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Everything posted by bobpalt

  1. [b]2007 Overwater Perception.[/b] I have had this bass from new, but it has only ever been used in the practice room, therefore its in excellent condition. It does, however, have 2 tiny little marks on the body, which I assume must be the tiniest dings that have chipped a bit of the finish away, and show as white "dots". I have tried to photo these, but they really are negligible. This is a very light bodied bass, with a Spanish Cedar body, and the top is sensuously smooth Wenge (I know this sounds unlikely, but the grain has been filled and smoothed down), and the neck is wonderfully figured maple. It has the newer East preamp and pickups, with the full mid control system, and is quite the easiest bass I own to play. It sounds good too! Might be interested in an interesting trade or part trade, possibly Aguilar/Stingray stuff? NOW SOLD THANKS DAVE. Cheers, Bob [attachment=57413:e_bay_pics2_108.jpg] [attachment=57414:e_bay_pics2_109.jpg] [attachment=57415:e_bay_pics2_110.jpg] [attachment=57416:e_bay_pics2_111.jpg]
  2. [b]Danelectro DC63 longscale bass[/b] Hardly used, but well set up, black long scale, what more can I say? Its the "modern" copy of the '63, and actually sounds really good. Has all the typical Danelectro hallmarks, but despite them (!), is cool to play and looks really good. The lipstick pickups belt out a lot of noise! £130 please. Cheers, Bob [attachment=57410:e_bay_pics2_113.jpg] [attachment=57409:e_bay_pics2_112.jpg]
  3. [quote name='Dronny' post='936062' date='Aug 25 2010, 03:24 PM']What size is the speaker?[/quote] 12" Blueline. Bob
  4. [b]TC Electronics 210 cab/cover, and 212 cab/cover[/b] I have rediscovered 15" cabs, and although I really enjoy using my TC cabs, have reluctantly decided to sell them. I currently use my TC450 and Classic amps with a DR Bass 1580 cab, which I have to say is more me! (old fashioned and boring.....?) Anyway, I have a 210 cab in the original finish, which has been gigged a few times but is still in vgc, and a 212 cab in the newer finish, both with the manufaturers fitted covers. Ideally, I would like them to go as a pair, but will obviously sell individually. I would like please, £325 for the 210 and £375 for the 212 cab. [b]*210 now sold subject to the usual***[/b] [b]Absolutely no interest in the 212 cab, so I have decided to keep it![/b] Cheers, Bob [attachment=57408:e_bay_pics2_104.jpg] [attachment=57407:e_bay_pics2_106.jpg]
  5. Ashdown Electric Blue 150 I lent this combo to the local comprehensive school a few years ago as I had no need for it, and it sat unused in their supplies cupboard ever since (apart from being PAT tested at some time!). Subsequently, its pretty much as new, but after having it returned to me, I still dont need it, so its up for grabs. Actually sounds really nice and loud, and has quite a subtle sub harmonizer fitted which is cool. Would make a good practice amp, or for small gigs (it has a di out) Does £90 seem fair? Cheers, Bob *****NOW SOLD***** [attachment=57402:e_bay_pics2_114.jpg]
  6. [quote name='chrkelly' post='933482' date='Aug 23 2010, 11:35 AM']Hi guys, I'm going to take a load of better photos of it tonight, unfortunately I'd deleted the others when I withdrew it last time. They were rubbish anyway. Warwickhunt- that's interesting, I wonder if it's in the same place. I must stress though it's all completely stable and hasn't changed one bit since I bought it, it's seen a lot of playing since then too.[/quote] I have a laquer crack in the neck pocket of my Zon too, and when I bought it 4 years ago(its a 2002 model), I was told that it had been there since new, and all Zons had them, or got them in time! Bob
  7. [quote name='eubassix' post='905469' date='Jul 26 2010, 08:50 AM']b U m P ... still available !![/quote] I really cant believe that this bass is still for sale, at this unbelievable price! It cost me £1,000 more than this last year from Bassdirect, and is quite the most superb 5 string I have ever played. If I could play 5 string, I would still have it! Bob
  8. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='903229' date='Jul 23 2010, 02:27 PM']Okay, perhaps I was going a bit far. But I still think it's important for him to have his prejudices corrected. S.P.[/quote] He actually surprised himself, and is just happy that things are better now. I think maybe he is a bit "old school" when it comes to tone, with whatever prejudices against modern equipment that may bring to the table. You should have seen how amazed he was when he first heard my Shuttle 6!! Bob
  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='902578' date='Jul 22 2010, 11:45 PM']That one is neo? Potential for hilarity.[/quote] One would think so, but I have moved onwards and upwards from the original title of the thread. I realize now that what was causing the problem with my rig was obviously not the "neo sound" that we thought it might have been at the beginning, but a more specific "TC cab" sound. The Dr Bass cab is neo, but doesnt exhibit the same characteristics as the TC cabs (oddly enough, my single 112 TC cab seems immune as well). After giving the 15" cab a good thrashing last night, the sound guy (who is also a fabulous bass player), couldnt stop beaming, and said he could have carried on playing all night. Problem solved!
