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Everything posted by 3below

  1. I suspect either a neck shim or neck tilt adjust is required rather than a bridge replacement. [url="https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/19686-guitar-shop-101-how-to-shim-a-bolt-on-neck"]https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/19686-guitar-shop-101-how-to-shim-a-bolt-on-neck[/url] guitar related but you will get the idea. If you are lucky (depending on the era your bass was made) you will have a micro tilt adjust. Makes the job even easier. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ekS4KBMpVY"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ekS4KBMpVY[/url]. . My brand new Fender (1977) was very poorly set up, after getting the 'manual' from Fender customer support I sorted it myself easily.
  2. I have used both Chromes and TI flats on my fretless. Both seem to work fine to my way of thinking. The cheap way to find out is wait until s/h sets appear on BC. Being flats they last a lifetime - I have one set at 8+ years, nicely broken in now
  3. I fitted Grovers to mine and gave it a general fettling. At that point (flames about to start ) I do not see much difference between my Pacifica and my USA strat. I can withstand the pacifica being stolen, damaged etc.
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1486298205' post='3230628'] I think the best petition would be for, when a biggie gig comes along, like the Ed Sheeran one, the touts etc buy the tickets, put them up for sale and NO-ONE buys them. Leave them having bought all of that for nothing. Problem is, that`s very unlikely to happen. [/quote] Consumer 'strike' is an underused weapon. I do wonder if the 'touts' physically buy tickets or are there other 'special arrangements' in place. John Mayer tour had uk tickets released at 9.00 a.m and by 9:02 these were sold out. Pretty amazing all round purchasing and processing rate. Needless to say the tickets have appeared at vastly higher prices.
  5. I had originally started building a pair of 3 way PA cabs: 9mm lightweight ply - 3015 Kappalites, Faital M5N8-80 mid range and 18 sound XD125 compression driver and flare. Initially with a 3 way crossover driver. The Faital M5N8-80 choice came about indirectly from developing a custom 3 way bass cabinet with Shermann Audio. The project has stalled - lack of time, other stuff intervenes as usual (I blame Andyjr and build threads). I built two prototype lightweight cabs at the start of my early retirement (55 lol) however I keep getting work thrown at me that is fun and financially worthwhile. Retirement, what is that? Would you like the long term loan of a Faital driver and an XD125 with flare? I also have some 'big' inductors and capacitors for a suitable crossover network. From what you have developed before I guess the eventual designs will be 'open source / creative commons' or similar. If this is so PM me.
  6. What thoughts on the mid range driver? I got quite taken by the Faital Pro M5N8-80 and have a pair awaiting use.
  7. Other than for string bends, the flatter radius has no inherent geometric advantage to gain a lower action. How low is your current action? What strings are you using?
  8. You are now entering a dangerous addiction. One build will not be enough. It will become all consumiming, you may even be contemplating the next one even as you start this one. You have been warned.
  9. And a another positive. Straplocks arrived quickly and well packed. Thanks.
  10. No need to depart this parish. Pass on your experience to the next generation, become an armchair bass player I fully understand where you are coming from, my guitar playing days are diminishing - aging hands, however the bass playing is still good. The time spent before and after a gig is a serious negative these days.
  11. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1485267363' post='3222617'] all true, but I dont see how that helps the bridge wobbling on the softer mesh transducer. I can buy a cheapo solid piezo on amazon, can someone advise if I can just joint the cables ? [/quote] Cables can be soldered together. I have used one of the cheapo piezos in an acoustic bass I have, it works well.
  12. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1485266319' post='3222607'] You could try a thin sliver of veneer the whole length of the saddle slot to restore the height. [/quote] Variant on the above, thin strip of plastic e.g. microwave meal container. Plenty of hardish plastic readily available to experiment with.
  13. Much good advice above, particularly about saddles not moving when the string is under tension. Another possible 'gotcha' is defective strings (even when new). I had a bass that would not intonate on the G string, I even got to the point of wondering was the bridge located correctly. Eventually I tried new 'new' strings and the issue was solved.
  14. Gibson SG bass > VT Deluxe > Focusurite or whatever. Just seems to record well, A touch of post recording compression and then is good to go for what I want. For the thing with two more strings I have found the Joyo American Sound direct to interface very good (quicker to get good results than Sansamp TriAC). With this setup we can quickly get reasonable (for our purposes) recordings virtually anywhere (that we can fit in).
  15. Lovely looking set of basses, secure your shed well. Some friends of mine had a flat in a large town in the west midlands. Thinking about the n'eer do wells they installed a pretty solid door and some serious locks. Come the day, the bad guys ignored the door and just knocked through the blockwork in the wall. This has also recently happened to a motor cycle dealer near to where I live in Mid Wales. Sound activated recordings of ferocious dogs required
  16. With my aging memory failing me, which establishment was in the railway arches?
  17. I managed to destroy a B/W 15" speaker very rapidly in one three minute number. Cause was failed glue where the cone meets the cast frame. There was a 'buzz' which rapidly became a terminated speaker. Not even playing at any serious volume. Further inspection revealed widespread glue failure. I suepect the cause was age, speaker was about 33 years old, well used by me from new.
  18. Enjoy, I have a set that is (from memory) 7 or 8 years old on one of my basses. They work just fine.
  19. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1484489399' post='3215818'] Our guitarist uses a 20 watt valve combo and can still drown out the bass (and drums!). Maybe 15 watts is a sensible max for guitars? [/quote] Last band I played in that used any 'volume' comprised two guitarists with 20W and 30W valve combos. More than sufficient, Having a 'Keith Moon' style drummer OTOH ....
  20. Lazy Made in Japan - the jazziness, timing, dynamic etc etc. Just like the rest of Made in Japan.
  21. I suspect my early bass playing career was improved by using a Vox AC50 and 2 Vox 2x15 foundation cabs. I would have not been audible against the Hiwatt 100 and Marshall 100 with 4 x 12s, my mistakes went unheard. Add to that the Premier pounding drummer. I always wondered why the vocals on the 100W PA amp were only just audible. Did some fun gigs though These days.... BF Dubster, Peavey Tour 700 (real not class D watts). Adequate for small singer / guitar duet lol.
  22. Bought some strings from Ian. Excellent communication, strings arrived in a day. First rate BC type. Thanks.
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