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Everything posted by scottReederstoenail

  1. Speaking with my drummer head on.I learn the track as per the Cd then it mutates into something nothing like the original after a period of time.
  2. .Generally the levels are determined by the drummer if the drums are unmiked(unless hes a jazzer using brushes or the like)My band rehearses with a 2ooWatt Pa pretty much three quarters up.Because im a hit em hard no finesse type drummer:).Our Guitarist has a Marshall Combo that he uses for rehearsals only and thats about half way. Our bassist has a 300W laney World series Head and 1by 15 cab and thats on about three,Im the only one who uses earplugs(although the other two are considering it)I use Elacin plugs they cost me twelve quid and i replace them every so often.It takes out all the sharp frequencies from the crashes/snare etc and means you can rehearse without your ears ringing for ages.12 quid or hearing loss?Difficult one.
  3. Ok thats blown that then im in Devon.cheers anyway.
  4. 1500W of bassage?That could shift the planet off its axis!
  5. Or Maiden!!!!!!
  6. Where abouts are you?
  7. Im having this at the moment.Wondering what the best way to go is regards to gigging if i ever do. In my main band our bassist has a 300W head and a 1 b 16 and 4 b 10 cabs.He s only ever used the 16 cab for gigs and only ever goes up to about three on his volume and thats plenty loud enough.Baring in mind we play Grungey rock and the drummer is loud as f***(me)I think a 300W combo will do me then i can get an extra cab if i ever need too.
  8. Welcome to the forum.450 miles to rehearse?Thats commitment.Love the mistress comment too!!!
  9. The same"TattooDevil"who made great custom kits out of FEPOS?Of Dolbear fame?Welcome mate.To be fair drumming gear is more collectable than bass stuff.I mean how many amps do you need.Cymbals is another matter though!
  10. As it says really.Ive scoured the site and was wondering if ive missed a guide?The action on my Aria is very high and i want to lower it a tad.I know how to do it in theory as my bands guitarist told me how but id appreciate a muppets guide.T.I.A.
  11. Thanks for the warm welcome although technically i suppose im a bass owner rather than player.I play Drums in a rock band and another rock project.Good to see so many locals on here.Im in Tiverton so ill try to get along to the jam nights as a spectator i hasten to add.My blues aint so hot!!!
  12. Thanks for the welcome.Not sure im multi skilled.More a jack of all trades master of none !Ill have a look at the for sale section.Many thanks
  13. New member here.Im 33 from Devon.My main instrument is drums,i also play a bit of guitar.Thought it was time i got a bass to complete the set.:)I have an Aria Pro 2 magna which i got for the princely sum of 53quid off the bay. Currently only playing it through a practise amp but on the lookout for a combo/rig if i ever get to the gigging stage.I also mess about with cubase a bit so having a bass and guitar is very handy.
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