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Everything posted by nash

  1. Seriously considering buying one of these. Does it have the weight of tone similar to a class A solid state?
  2. I'm not quite sure which one to get. If you have a link to the one you use that would be awesome.
  3. I don't abuse my basses and also look after them i.e. Clean them properly but at the end of the day they are tools to create something.
  4. I finally fitted mine. I have the retro fit saddles for my BAii. The bass setup was easier and no longer needs the shim I was going to make because the saddle slots are nice and deep. I need to play it through my amp soon.
  5. nash

    Boss ES-5

    [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1477633924' post='3163440'] Just ordered an Es-8 so can let you know about that soon [/quote] Cheers dude.
  6. I wish I had enough money to have two.
  7. nash

    Boss ES-5

    So I have a pedalboard goal and a switcher will be the final piece of the jigsaw. I know pedalboards are perpetually changing haha. Has anyone got an ES-5 and what have you got to say about it.
  8. I need to do a proper family shot. But here's my two. USA 60th Anni and an '86 MIJ 50's RI. Both are excellent but the Anni is way lighter at 7lbs 13oz compared to 8lbs 7oz of the MIJ.
  9. I have the MXR and I just have it set really wet so you can hear it. I really like the X-over function.
  10. Nice! I'll have to have a look on my mini version
  11. Run each pedal on its own. See if there's any difference. Do the same with each patch cable. Just basic fault finding/elimination. The one spot can/should easily handle all those pedals with no fuss. Also the PT is true bypass so no buffer there.
  12. These may interest you http://www.tcelectronic.com/smorgasbord-of-tones/ All £49 each.
  13. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1477048993' post='3159478'] If in doubt... kemper the amps! [/quote] I now agree with this if you're on IEM and a fairly silent stage. As far as my opinion goes, a DI from a valve head will not reproduce the sound you hear. The whole power amp changes the tone. Maybe a Torpedo would be good. I've seen lot of pro's using something like a Noble or Avalon DI and a mic on the cab. That for me is the best of both worlds on a non-silent stage. But the shows I play at the moment are just a case of pot luck. I don't pay for the FOH engineer. Some shows it's DI only, some a mic and some both. I've toyed with the idea of putting a JHS Colorbox at the end of my board chain. But I think I may use a Le Bass and see how I get along.
  14. I think what I'm getting at is that it's pointless having a grunty ampeg for example if it's not your tone for FOH. All my tone, amp and FOH comes from my board. Or will once I get another preamp pedal.
  15. So like a lot of us I've played guitar in a band and also bass in a band. I am a bassist first. Anyway I'm leaning away from treating my bass amp setup in a similar way to guitar amp setup. By that I mean the front of house sound for a guitar is most of the time from a microphone placed in front of the cab. This was also the method for bass for a long time with maybe a DI as well. But now I find it's mostly DI. So I think what is the point of lugging around a massive valve head if no one is really going to hear it. Also I've started using my Orange OB1 more as just a poweramp now with all these PreAmp DI pedals coming out. Literally all my tone comes from my pedalboard. I'm not even sure if I make sense.
  16. I totally forgot about the Two Notes Le Bass. I might go for that.
  17. I tried the MXR Carbon Copy Bright not long back. Really nice on bass I think because the repeats stay (obviously) bright. Then maybe a TC HOF if you're on a budget. If not try the MXR reverb.
  18. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1476606616' post='3155492'] What tone are you looking for? [/quote] Nice solid clean and a fairly dirty vintage dirt. TBH I'll probably get the ultra this year coming up.
  19. And I'd love it if you could have the option of a standard PJ with a P or J neck, not just a J.
  20. As long as they're top notch I'm not bothered what they're called. Fender don't put the name of the series on the headstock to my knowledge. Also the new compound fretboard they put on the elite is excellent. And we all know the truss wheel rules them all.
  21. Anyone had the pleasure of trying both out?
  22. Every bassist should own a P bass. Just one and have whatever other basses you want after that.
  23. nash

    Red Witch

    [quote name='Corvine' timestamp='1475705862' post='3148192'] Anyway, they're sold out on their website (so I ordered a Zeus!) [/quote] Absolute delight of a pedal. It's so funky and then it's so devastating.
  24. nash

    A/B pedal

  25. Well I've decided I'm going for a Pigtronix EP2. Not an envelope filter but an envelope phaser.
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