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Everything posted by victor5string

  1. pre gibson quality at more then half the price!!
  2. another bump for a cool bass
  3. [quote name='Larmer' post='867232' date='Jun 14 2010, 05:52 PM']Would you share the string spacing with the rest of us too?[/quote] its tight like a Warwick so about 16.5-17mm this is rough as i only have a tape measure at the mo nothing else but its NOT 19mm you can tell by the pic's
  4. anyone this is a great offer, pre(ish) Gibson Tobias so quality is high, and the tone is more early tobias then the current ones
  5. [quote name='denis_d' post='864129' date='Jun 11 2010, 10:41 AM']Hi! What is the string spacing on this bass?[/quote] PM'd
  6. Just got one of these pedals of a very nice chap on this forum, and i just love it the pedal is never turned off it works so well for what i do(rock/metal). but and i know this may seem a silly question but what does Float and Ploat do on the DI swithc in know ground lift will emove hum but the others i have no idea. also when using the pedal as a pre-amp for recording can i use the headphone soceket at the same time to get my own siganl to some headphones or would this cut the singnal to the desk? cheers Vic
  7. A few months back i brought a GK Fusion 550 and it makes a loud pop every time it turns on, does anyone know what might be causing this and how to/how much it would cost to fix cheers Vic
  8. whats the scale lenght? how many frets?
  9. [quote name='kreatorkid' post='833335' date='May 10 2010, 05:54 PM']Good condition Spector rebop 5 string, sounds amazin plays even better, could do with some new strings.£450, collected from wigan or local meet. [/quote] trade for my tobias?
  10. Ok up for sale is my Tobias standard V in white. this ia a very very rare bass only around 400 were ever made and i've never seen one for sale in white! the following text explains the history of the bass It was made in 1992 (after the Gibson buyout but before they took over production) in Japan and states on the headstock that it was "Fabricated in Japan to standards set by Tobias Guitars, assembly & Q.A. at Tobias Guitars, Burbank, CA.. U.S.A." Here’s the explanation from Mike Tobias himself: [url="http://www.mtdbass.com/pages/company.html"]http://www.mtdbass.com/pages/company.html[/url] “Basses built during 1990-1992 era were built initially by the same crew that had helped establish Tobias Basses as one of the most sought after basses on the planet. Business was still very good and we were not able to make anywhere near enough basses to fill the orders. Instead of trying to jack up production, we tried to get outside vendors to build for us. We got the Terada factory in Nagoya, Japan to make the "Standard" bass for us. This was and is a great bass, but the $/yen ratio killed the project. There were about 400 Standards. Late in 1992, it was decided that in the best corporate interests, Tobias would move to Nashville. After much deliberation, no one from the original Tobias Guitars crew went to Nashville. The final LA Tobias/Gibson serial number is 2044. Despite Gibson's ownership of Tobias, all of the basses made up to 2044 were built by the my regular crew.” specs 34" scale bartolini pickups Bartolini TCT preamp(as i belive USA MTD's preamps are based around this pre) neck thru with swamp ash wings and 5 piece maple and bubinga neck with rosewood board tobias hard case included as this bass is the best part of 20 years old there are a few bumps but that are in the area of the jack sockect so when palying can not be seen. reason for sale is i need to move on to 35" scale as the band i play in play alot of low b riffs and i need some more tension in the low register. Ok so this baby is up for sale(again) £520 this price is so low for this bass get it now ,[attachment=49972:026.JPG] [attachment=49973:027.JPG] [attachment=49974:028.JPG] [attachment=49975:029.JPG]
  11. Ok this may seem silly but iw as looking at a DHA vt2 twin eq on ebay and i was thinking why do you have one switch to turn it on and only one switch to select the blue and red channels. would it be possible to have the switches like this one for the red channel and one for the blue?
  12. hey all i wanna add some grit to my sound and wanted ask if you have had any exprience with these two pedals. i know i don't want a sansamp just cos i wanna try somthing new. i'm not looking for this lofi fuzz thing, i like definition in my overdrive/distortion and somthing that makes its self known but without colouring my tone to much. if it's of any help i play a Tobias standard 5 through a GK fusion 550 into a schroeder 410L and i mostly play rock and metal i would love to know your thoughts
  13. [quote name='foal30' post='773345' date='Mar 13 2010, 04:03 AM']I picked up a MTD Grendel last week and if this is mid-range Tobias I guess the top line stuff is remarkable[/quote] can i ask where you found your Grendel, i've been trying to get a Grendel 5 for some time now. i've been looking for someone/place to trade my Tobias Standard v for one
  14. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='761875' date='Mar 2 2010, 03:02 PM']I've got a Warwick Shallow rackbag (3U) that I'm looking to sell. I work in Basingstoke too, so not a million miles away [/quote] how much are lookig for for the case?
