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Everything posted by 3below

  1. I have used 1:1 Ionos for several recent websites, seems to be exceptionally good value. They have 'installable' options e.g. wordpress, joomla, prestashop etc etc. If you need it, there is is SSH access, PHP, MYSQl etc. I have no connection with them other than satisfied customer. We use a .band domain name
  2. Bought a set of Hipshot machines from Dean. Excellent communication and delivered just as fast as possible. really well packed. Great transaction, deal with confidence. Thanks.
  3. I have the same thoughts and experience with the inserts. Would be good to source some quality stainless steel ones (if they exist). What finish have you used on the body?
  4. For the second time, bought some strings from Marc. Excellent communication and rapid next day arrival. Many thanks.
  5. Having owned one I will add to the appreciation. A great cab, someone will not be disappointed. I only moved mine on to get a BF Dubster, more of the bottom end goodness of the Big One.
  6. Where did you get that gorgeous ash?
  7. I have a use for that, a pity I am in locked down Wales and rather too far to travel as well. Seems a shame to throw it away if it gets that far.
  8. On the same mission I took sound samples of my fretless and double bass (now gone to a fresh home) and analysed the envelopes and frequency spectrum content. I was thinking about designing building a suitable circuit (ever optimistic). In addition to attack and decay differences there are significant harmonic differences which present challenges to generate with analogue circuits. Single note DSP simulation should be possible but the challenge is dealing with the polyphonic nature of playing. At that point I gave up - my intellectual determination is not what it was when I was a young Physicist. Impulse response pedals look promising, I am very behind the curve on this one... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMA5d5hgvMY
  9. If I could offload one of my other basses I would be well up for this. G&L build quality is superb, hence I have kept one of my G&Ls for over 30 years now. GLWTS.
  10. Being vertically challenged at my 5'3" it will be quite unlikely that you are short with me I was merely alluding back to the Short scale nature of the thread, hence using the word length.
  11. Surely ..... It deserved to be a short thread. I couldn't ever see it reaching any great lengths.
  12. Where are you based? From the pictures this could be a DIY repair depending on how good you want the cosmetics to be. I could be tempted.
  13. De facto it will have changed one parameter, the cost of the bass . Any sonic parameters that might be changed by bridge replacement would seem to be highly variable since there are so many other factors in play from one bass to the next. Even two mass produced basses in the same production run can sound and play differently I also find that when playing live any subtle bass changes are lost with the effects of amplification, speakers and the venue. These days I just play the thing as it is.
  14. Where are you based? The well known Internet auction site show £80 to £40 for sold TKO bass combos.
  15. A As fitted to various Peavey basses. The front screw holes are good though wonder why no holes in the middle though (6 in total). I could also envisage a BBOT with folded ashtray edges (think Telecaster bridge) which would retain the saddles. Two days into new Lock down in Wales and this is what I am reduced to
  16. Am I the only one? I really like the BBOT bridge, engineering simplicity and elegance. Yes it can be improved, Peavey (and others) have some grooves for the grub screws to prevent lateral movement. Another (simple) useful improvement would be the ability to top load the strings rather than feed them through the hole.
  17. Many years ago, when I had mine (and they were cheap and unfashionable) it dropped off the strap with the ensuing headstock impact. It bounced and amazingly no damage. Then again I am only 5'3" so far gentler drop
  18. Middle-ageing? You youngsters! Now pass me my SG bass for that 3 hour + gig (I think I remember those in pre Covid-19 days).
  19. In addition to strings, bass amps and speakers have improved significantly.
  20. Perfectly described by @blisters on my fingers This image might also help . When you put the scratchplate back on, fit all the screws loosely then give them all the final tightening. Makes aligning the holes easier.
  21. Ditto, plus in my case, some motivation.
  22. Bought a set of Weedwacker strings from @knirirr Strings arrived as soon as physically possible, excellent communication by seller. Deal with confidence. Many thanks.
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