  10. My 15" cab was delivered today. Its actually a Dr Bass 15", with an 8" speaker and a tweeter, and after a long listening session. Nirvana! With the RH450 amps it sounded superb. No problems whatsoever, and it also sounded good with the Orange Bass Terror. Obviously, the TC cabs must have a low/mid emphasis that I, with my shot away ears didnt notice, but bat ears, our sound chap, could. I will use the new cab for the next gig and see what the rest of the band think, and will let you know. Bob
  11. [quote name='redstriper' post='901978' date='Jul 22 2010, 02:56 PM']This thread entitled ''Neo tone ???' actually has [u]nothing[/u] to do with neo tone. Your sound engineer is blaming your poor sound on the 'neo tone', but you don't have any neo speakers. The only conclusion, however you dress it up is that your sound engineer is WRONG and 'neo tone' is totally irelevant. OK I feel better now. You are quite correct, but at the time I made the original posting, we both thought that the TC cabs had neo speakers. The problem I have is obviously nothing to do with a specific neo "tone", and I thank everyone who has responded for pointing me in the right direction. I now know that its more of a TC characteristic thing. Bob[/quote]
  12. An update from last night. Our sound guy, who is also a friend, came to my house last night, and we set up a test rig, using my RH450 into the TC212 cab, RH450 Classic into TC210, an Ashdown combo and Orange Bass Terror into TC112 cab. We swapped and changed the leads over so we tried every combination, and used a selection of basses (Yamaha BB2024x, Roscoe Century, Fender Jazz), and the results were very interesting. We went into the 450s parametric eq and tried everything we could, but at the end of the day, using the Yamaha, and to a much lesser extent the Roscoe, there was certainly a low mid boost, where the volume seemed to jump quite dramatically when you hit a note in the region of D. Sliding from C to D on the A string was like turning the volume control up. This was the note that the sound guy said was drowning out the others at last weeks gig, and spoiling my tone. It was still there using the Roscoe but much lessened, and absent with the Jazz, where all levels seemed ok. Changing to the Orange amp using the TC cabs didnt make things any better, but there was no problem whatsoever with the Ashdown combo, so the conclusion he drew was that the TC cabs have a low-mid emphasis that is exaggerated by the powerful pickups on the new Yamaha. I have bought a new 15" cab from a different maker which is being delivered tomorrow, to test the theory, so I will update as soon as I can, but at the moment, I cant use the Yamaha with my current rig as it really is loud on the A string. I will try changing the pick up hights, but doubt if that will help, and have a couple of different string sets to try out to see if there maight be a problem there.
