. This is much lighter and very powerful.Been using this rig for 12 months and it hasnt let me down.It doesnt add colour to your sound like a Trace does and the compression can be a little strong but it can certainly punch it out and very easy to use. I do use it with a trace 1518c bottom cab to add some beefy bottom end and i love the sound.It can shake windows if thats how you like it or it can be subtle and give you a sweet sound.It is an expensive set up but you do get a light,powerful and quality rig thats very portable.I hope this helps.Good Luck with your search!
  4. I am currently using my RH450 with a RS210 and a trace elliot 1518c bottom cab and i have been using this set up for about a year now,done 20/25 gigs and i havent had a problem.It is extremely loud if you want it to be and has plenty of ooomph! It has masses of bottom end and can shake windows and more importantly you dont lose the quality of the sound.I do think that it gives you your own unique sound aswell. I also have a 2x10 trace cab that i will try out with both these cabs one day just to hear what it sounds like but as it stands i'm well happy with it.I did plan to buy a RS212 but i do wonder if it really does make that much of a difference for the money.I would however buy one if a second hand one came along for the right price.Trace Elliot speakers are top quality and do the job very well IMO.
  5. paulbass

    Trace Elliots

    I had a 1210 trace elliot combo with a 1518c bass bin.....great sound but the amp in the combo died.It was only 3 years old and was never abused.I had to write it off as it shorted out for some strange reason.I was told that static had built up inside the amp causing it to arc inside and shorting everything out.On some of the forums there were a few people that had the same problem with these models.Shame really as it was a great sounding amp.From experience i will say some of the trace stuff can be very heavy but give out a great tone.I now use a rebelhead 450.....a lot easier on my back!
  6. I have experienced this problem myself.Having used separate head and cabs for many years i decided to get a trace elliot 1210 combo rated at 500 watts.This gave a great sound BUT you needed to buy another cab to be able to get the full wattage.The combo only gave out half of the wattage on its own. I was gutted as the idea of buying a combo was that i wouldnt have to carry loads of kit. After 18 months i decided to go back to separates again.There are some great small,compact bits of kit out there and they do the business.
  7. i guess the sound is processed at the begining when you decide to use a pick or fingers that in itself changes the sound you create.I do think amps and guitars need to change and move with the times and some of the sounds you can get for a bass are fantastic.It keeps it interesting!.....great topic btw!
  8. Hi I bought a 450rh 6 months ago after trying both the 450 and 750 and found the 450rh extremely loud and powerful and it a great little amp...the 750 obviously is more powerful and i couldnt justify paying the extra for an amp that is obscenely loud! i would never use all that power.I've gigged the 450 about 8/9 times in all different types of venues and it is super loud and has plenty of headroom....i have never had it over half way on the volume. I did whack it up full volume at a rehearsal just to try it out and all our ears felt the pain lol!....god only knows what the 750 would do....our heads would have exploded! =)
  9. Big thanks for all your advice on this subject.I do like the equinox micro bar lights they look good and simple to use....cheers guys!
  10. Hi all i hope i'm asking for advice in the right forum! Anyways i'm after some advice on lighting.As the bassplayer in this band i'm in we have always used my old lights and i would like to upgrade them but what would be suitable and effective for small to medium pubs and the occassional club? I would like to get some led lighting but there are so many different types! Where do i start?! The current lights i have are not led and the bulbs are forever blowing,but they are very bright.....any advice and clips on youtube would be much appriecated! Cheers =)
  11. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1320396165' post='1426191']The Japanese Fenders are nearly always exceptional if you get a chance to come across one. Personally if I was playing funk I'd lean towards a Jazz purely because they cut through a little more but there are plenty of examples of people doing that on P-basses. I'm a life long Fender player and currently play a Jazz although I'm probably more associated with Precisions. I'd also echo the comments about trying stuff out live rather than buying online. With your budget I'd also be looking at a day trip somewhere so you can try a few. Just a thought but is it possible that you've just become an old man!?! [/quote] Haha this comment did make me laugh....i am 42 and guess i have become an old man! Great comment! thanks for your advice =D
  12. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1319884264' post='1419625']If you have a grand I recommend a new American Standard Jazz Bass, it's got the funk built in! Here's a couple of vides showcasing this bass [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8xozvFWEqg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8xozvFWEqg[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlgiEzf-eqU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlgiEzf-eqU[/url][/quote] i'm liking the sound on the sunburst jazz bass.....i'm liking it a lot!! thanks for uploading this clip for me Grand Wazoo!
