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Everything posted by 3below

  1. Stating the obvious, it is a shame you can't try both in these odd times. I find the neck really comfortable (I have small hands), it is not slim like a jazz bass, nor is it 'big' like a P bass.
  2. Supertone allows lateral string alignment, saddles do not drop out when the string is removed. The Supertone is not perfect, the lateral locking grub screws protrude. This might not be a problem for some, for me it was. Contact points on bridges should not have sticky out bits Imo. They can be inserted from underneath with some faffing and the problem goes away. The big gain is that the bridge is longer and the E string ball end windings and silk sit correctly behind the saddle. There are DIY or bought solutions to this for the three point bridge.
  3. Can only comment about the SG bass. Cured neck dive with wide strap and Hipshots. Fretwork (and hence action) on mine is really good. It is one of the most comfortable basses I own, dimensions, contours and weight. I also fitted a supertone bridge on mine, get the right year SG bass and it will have the Babicz bridge fitted as standard. The worn satin/matt finish wears off with use, looks OK on my brown one, not so sure what the black or cherry ones will look like with wear. Great with TI flats
  4. Stuff of my youth. Leslie West master of the power chord and great blues phrasing. Some standouts for me are: Mississippi Queen, Never in my life, and a great cover of Theme for an imaginary western. Play loud in the car
  5. @prowla, If anything comes of this (and it seems highly unlikely imo) it is worth remembering that you may possibly have access to legal advice etc through house insurance, union membership etc. All too easy to forget these benefits.
  6. You will save that back in the long term Some of us, as we get older and greyer find the basses of our youth become ever heavier. The result is often predictable, move it on and get a lighter one £££. Got to say I have kept my SB-1 (somewhere around 88-89) for about 30 years now.
  7. The initial ease of turning was the string force aiding the truss rod return the neck to a 'neutral' position. After that you get a bit of easy adjustment where nothing seems to happen, then you get the usual resistance as you oppose the curvature the strings want to create. All is good from your description. With low tension strings like TIs quite a few of my bass necks do not need any truss rod engagement other than a small amount to stop rattling.
  8. 'Unlocking' the population other than those at high risk e.g. medically at risk? BAME? over 65? has an appeal. When you then consider the quality of life that would ensue and the contact of the general population with these groups it becomes much more complex. There are no simple answers
  9. Obvious clearly my brain is switched off this morning as I have seen that measure before.
  10. Are deaths that might have some 'overlap' / 'possible connection' e.g. pneumonia contributing to the 'Deaths within 28 days of a positive PCR test' total rather than only those that are definitively linked ? If this is the case is there a more 'valid' estimate of the cumulative death total?. I am not at all sure if this may be knowable (severe lack of bio-medical knowledge in my life). Have just seen @Lozz196's reply which answers part of the above
  11. The risk from Covid is significant, especially if you are in the more vulnerable groups, however the likelihood of knowing someone who has died of Covid appears low. Total UK deaths to date is about 61 400. UK population is about 66.65 Million. This gives around 1 death per 1085 population. Reflecting on the number of people you 'know' reveals why there is a low chance of actually knowing someone who has died of Covid. For comparison: "Public Health England told Full Fact it estimated that on average 17 000 people have died from the flu in England annually between 2014/15 and 2018/19 - with the yearly deaths varying widely from a high of 28 330 in 2014/15 to a low of 1 692 in 2018/19. This gives the worst case scenario 1 flu death per 2352 and on average 1 per 3 092 population. Road deaths 208/19 were about 1 748, giving 1 death per 38 130 population. The volume of legislation, safety initiatives, public expenditure etc. to lower this rate suggests that government (and hence society?) consider this rate (and risk) is not acceptable. The above figures are very simple analyses (no accounting for groups, ages, ethnicity, local R rate, populations etc. but do help imo give perspective on our perception).
  12. We discussed this (in the summer lull), our drummer being a solicitor in the day job. His take was that unless we are the Rolling Stones or similar the powers that be would take a dim view. In the event of a caution or conviction all three of us would face professional de-registration which is career terminating in our respective employments.
  13. Another factor is the age and vulnerability of your band colleagues/mates/friends. Despite living in a low Covid rate area we stopped rehearsing a long time ago. 2 of 3 of us are over 60, one is still a teacher and two of us have partners who are teachers. I am amazed that so far none of us has succumbed. Having got this far it would be most unfortunate to become a victim now when 'safety' is possibly only a few months away. On a different tack but related, why does wearing a mask make people feel invulnerable and thus quite ok to get 'up close' 2m lol, more like 20cm
  14. @Cuzzie's flamed finishes are outstanding. I am just going outside for the blowtorch, I have a candidate for the same treatment
  15. Physics - reasonable fretted bass action action at 17th fret would be 2.5mm above the frets? (I personally use 3mm). Jumbo fret height (worst case for extra action height) is 1.397mm . Now remove the fret which results in about (2.5mm +1.4mm) 3.9mm action on the fretless part around the 17th fret.
  16. The cure on my SG bass was Hipshot USA tuners. Schallers or Gotohs also seem a good possibility. With the Gibbo button on the back I use the trusty straplock fitting. It also has the added advantage of tilting the bass away from my body and making the left hand easier. It would be possible to have something fabricated as per the G&L ASAT picture @Paul S has above. This could be flat aluminium bar screwed into the back of the bass with a straplock bolted to it (easy diy).
  17. My replacement scratch plate was in the shopping cart from the off
  18. I would really like to try some of these amps with a modern cab and bass fitted with today's strings. Would they be the dogs b*ll**ks or sadly lacking?
  19. Takes me back to being 14 again in bands of my youth
  20. I have used model Js in 3 different basses (2 Corvettes and currently a Chowny SWB1) with TI flats. A great combo imo.
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