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Posts posted by bobpalt

  1. Turned up to play in a golf competition at a posh golf course in Northern Ireland after a heavy night before and forgot my golf clubs................. I got interviewed by the local paper after I returned from playing with borrowed clubs, all different, and came next to last, and the tag line was "and they think we Irish are thick"!!! Didnt have anything to say in my defence.

    I know a guy who went beach fishing for Thornback Ray in the Bristol Channel, and after hiking a mile around Sand Point got tackled up, only to find that instead of the frozen mackerel bait he should have had, he had brought a bag of frozen sprouts.

  2. Warwick used t do (still do?) a fabulous piece of kit called something like the Rocktrolly.We have 2 of them, and they are extending solid things with pump up or solid wheels, that can carry 500lbs each. We have had many band races on them at the end of the night, so they can certainly carry a grown man with ease! pm me, and I might be peruaded to let you have one for a good price..........

  3. I have an interesting Wal, built in 2009, which is the first one off the new run, but built, I am assured by the chap who commissioned it using an old stock neck, and body timbers from old stock as well.

    I bought it with the intention of fitting red neck leds (I have to have these, due to my poor eyesight in the dark following laser eye surgery that didnt go to plan), but everyone I spoke to said I was mad! It would plummet in value, look awful, not be a "proper" Wal any more, etc, so as a result, I put it under the bed where it has remained for the last year, untouched. As a result, its still a new bass, and I guess the sensible thing to do would be to perhaps think about putting it up for sale? I would be unbelievably nervous gigging with it, but as the first made following the break, does it have any special value do you think?

    [attachment=100652:Wal 004.jpg]

    [attachment=100653:Wal 003.jpg]

    [attachment=100654:Wal 005.jpg]

    I cant get these blasted photos to show...............

  4. I cant believe all of these amazing times. I think the best we have ever done is about 2 hours!! Gear, lights, p.a., drums, seems to take forever to pack up at the end of the night when 75% of the band are tiddly, and always ends up with us playing "Giant Tetris In The Dark" trying to work out how to fit the stuff in a van and a people carrier that are only just big enough to fit the stuff in when its daylight and the band are 100% not drunk......

  5. I cant believe what anyone could possibly dislike about fingerboard edge leds? They are a fantastic help on a dark stage, no one can really see them apart from you, (so they arent for show at all), and cost about £400 if you have them done by the best in the business. If they are going to be done properly by your chap, dont think twice!

  6. Yes, both Finns, one headed and one headless (of course!). Both have leds on the side of the neck, and the red ones in the headless Finn look great with the blue body.

    I believe the fingerboard in the headed Finn is called Lava Bubinga, or something like that. This one has a piezo pickup in the bridge as well as the normal pick up, with one of the filter knobs controlling it. The headless has an East retro, which I admit to finding easier to control. Both are lovely, as is the tulipwood faced bodied Recurve Graft I have, which for some reason I cant find a picture of.

    The blue body looks a lot better in real life, as Alans pictures came out a bit darker than reality. It has a hint of green in it, which I like. The Finn is far and away my favourite ACG body shape, and really comfy for me, as a lifelong salad dodger to play.


  7. Had the gig from hell in a local (new) village hall a couple of years ago, where 2 of us had to face the wall behind us, away from the audience, to stop some of the feedback, whilst the pa was as quiet as t would go. The induction loop was to blame, so we said we wouldnt ever do a gig there again.

    Fast forward to last year, and we were asked to gig there again. After we refused because of the loop, we were told it was easy to turn it off, just pull the plug out! It worked and the gig was great........

  8. I imported a new Peavey Cirrus bass from the States a few years ago, at a huge cost saving, and when it arrived, it had splits in the laquer and wood below. It was obviously factory fresh and sealed up, so I contacted Peavey over there to ask them what I could do. They said to send it to Peavey UK, who then arranged for a new one to be sent to me in replacement. I have nothing but good things to say about Peavey, who have also been unbelievably helpful with another couple of problems I have had over the years,and bent over backwards to do their best for me.

  9. I still cant really understand why they have reviewed Hiwatt amps two months on the trot, and gave their practice amp last month top marks when it was heavier than any combo I have ever owned with only 150w output? I agree everything else has been very readable recently, and I will continue to subscribe (have done so since the first edition), when I was seriously thinking about giving it up.

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