  13. [quote name='SuperMaximo' post='899044' date='Jul 19 2010, 03:27 PM']Sorry to hijack the thread, but Bob, what's your opinion on the Classic450? Same goes out to anyone else who has it[/quote] You know, the strangest thing, and I dont know if its all inside my head, but I actually think it sounds a bit better? Hooked up to the same cabs, it sounds just that bit warmer, and a tad more relaxed for want of a better word. Its certainly a superb amp, and if you dont need the tuner and the memories, is a no brainer! Cheers, Bob
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' post='896773' date='Jul 16 2010, 07:05 PM']Oh my god i may have Amp gas.this is a first for me....i tried a 210 TC cab in Guitar Guitar and i loved the sound of it..it was running through an Aguilar AG500 ...anyone tried these amps/cabs.. what do you think of the amps, as well as the cabs...[/quote] Youre welcome to come and try my kit out. I'm only in Tewkesbury. I have an RH450, Classic 450, 210, 212 and 112, so you can mix and match! Cheers, Bob
  15. [quote name='chris_b' post='897981' date='Jul 18 2010, 12:30 PM']I wouldn't change your cabs based on one person's opinion. How about trying a different bass first? Looking at your list I think you've got at least half a dozen basses to choose from that could improve the sound.[/quote] I was hoping that the new Yammy was going to be the best bass I own, as it sounded unreal at Bass Direct (and with the leds installed, cost not far off £3,000....). My plan was to buy another one as a spare and sell off a few from the collection, but I will need to find out if the bass is contributing to the sound issue before I burn any bridges. Bob
  16. [quote name='chris_b' post='897935' date='Jul 18 2010, 11:52 AM']So this sound guy doesn't actually know as much as you thought he did!! Maybe a GRAMMA would help? Sometimes a bass/amp/cab/stage/room just don't add up.[/quote] Last nights gig was on an open air railway station platform to 3-400 folks! Not sure if a plinth would have helped on a concrete base? Bob
  17. Well, ***ger me! Even I thought that they were Neos! I used a Genz 212 Neox before, which he said he also didnt like and sounded similar................... The look on his face said that he really did find the sound painful (maybe its him that has the hearing problem with a certain frequency?), so I guess if its not a Neo thing, there is something else he doesnt like about the sound of my last 2 cabs. Could it be lightweight cab construction maybe, emphasising a particular frequency? He describes it as a "noise that isnt particularly loud, but it masks everything else", whatever that means. As I said, I trust his ears, even though he might not know everything about bass speakers (he is a guitarist after all!), so I am keen to put him out of his misery. Two small, heavyish 12" (or 1x 15") cabs would seem a possibility? Bob
  18. I giigged last night with my TC RH450/210/212 rig, which I have used a few times now and have been very pleased with, but used a brand new Yamaha BB2024x bass for the first time. At the sound check, I plugged everything in, and first impressions were that it sounded really good. I was looking forward to the gig with my new bass, but halfway through the sound check, our sound guy, who is a pro and has fabulous ears, came up to me and said I sounded awful, and was drowning out the rest of the band. At first, I thought he meant the volume, but he said no, that wasnt the problem, it was that "blasted low/mid sound that all neodymium speakers have". He reckoned that the new bass was emphasizing the problem, which he hadnt worried about too much before when I used my Status or Zon, but this was a step too far. After a lot of fiddling with the controls, he gave up, and said we would have to live with it, but as my ears are shot away and I rely on him a fair bit for his judgement, I have to admit I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about! Do all neodymium speakers have this characteristic, for a deafy like me just what was he talking about, and more importantly, what on earth can I do about it? I have no wish to replace my RH450 head (I have two of them, one as a spare), but have no problem replacing the cabs if that would solve the "issue". Would maybe a couple of Berg 112 cabs with traditional magnets help, or can anyone suggest alternatives? I admit that I enjoy the portability factor of the TC gear, and the fact that the top cab is at ear level, but they may have to be sacrificed. Money is not a major issue, I just want to get it right this time!
  19. Just taken delivery of Gary's Yamaha, and it really is as good as new, totally immaculate. It was a pleasure to deal with Gary, no problems whatsoever (apologies for DHL keeping you waiting for the collection though!). Cheers, Bob
  20. Chris has just delivered his immaculate Shuker to my house, and it was a real pleasure to deal with him. Very pleased with the bass and the easy transaction. Many thanks Chris!
  21. [quote name='Scoop' post='857766' date='Jun 4 2010, 10:31 PM']Given that you sold it to Germany, it must have been this post which swung the deal, Bob. [/quote] Oops! Bob
  22. [quote name='richardd' post='837889' date='May 15 2010, 08:21 AM'] Hi Bob Trade for my Valenti no42 [/quote] Aaaargh! All these choices all of a sudden! I have promised this other chap that I would look at his bass first, so can I get back to you if its a no go? Many thanks, Bob
  23. [quote name='giblett123' post='837512' date='May 14 2010, 07:10 PM']Its looks stunning "in the flesh" + top draw build & has a sound to die for, can't believe nobody has bought it, I guess its a sign of the times, everyones skint![/quote] I have got a possible swap pending (yes, I know that I said I didnt want trades, but I have this problem that when people offer me nice things I find it hard to say no....), but it is technically still available.
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