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Posts posted by bobpalt

  1. We use a points system that works really well, where after we all take a basic "wage" from each gig, the rest is put into a pot to divvy up after expenses at the end of the year based on the number of points each member has accrued. You can award points for whatever you want (we have a point for being at the gear load into the van, one for set up and sound check and one for unloading at 3.00 o'clock in the morning at my garage), so driving, collecting band members etc could be added as well to suit your needs. No arguing, you dont feel guilty if you miss a load in once in a while and the ones that do the most work get rewarded for it.

  2. I used a Thump 15 as a monitor for a while, and it was plenty loud and clear. The savings seemed to have been made mainly in the construction of the cabinet, which was very light and plasticky, but for the money I couldnt fault it.

  3. Got one to use in our practice room, which is tiny! Absolutely brilliant for the price, can't fault it. I have no idea what it would sound like in a gigging situation, but in the practice room its really good. Well made too, and looks cool. Pocket money price.

  4. I Just thought that before I did anything, I had best check to see if anyone had any information that might explain the delay, or was friends with him? There could be a really genuine and understandable reason for the time taken and lack of contact, and I dont want to criticize anyone for that sort of thing if there is.As I said, he did tell me he had been dealing with a serious family problem, but its the fact that its all gone quiet thats bothering me.

  5. Back in September, I sent a bass to Scott, who had been offering his services in the Affiliates section here (I believe he had, until recently had a business in the Isle of Wight doing the same thing) fitting leds in necks.

    Since then, and I understand that he did have a family crisis to deal with which explained the initial delay, I have heard nothing from him. Its coming up to 3 months now that he has had my bass (and money), and I am starting to get a bit concerned. He did answer my pms for a while saying that the work was nearly done, but the latest have gone unanswered, the last one unread, and I am concerned that something may have happened. Of course, he may be on holiday, but I want my bass back! I think 3 months is long enough. Does anyone know anything that might shed some light my dilemma? I dont really know what else to do at this stage.



  6. My favourite bit is when I wake up late the day after a good gig with a warm glow, but absolutely kn*ckered. As a treat for a job well done, I've got into the routine of going for Sunday lunch at the best Indian restaurant around (the Eurasia in Cheltenham) with the good lady as a sort of carrot to look forward to when the going was tough the day before...........

  7. How does anyone feel about haggling over the fee for a gig? We regularly get people trying to do this when we quote for weddings, and if we are quiet that week we sometimes agree to knock two or three hundred off the standard price, but invariably when we get there we find that the wedding is of the millionaires type with money thrown about everywhere with gay abandon, except towards the band so it seems. It leaves a bit of a taste in the mouth, but we still do it, on the understanding that any gig is better than sitting at home watching Saturday night telly.

  8. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1353060180' post='1871009']
    This is exactly who I use. My quote with New Moon was twice as much but the PLI doesn't cover the band, Music Guard does, in fact, what ever musicians are on stage with you are covered.
    Of course if anything goes wrong the claim will have to go through the policy holder.


    Odd this, as our quote last year from New Moon was far cheaper than our renewal quote from Musicguard, and the cover was vastly better as well?

  9. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1352451863' post='1863130']
    Bob, you forgot the 2 U.S. Masters EP42 that you sold me! I got a lined fretless neck for the Lacewood one, which is my main gigging bass.The blue one now has the Pao Ferro/birdseye off the lacewood one.

    Your'e absolutely right! I will add them to the list now.

    How are you Jules?



  10. Here we go.

    Pedulla Rapture (x2)
    Pedulla Thunderbolt (x2)
    Pedulla Buzz (x2)
    Another Pedulla, I cant remember what its called.
    PRS Bass (x3)
    Yamaha 2024x (x2)
    Nordy VJ
    Dingwall Super J
    Dingwall AB I
    Dingwall ABZ
    Sei Flamboyant headless
    Sei Flamboyant 5 string
    Sei Original
    Alembic Excel
    Alembic Elan (x2)
    Modulus Flea (x2)
    Modulus Quantum
    Modulus Quantum fretless
    Modulus VJ
    Lightwave Sabre (x2)
    Overwater (various, about 5)
    Hofner Club Bass
    Beatle Bass copy
    Matt Pulcinella (x2)
    Carruthers Bass
    Kydd Carry-On
    Signature Jazz (x2)
    Warwicks (various, about 10)
    Lakland Joe Osborne Marmite (wish I'd never sold this)
    Lakland Jerry Scheff
    Lakland Hollowbody
    Lakland 5 string something or other
    Lakland Bob Glaub
    Lakland Duck Dunn
    Lakland Darryl Jones Jazz (x2)
    Pat Wilkins Jazz
    Fender Precisions (USA, 60th Anniversary, Roger Waters etc. About 6)
    Fender Jazzes (all sorts, about 10)
    Maruszczyk Ellwood
    US Masters EP42 (x2) (very underrated basses.. Deserve consideration)
    US Masters single (Sadowski) pick up
    MTD Grendel
    MTD Growler (x2)
    Manson Custom (x2)
    ACG (6 at last count)
    Westone Thunder 1-A
    Kala U Bass
    Kala Sub U Bass
    Wal MK 2
    Status S2 (x2).
    Status Energy
    Status Groove
    Peavey something or other
    Warwick Infinity
    Stingray (x3)
    Roscoe (x3)
    Mayones BE4
    Skjold (x2)
    Various hand built American basses from small companies
    Birdsong Cortobass
    Spector (x3)
    Gretsch Thundersomethingorother (awful bass, but the best looking I ever had)
    Gretsch Broadkaster (x2)
    Gretsch Electromatic cheapy short scale (great bass!)
    Shuker (x5)
    Goodfellow Nightingale (?)
    KSD jazz
    Zon Sonus (x4)
    TBC (x3, 2 of which were firewood projects)
    Fake Rickenbacker (better than the real thing)
    Fender Aerodyne (x2. Great basses)
    Gibson Money (x2)
    Gibson EB 3
    Guild 301F
    Yamaha BEX Semi hollow
    G&L SB1
    G&L 2000

    And loads of others I cant remember at this moment in time. Not got many left, but I'll never sell my gigging Pedulla Thunderbolt and Yamaha 2024x.

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