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Everything posted by nash

  1. Think I’ll grab an AO or wait for the amp version of the X pedal?
  2. I love that Orange spent 4 years slagging off the TT. Saying it didn't sound great because it was D-class (all just to sell the OB-1).
  3. That’s what every said about the last generation’s rock and the one before etc. If you like it that’s fine and no one really cares if you don’t. Freedom of choice and artistic freedom.
  4. People who complain that new music all sounds the same: your parents and grandparents said that. Really you just want to listen to the same old music over and over. And finally, pizza. Think about pizza and how varied and delicious it is (this requires you liking pizza in the first place).
  5. Thanks for the help everyone.
  6. I’m doing a parts build for a customer and I want to put an “assembled by...” logo on the back of the headstock. I saw this inject water slide decal paper on eBay. Has anyone used this and how good is it? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F181840164873
  7. https://crimsonguitars.com/store/fret-puller/ I personally use my fret end cuts for pulling frets as they’re also ground flush. Don’t forget to heat the fret before you pull it out to help minimise tear out.
  8. Music Nomad make an excellent string cleaning product.
  9. Obviously the official one is quite expensive. I’m after something that’s quite small. Don’t really need loads of pockets. Any recommendations would be great.
  10. Good point
  11. Whilst you touch type on your iPhone, iPad, Samsung etc etc 😜
  12. Smaller footprint finally
  13. Yeah it’ll be in my Peli case for sure.
  14. I played it last night at practice. Absolutely love it. Fair play. It’s obviously still not as good as my Super Bassman but for ease of carrying out of the car late at night it’s perfect. So Bassman for when we’re in the van and DG for practice, shows that I’ll catch the train to etc.
  15. Haha “silent” practice.
  16. Can’t try it until tomorrow. Cheers Darkglass for well quick delivery.
  17. Like Dood said. Practice. I'd also add compression and as also noted maybe changing the plectrum you use. I've always used 1.0mm Tortex but lately I've been using .88mm, largely down to who I'm working with right now. So I have pockets full at the end of a tour. Saying that I'm really liking the .88mm because it's just a little more flexible. I've worked with a bassist that likes .60mm! a bit thin for me. The funny side to that is he used to throw them out but they'd never make it past the barrier so I'd collect them all after the show for him to use the next show.
  18. Forgot to say what cab. My cab is a Zilla 610. It’s a really nice cab. Quite lightweight.
  19. Haha you got me. I must say that it’s mainly referring to the DG stuff with my Super Bassman. All my mids went no matter what I did. The DG stuff sounded great with my OB-1. Also I got a really great deal on the M900 so it’s all good
  20. I’ve gone and ordered a Darkglass M900. Went with the 900 over 500 so I still have plenty of power when using just an 8ohm cab.
  21. nash


    I made a friend, took it for granted at the time, man do I regret it. Very much missed.
  22. I’d agree with these rules for a smart function band. Informal wear for everything else really. But always black jeans.
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