  13. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1319884361' post='1419631']and a 5 string version Precision reviewed by Ed Friedland [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THITANX322E[/media][/quote] i have tried a 5 string and i cant get on with them after using a 4 stringer for so long.....sounds great though!
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1319881044' post='1419550'] Probably a Jazz Bass... No, wait! A Precision Bass. Like John says, try 'em out, then decide. If I had £1000 right now I'd buy a Fiesta Red Roadworn Jazz Bass: [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fender-road-worn-60s-jazz-bass-fiesta-red--61381"]http://www.dv247.com...esta-red--61381[/url] Mark Edit: Another excuse to post Bobby Vega! Nice bass! does it come with his fingers! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r_kvjO7xsc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r_kvjO7xsc[/url][/quote]
  15. Thank you for all your help and advice guys!.....and youtube clips! I guess the answer is for me to try as many as possible and go for it! I didnt realise that there were so many different types of fender.I do like the big fat sound some of them make.I'm a massive fan of pino palladino he is awesome(although fretless is another instrument altogether!)I do like Paul Turner out of jamiroquai,the sound he has is perfect.When i get one i will post on here what i decide to get. Cheers Guys!
  16. I do have a budget of £1000. I'm willing to go a bit more for the right one.I have tried several fenders but where i live there isnt much choice.
  17. Hi i'm growing an interest in fender basses.I always considered them an old mans guitar when i was younger( how naive was i!) and over the last couple of years after watching various bands and clips on youtube i'm growing a strong interest in buying one.The question is which one? whats the pros and cons with them? I play to a funky/rock style and a bit of slap.Whats your advice? Cheers! =)
  18. Good question!... over the last 20 years i have had 3 good quality bass rigs(previous to these i had quite a few secondhand rigs of which blew up or were cheap and nasty!) The first one was my Hartke 2000.This was one mean amp,very powerful and built like a tank!i had it for 15 years and simply wore it out a very good amp for its time. The second was a Trace Elliot 1210 & 1518c rig.Great sound but bloody heavy.I wanted one of these for years but was never able to afford one.This amp packed up on me within 3 years due due static inside the amp causing arcing across the board and blowing everything up and writing it off....i was gutted.As much as i loved the sound it produced i couldnt trust buying another one. The amp i used now is a Rebelhead450 with rs210 and the trace 1518c bin.This proves to be a very powerful amp and easy to use.I plan on keeping this for a long time,it does what i want it to do and its very light and easy to manage.A great bit of kit!
  19. I guess every band is different but that does seem an awful long time...the band i'm in takes about 45 mins to set up and do a sound check.I think if you take longer than a drummer to set up theres a problem.Drummers have more to carry and set up than anyone else.It must be a very long day for you guys if you consider it takes 3 hours to set up then theres your set and then you got to pack it all away.If you all go through a PA i would recommend an engineer and trust his ability...nothing worse than having 4/5 musicians all putting their oar in during the sound check...you would have a nightmare if you were ever in a studio and everyone doing the mix.
  20. What a good question! I've been playing bass for 25 years and i've only had 4 basses in that time! My first was a Marlin which was from a catalogue....it was ok and it started my love for bass.I brought an aria pro next which had a great sound but in a moment of madness i sold it.Being young i too thought fenders were for 'old' men so i got a hohner B bass which i still have...this bass has been excellent,done over 1000 gigs and many hours of rehearsing,still sounds good and it has the De-tuner on it which came in very handy.My main bass now is a 1997 Warwick thumb bass which i love.Its a bit heavy but it sounds awesome! I would like to buy one more bass as i'm entering the twilight of my playing but i wouldnt have a clue what to get...sooo many to choose from! I did have a go on a chavel jackson bass when i was young and it played like a dream so i would try one of those again if i could turn back time.