  15. I'm looking to buy a rack bag very soon for my new GK fusion 550(3u) i'm looking at one of these -Gigskinz(ther new ones with the dragon pattern finnish on the fabric) -warwick rockbag I have to get a rack bag as i don't drive and need to take busses/trains ect so a hrd case is out of the question. any info/experience with the above would be great or any suggestion and why would also be great. Cheers Vic
  16. I too have just got a Fusion 550(replacing my very old 700rb) and yes it does sound huge. i find its still got that gk growl in the tone but the valves can either fatten it up or make it even more grindy and the overdive you can get out of this is great just great. i play mostly rock/metal and with my tobias standard v it shakes the room with powerfull defined low end, but i also do enjoy some solo/chordal playing and backing of the gain, bass and low midd and playing with the contour switch and knob i can find some sweet tones that only tubes can give. the motorized knobs are i find more of a gimmick then anything else they are not for use mid song as the time delay between switching is a least a second, the amp does not mute while the knobs move so your tone can sound odd while it adjusts but some players may find a use for this., i tend to dial a tone in for the gig i'm doing then use my hands and on board pre for tonal adjustments, and if i want more drive i kick in one of my pedals. i suppose it's usefull if you are using two basses that have different outputs or one fretless and one fretted(i need to get some more basses i think). In this age of micro amps, this amp is far from small or light but this just adds to the confidence it gives you, you know you have a piece of kit that will last, unlike some micro amps where i feel you have to be so carefule with them. This amp is built to work.
  17. Hey all i was just having a look round eby when i came acrros this [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Aria-Pro-II-SB-1000RI-Cliff-Burton-Bass-5-String_W0QQitemZ390142092625QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item5ad647e551"]http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Aria-Pro-II-SB-100...=item5ad647e551[/url] i've been waiting years for aria to make this but can't seem to find any info on it except for this sale. does any one know anything about this like how many will be made will the UK get any? it looks so nice and i bet it plays and sounds like a dream, i play rock and metal and think it would be great to go along with my Tobias standard V and GK fusion 550 head and Schroeder 410l cab.
  18. did these basses come with the asymmetrical neck? and did they make 5 strings? cos wow it looks just like a Grendel and if it was made in the Czeck republic that will mean its of slightly better quality then the current Koren models.
  19. This is a great bass, served me well. have a bump
  20. [quote name='DHA' post='662710' date='Nov 23 2009, 02:35 PM']They don't have blend knobs as we believe they don't need them. They are really valve pre-amps and do not generate distortion with solid state clipping just valve overdrive soft clipping so hence the tone of your bass will get through. Dave[/quote] time to start saving some cash, so i can treat myself for christmas
  21. [quote name='DHA' post='662710' date='Nov 23 2009, 02:35 PM']They don't have blend knobs as we believe they don't need them. They are really valve pre-amps and do not generate distortion with solid state clipping just valve overdrive soft clipping so hence the tone of your bass will get through. Dave[/quote] time to start saving some cash, so i can treat myself for christmas
  22. i was wondering if the vt2-twin-eq and vt-1-eq have a blend knob on them or could one be installed, as i like to blend my grit/overdrive/distortion with my amps sound. i use a boss line selector at the mo to do my blending but would like to not have to use it in the future. but as i've never owned a DHA pedal before is this whole blend thing not needed, will my tone come through with the tone of the pedal? as i tend to find cheap(er) pedals like boss and digitech tend to cover my tone with its sound but my ebs stuff seems to work with the tone of my amp and bass. Cheers Vic
  23. Hi have got myself a Tobias standard v and was wondering if anyone else plays one and what they think of it. Also what color is yours my one is a very cool metallic(ish) white cheers Vic
  24. Up for sale is my GK rig which is a 700rb head(old model and is well used and does have lots of scratchs but works perfectly) a RBH 210 and RBH 115(all the specs can be found on the GK website) both cabs have been gigged so do have some road ware such as cracked corner protecors slight rust on some screws and the fabric cover is a bit loose in the ports of the 115 but this has been a working rig well looked after but has had to go on the road so things do get bashed about. The rig sound's great very clean and punchy. ok i'm now willing to split the rig (in the pic of the heads underside it looks like a patch or rust this is not there it was just the camera) 210 rbh £220 SOLD 115 rbh £230 SOLD 700 rb £150 collection only for each item, no offers this is the lowest price i can let them go for [attachment=33218:059.JPG] [attachment=33219:060.JPG] [attachment=37394:255.JPG] [attachment=33220:061.JPG] [attachment=33221:065.JPG] [attachment=37395:256.JPG] [attachment=33222:066.JPG] [attachment=33223:067.JPG] [attachment=37396:257.JPG] [attachment=33224:069.JPG] [attachment=33225:072.JPG] [attachment=37397:258.JPG] [attachment=33226:076.JPG] [attachment=33227:077.JPG] [attachment=37398:259.JPG]
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