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Everything posted by 3below

  1. Gelfin, your 'sketch;'powers are better than mine. My variant was totally enclosed inside the body with a second jack socket to the outside world. Sketches have been pmd to Andy.
  2. Combo with plate amp would be my way forward. As an end user I could the use Sansamp, Alembic, Behringer, Zoom, Pod etc etc in whatever flavour I fancied. Combos have a likeable simplicity, I carry my bass case in one hand, combo in the other. Remove bass and lead, plug in and play. I currently use a bass head (middleweight) with BF cab and realise that it is not much more effort really
  3. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1480180460' post='3182335'] A sketch would be great [/quote] Winder why lol.
  4. Some skilled fingerboard recess routing up ahead I know the feeling about the wimpy scroll saw and band saw. WRT the radio transmitter, could it fit into an internal recess combined with a second internal jack socket. The best way I can describe (without sorting a sketch to upload) is: Imagine a telecaster type control rout, wide and long enough for the radio transmitter. At the 'pickup switch' end of the cavity drill / rout a blind 12mm hole / channel for a jack socket- this is going further into the body, parallel to the body, heading towards the lower bout. Fit the jack socket to the 'blind' hole with parallel wiring to the 'regular' cable type jack socket. Cover the whole arrangement with the rear control plate. The transmitter should work through the 10~ 15 mm of front body timber, an experiment many be needed. Andy if the description makes no sense I will sketch for you.
  5. As suggested by BigRedX wind the micro tilt in and shim with something with a bit of friction e.g. thin cork. In addition you could shim the side of the neck into the pocket, aluminum foil, ptfe sheet, wood veneer. I seem to remember this being a fairly standard procedure in the late 70s early 80s. My 1977 4 bolt P bass was sufficiently misaligned that I wrote to Fender UK - I got a pleasant reply and manual, problem sorted.
  6. Enjoy the different phases, as stated above it goes very fast. In what seems no time at all you will end up with a grown up an wonder where did the time go.
  7. [quote name='Burns-bass' timestamp='1479674560' post='3178388'] I'm trying to practice DB and have a wonderful and resonant old beast on my music room (I'm lucky enough to have one, for how long I'm not sure). Anyway, my new baby is making practice difficult. I've just seen an NS NXT 4 with all the add ons for sale. I'm still very much in the formative stages for my technique and am making good progress. Should I play less but fo is solely on DB (theory j can work at on the electric) or should I invest in an EUB? Apologies if this has been asked before, I searched but it was mostly asked by beginners which I guess I'm not. [/quote] Schaller magnetic pickup, 2x15 or 8x10 with 500W plus amplifier should be adequate to overcome any new baby noises In all seriousness what is the exact problem.. New born baby being woken by db? 'New baby' is the db and physical hand effort is tiring?
  8. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1479677516' post='3178420'] How does kit get in such a state??? Look at this on eBay [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/282262477697"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/282262477697[/url] [/quote] Has the makings of a novel. what has that cab seen and how it got to that state Depending what the cab is made from (Baltic birch or mdf) it might be a good starting point for a DIY cab considering the cost of quality plywood.
  9. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1479335256' post='3175828'] It's OK....I'll be finish sanding it with the stubble of my chin [/quote] For a finer finish send bass to me and I will use my beard after your stubble
  10. Lovely looking wood Surely pre-slotted is cheating. As BC builds develop I would be expecting tree felling at the least, and following the example of [url="https://paulsellers.com/"]Paul Sellers[/url] (who I find inspirational about hand tools) filing your own saw blades.
  11. Sound Control Glasgow 1990/91, USA telecaster on my part (which I still have). Great guitar, really good price, excellent service above and beyond. No wonder they went out of business
  12. [quote name='gazzatriumph' timestamp='1479246474' post='3175101'] Not sure you will get a proper German one for that money, a Rockbass yes, Used German made ones tend to go for around £600 - £700 but if you see one for that money let me know [/quote] Both of mine bought at 'that' money (£350 to £450), both are German (The Warwick website will tell you all about your bass given the serial number), both from excellent BC members, both in very good condition I started on Warwicks with Rockbasses that were about £150. The quality of them (German and Chinese) is outstanding. Dare I say it, the one Chinese 5 stringer I had (BC purchase again) was comparable to my USA G&L for build quality - flawless. Bide your time, they will appear on BC .
