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Posts posted by bobpalt

  1. I've had one for a while now, and its really good fun! Had to replace the strings quickly to the alternative make Mark sells (forget the name, sorry), and this made a huge difference. They dont go out of tune as much (they still do though to a certain extent) and sound better.

    The build quality isnt the best, although perfectly ok for the price, but the sound is ubelievable! I think they look cool, but friends assume its a toy, which only helps the illusion when they hear what it can do.....................

  2. Weddings are very disciplined affairs, where you generally have to get set up early and leave, so there are two journeys to and from the venue, you have to dress well and put on a very professional, well rehearsed show, probably play stuff you dont really like/want to, but is the stuff the guests respond to and enjoy, and you have to stay sober and play to strict time parameters. Nothing like a pub gig, so the pay has to reflect that. How can your guy be taking wedding bookings for the same charge that a local dj would make to set up his cd player and ancient Peavey rig for a few hours of almost doing nothing and mubling into a £10mike? I think a serious band meeting is called for Stu. FWIW, we charge £1250 for weddings, plus travel costs and hotels if we have to stay away for the night, and £850 for parties. I would guess from speaking to local wedding bands that £1250 is possibly even below average?

  3. Last night was a wedding party with 225 guests, in a large ballroom at a local hotel. Great stage, reasonable acoustics, got set up early morning so we were nice and relaxed for the 8.45 start. Our last few wedding gigs have all been brilliant, so the signs were that this one should be no different. Wrong! For the whole of the first set (1 hour 10 mins), the dance floor was full of screaming 5 year olds, without a grown up or a parent in sight. Our guitarist nearly walked off the stage at one point, and wanted to make an announcement along the lines of "wont you please control your damn screaming kids or we are off", but just about stopped himself. It can only get better in the second set we thought, once the falling down water had a chance to work. Wrong again!! Not a single person got up to dance until about the 30th song we played (Jailhouse Rock), and they didnt last long. By the end, we were just going through the motions, so for a bit of fun, just to try one last desperate thing to liven the place up, our singer suddenly started doing "Just wanna dance the night away" by the Mavericks, which we havent played or rehearsed for at least 5 years, and blow me, 20 people got up to dance! To continue the theme, he carried on with stuff from our back catalogue, some of which we hadnt done for 10 years (Shangalang, Hi Ho Silver Lining, Lady in Red, etc.,), all of which we just about muddled through, and the floor was packed at the end. Surreal!!
    Got an email sent to all band members this morning from a member of the bride's family apologising for the poor night, although she said that everyone there had enjoyed sitting listening to the music very much. Many more nights like this and I think some of us would pack in the wedding thing............

  4. Just sold one of my ACGs to Pete, and what a super guy to deal with. Immediate payment, very friendly and a total pleasure from beginning to end. Hope you enjoy Roerta/Bob or whatever you end up calling him/her!!!


    Bob (dont ask....)

  5. Got one delivered a couple of days ago to use at home, and it certainly sounds very nice. Makes a few odd noises at start up that I will have to keep an eye on, has a couple of cheap wobbly switches on the front and although the shop insisted it was brand new and taken straight from their warehouse, its certainly been used at some time and had the power cable missing from the box. The shop said this happens some times with TC equipment........

  6. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1349337143' post='1824766']
    They're reusable, just give 'em a wee rinse/wipe and they usually come in a wee pouch.

    I tend to find that rinsing them in water works better than urine. Might just be me, but I have always thought that having your ears smell of wee was a bit uncool? Mind you, if you rinse them in water and then put them in a pouch full of urine that would defeat the object......................

  7. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1348846093' post='1819086']
    I bought a nice Eggle Berlin recently and have run out of stand and hangar space! I don't suppose you've free'd up a 4-way rack yet?....

    I've got a Warwick corner rack in the garage (its curved to fit in a corner and holds, I think, 5 basses) which you can have for free if you can collect! I was going to eBay it, but I have had so much hassle from eBay sales that I just cant be bothered.......

  8. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1348840930' post='1818990']
    Bob, you've been "cutting down" your collection for years, and you've still got just as many! (I've tried to help, I've had 3 off Bob!).
    Admit it, you're only making space for some more.... :)
    Hi Jules.

    I wish! I really am cutting back this time. I was pushed into early retirement in May, and desperately need to find a way for Sue to retire as well, as she is making my life a misery since she became the breadwinner........

    Looking for anything? If not, you're still more than welcome to pop in any time you're passing. Got a nice ACG you might like?


  9. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1348418308' post='1813390']
    Thanks very much for the kind offer, but as i haven't been to Tewkesbury for at least 20 years and am unlikely to do so in the near future, hopefully you'll have sold it before I next get there! :)

    Good luck with the sale and have a BUMP on me!
    I think if you pass again in 20 years time I'll still have it, the way this sale has been going................

  10. I really never thought I would sell this bass, but I am drastically cutting back my collection to fund early retirement, and its not used very often so would be much better going to a new home where it would be fully appreciated.

    Its an unbelievably good bass, one of Alan's best I think (and it was much praised at a Moffat bass bash a while back), having the benefit of an ACG filter pre amp, a powerful RFB pickup and a Hipshot piezo bridge, so you can get a phenomenal range of tones and blended sounds. In addition, there is a coil split switch (which I have never fully understood!), and a low battery led indicator. One of the filter pots controls the piezo, whilst the others run the volume/blend and the RFB pickup frequencies.

    In addition, there are [b]SIMs amber leds[/b] fitted to the neck, which were then wired up by Alan ([u]not[/u] after market additions).

    The body is light Swamp Ash, with a 4mm Wenge accent, and an Okoume top, and the neck (which is asymmetrical) is 3 laminates of flamed maple, with a fabulous acrylic impregnated flamed lava Bubinga fingerboard. Strap locks, gloss finish and all black hardware complete the picture.

    A Hiscox case is included, and the bass is absolutely mint, having been gigged precisely once since Alan built it.

    I would like £1100 please, with no trades as I am cutting back.

    [size=6][b]NOW SOLD, stp.[/b][/size]



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  11. [b]if in doubt look at BassDirect's second hand prices...no VAT is applicable.....phone Mark if you have an issue....not me obviously...[/b]

    I think the reason is that Mark sells second hand basses on commission, i.e., he isnt the owner and merely sells them on the owners behalf as an agent, so he will only pay vat on the 15% fee he charges (which is charged plus vat to the seller), through his usual business accounting processes.

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