  21. i used to own a trace elliot which wasnt too bad,however i have recently got a RH450 and its a great bit of kit.The tube is very easy to use and has a good range and very punchy.I describe this amp as small but perfectly formed....much better than trace elliot i used to have.
  22. [quote name='Sam Barrett' post='1341205' date='Aug 15 2011, 09:31 PM']I've actually had an excellent response from Trace Elliot - I'm really pleased. They're having a look at the amp as soon as I get it to them. I'll update once they've had a look.[/quote] wow Sam that is good news....thats a better response than i got! Let me know how you get on i'd be interested what the fault was.Well done matey =)
  23. Just to say thanks to all that replied and gave advice on my issue with my amp.The outcome is that the amp is beyond repair,everything has blown inside including the amps.Its a write-off.Both techs said they have never seen anything like it before and dont know what caused it,they even contacted TE themselves and got no joy,they didnt charge me a penny for their services after replacing many parts. I too contacted TE and they said that there was nothing they could do for me as its not under warranty....its only 4 years old and never been abused.I will never use or reccommend TE again. I have now purchased a RH450 with RS210 & RS212 cabs to help me get over it and its done the trick!...lets hope this rig doesnt pack up! Cheers!
  24. [quote name='Sam Barrett' post='1329599' date='Aug 6 2011, 09:01 AM']Thanks for your quick reply. I'm really sorry to hear how you feel. Like you I invested a lot - musically and financially - in the amp and have always been really pleased with it. In fact, mainly because of band changes etc, the amp hasn't been gigged all that much, which makes it much more "new" than its 2007 vintage suggests, which makes it even more frustrating. I had exactly the same experience as you - fine at a rehearsal, carefully taken home, no lights at the next use (which happened to be a gig). Interestingly, although the input lights had failed by the gig, I was still able to play the night by turning everything up full. Now, however, I can get nothing out at all no matter how loud everything is set. The fact I had a semi-failure first is odd - I guess it implies something was sort of failing one night and has since failed completely. I have no knowledge of electronics at all, but the manual suggests the signal travels from left to right. I don't know if it physically does that in the circuitry, but if I'm reading the manual correctly, the signal is processed from left to right, assuming each component (valve, eq etc) is turned on. The fact the input lights aren't lighting therefore suggests that the problem lies right at the pre-amp/input stage rather than anything to do with, for example, the speaker connections. I really don't know what I'm talking about though to be honest, and I don't know how much help it is even if I'm right. I'm going to do two things - I'm going to draw Trace Elliot's attention to this thread because I don't really think it is good for customers or the company if such an identical fault isn't even on their horizon. I'll ask again if it rings any bells too. Secondly, depending on what they say I'll try to see if I can get it fixed. Unfortunately, when I bought the amp I had a good job, and now I have no job, so fixing it is likely to be out of the question for a while, whatever Trace Elliot say. Unfortunately, although they have a generous three year guarantee, you and I seem to be just outside of it.[/quote]
  25. [quote name='stevie' post='1329717' date='Aug 6 2011, 11:11 AM']I would be tempted to wonder whether your tech really knows what he's doing. Why don't you contact Trace Elliot yourself and explain the situation?[/quote] Hi Stevie i have taken my amp to the most highly recommended tech in my area on the advice of fellow musos within my area.I play in 2 gigging bands and both bands,thats 10 musicians all in all cant believe how such a 'quality branded amp' could just fail Granted i havent contacted TE myself but i really dont think they will want to know. In fact i will contact them and find out how good their customer service really is....a friend in need is a friend indeed. Thanks for your reply buddy.
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