  13. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1479314044' post='3175564'] A 3 year BA (Hons) in the 1970's was 9-5, 5 days a week, + every lunch time in the pub. [/quote] Ditto BSc (Hons) in the same era. Weds afternoon was free for recreation
  14. There are degrees from universities and 'degrees' from 'universities'. Good advice from mooper, spend your money wisely.
  15. [quote name='Swaffle88' timestamp='1479244023' post='3175069'] I've seen a corvette standard (German) for £300 just as a private sale.. Few scrapes here and there as its been gigged quite a bit.. Also a few guys here have messaged me about basses their selling which has been appreciated! It looks like 2nd hand is the way to go cos the prices brand new are shockin [/quote] Way to go. Just be warned, GAS can become addictive at the 'bargain' prices.
  16. The Warwicks are in this parish. Wait until a good condition German corvette appears at the £350 - £450 mark. Can't go wrong for the money.
  17. Bought various 6 string Fender USA bits from them (when prices were sane). Reliable and good quality at the time.
  18. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1478799464' post='3171770'] Hi I'm sure that there will be many great suggestions (for what it's worth I've been very impressed with the reasonably priced DiMarzio P pickup) but the Squier P bass is a perfectly acceptable framework to put a decent pickup into... [/quote] +1 on this. From personal experience with basses I own, the DiMarzio approaches the G&L MFD P bass type. Both pickups have plenty of output and do the business. Both of these pickups have greater output than some active basses I own, they also have considerable tonal palette with a simple volume / tone setup. Add to the list: Entwistle P bass pickup (Neo)
  19. EB2 will hopefully be hard to move on Ebay / Gumtree / Preloved etc since it is now known on BC. As above there are not a vast amount of them about. have Cash Convertors been told and is the serial number known? Good luck with recovery, some people
  20. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1478637596' post='3170563'] [url="http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/131997420784?_mwBanner=1"]http://m.ebay.co.uk/...784?_mwBanner=1[/url] Opinions? Looks like a car crash bass to me! [/quote] Well adrift of the quality of my 1970s JB EB3 type bass (long since departed from my care). Build quality is not a phrase that springs to mind looking at the pictures. Car crash? more like a train wreck. My £500 will be better used elsewhere.
  21. Sufficient time to build the drum shells then Crack on .......
  22. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1478539451' post='3169727'] i was window shopping at Thomann yesterday...I had 3 items in my basket...I left it last night at £187...this moring I thought sod it I'll buy...went to checkout...price jumped to £232... had to decide that was too much....so didn't bother...now frustrated [/quote] Might be worth trying again in a few days. Some businesses have demand / interest led pricing in which the price changes. A well known online bookseller (and everything else these days) is a particular proponent. I have seen the same with a tool supplier when I purchased a bandsaw, it went up by £5 overnight.
  23. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1478461656' post='3169209'] Yes - I agree, 3below. I also look forward to finding out how it should be done Certainly got no idea at the moment! [/quote] I was relying on you for this one It is time someone invented 'perfect finish', you just spray it on after 80 grit sanding, it self levels, fills large flaws, does not run and sets in 1 hour (ideally less) and repels dust (small insects, dog / cat hairs etc). After the hour a quick buffing with T cut or similar results in a gloss finish that is rock hard yet impervious to dings. Perfect finish is a one coat solution. In other news I just saw a flying pink pig pass over the garden.
  24. My first tactic would be purchase a sanding detail stick (aka fret dressing / crowning stick £5 tops), masking tape or fret protector strip and a short length of straight metal (you can purchase a fret rocker if you want). Remove strings, adjust neck to flat and crown frets spending a bit more time on any that are 'high'. It is unlikely that there will be any major issues on a bass of this quality. Put strings back on and adjust truss rod, saddles and neck shim if needed (there are many good setup guides on youtube). It really is an easy DIY job and with a sanding detail stick you can not do any significant damage. If this does not work then Grangur's advice is on the money. At that point it is a matter of cost - benefit - how much do you like the bass (unless you can diy level and recrown).
  25. It will be 'interesting' getting the finish inside the curves. I look forward to finding out how it should be done
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