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Everything posted by 3below

  1. Peavey looks stunningly gorgeous. The finish dings on the back look so similar to my G&L of that era - thin finish. Looking at the Peavey makes me wonder what plant it was made in. A great bass for a great price.
  2. On the home straight to the first non neck diving EB3 Time someone formulated an effortless finish that you can brush on, one coat and as if by magic it emerges as a perfect smooth high gloss finish, no further work needed. Not likely to happen though.
  3. What I have found strange in this build is my obvious mistakes. All have been foreseeable but have still happened. I am working on getting it right 2nd time as I regain long lost skills.
  4. Pictures show various divots infilled with mahogany and epoxy. Somehow very satisfying about shaping them to fit nicely. The small yellow blemish shown in earlier pictures developed into a substantial sized lump of well dried resin when it was exposed in a further router pass. Jack socket hole and wiring channel also sorted. Body is now ready to have the oak top glued on. The bridge, hmmm, I am not impressed with my workmanship here (as presented it is a long way from finished). The string holes do not align, I should have bolted a stop on the pillar drill table (and worn my reading glasses). The 3mm bridge saddle channel has a couple of router divots (the lighter grey parts in photo). I will attempt to sort these with ebony dust and epoxy. I may well have another go at a bridge, the ebony works out at about £2.50 for the bridge so no great loss. I now understand how I can make a better mk2 jig for this job.
  5. Photos tomorrow, and agree on small steps forward. Am operating on the Zen principle, this is a thing of pleasure so have to be in the right frame of mind Hence slow progress at the moment.
  6. Other than the headstock is the wrong way round, and it has a set neck it reminds me of some Peavey basses (of which I own a few) . Given that the Peavey basses are made with 'quality' wood and fetch as little as £100 used I think I will pass on this Gibson bass. In the interests of being non-partisan, I have owned two Gibson basses and currently my SG bass is my 'get to go' implement.
  7. Slow progress, the day job uses time up. Tidied up the 'bad router day' issues. Sliced up various bits of mahogany into 2 / 3mm slices, bandsaw and file to fit the divots. Epoxied in and then routed flat. Started on the bridge, ebony slab planed and chamfered. String holes carefully measured and subsequently drilled. Today's lesson is - if you need reading glasses for close work, you should wear them. I got the measurements and hole locations spot on, not quite that good using the pillar drill making the holes. I should be able to 'lose' the slight misalignment issue. Next up, routing the 3mm bridge slot, have had several trials on this, still not really happy with the quality of what I can attain.
  8. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1475560036' post='3146850'] That was mine, it was stolen in 1981 during a gig at the Dog and Ferret. [/quote] [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1475591873' post='3147178'] Tort? [/quote] Tort? I would rather have the trifle if at all possible. I know it was stolen at that gig, I remember being amazed that the bass player did not notice me unplugging it mid song and walking away with it. Are the handles still in good condition?
  9. Very interesting, particularly the order of operations, gives me thought about my next build. I am surprised how much was freehand work. The other part of me was taken aback at the amount of high speed cutting tools without guards and the methods used. Wonder what the attrition rate on fingers, hands (and arms) is at the factory.
  10. That was mine, it was stolen in 1981 during a gig at the Dog and Ferret.
  11. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1475488740' post='3146235'] Cool - can you come round and find the two centre punches that are somewhere in my garage? I've spent hours looking [/quote] Centre punches, £2.50 for a set of 3, time to find them 2? hrs at £???? Somehow it does not seem right to view tools with the cost benefit analysis method.
  12. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1475428247' post='3145836'] Brilliant! Thank you so much, 3below. That does indeed look right to me [/quote] And thank you, I will be seeking advice later about finishing when I get that far. Shed is now somewhat clearer and my 'long lost' no5 plane re-appeared.
  13. After some pencil, paper and brain effort I think I have the solution. In the Gibson circuit, at switch position 4, the neck output signal (lower pickup in Gibson diagram, 0.05uf capacitor) is routed through through the RC combo then to the jack tip. At the same time the neck output signal is also routed through the inductor to ground. (Gibson circuit has the bridge pickup on as well as neck position 4). In the modified Andyjr Mk1 circuit above , the neck signal is fed into the RC combo for positions 4 , 5 and 6. These then provide a connection to jack tip' and the various inductor tap connections then to ground.
  14. Random thoughts removed, goes to get pencil, paper and brain
  15. What you have drawn was what was in my mind. In the cold light of morning I am not sure this is correct either. I need to get pencil, paper and brain in the job. I also need to help swmbo who wants to clear my workshop
  16. After a couple of months with the lessons you have under your belt I would say get yourself into a band. At the same time use Scott's (and others') lessons if the price is right (do not spend big bucks). In many ways progress is much faster these days, Youtube is your friend. Then again I spent a lot of time listening to singles and LPs to figure out what I was hearing (no internet then) which I now think was invaluable experience - automaticity between ears and hands (and even correctly some of the time....)
  17. Yes is the short answer. Longer answer is, put the parallel CR combination in front of the '4' connection on switch, neck pickup. This gives CR into switch into L then ground. Your circuit is easier to follow than the Gibson one.
  18. At a first run through that appears to match what you specify. Although being somewhat 'rusty' with my electronics I am figuring that the additional resistor and capacitor at the tail end of the Gibson circuit (0.22K, 0.02uF?) are part of a parallel CR series L notch filter. Figure 8 [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RLC_circuit#Other_configurations"]https://en.wikipedia..._configurations[/url] gives the circuit and relevant maths. Are these the extra 'extra resistor and capacitor' you are thinking of dispensing with? If so you may find you need to keep them. Like you I may have also missed something obvious in working through this. Any proper Electronics/Elec Engineers please confirm or correct the ageing Physicist who ironically is currently teaching active and passive filters.
  19. In related quality control and perfection issues, whilst playing my Kramer DMZ4001 this evening what do I notice? The 12th 15th and 17th fret dots are well adrift of even spacing between the frets, probably 2 ~ 3 mm. Unlike Andyjr I do not intend to relocate the dots
  20. Why will they not make a short scale EB2D at sane prices, or an Epiphone release of the same (Rivoli)?
  21. Quality of pictures sets new higher bar for build accounts In other news Gibson apparently discontinue SG basses and Andyjr now steps up to meet UK demand.
  22. Another good 'fix'. Attention to detail just seems to get sharper as the build progresses and like you minor imperfections start to bug me. It is a downhill (or uphill) slope.
  23. What is the world coming to, 1/4 mm error. Gibson managed much more than that with my SG bass .The bridge alignment was / is out by 2mm at least. How the bass escaped with the obvious uneven string spacing on the neck is anyone's guess. Supertone adjustable saddles sorted that one out. Looking good
  24. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1474926480' post='3141625'] Another tip. I find marking the board with chalk with a tight crosshatching pattern really helps to properly get a flat board once leveling so you see were any high low spots are. [/quote] Thank you . This tip will be used on my 'compact short scale build' soon, since the board radiusing and surfacing is approaching. Edited for punctuation. Txt, Email and SocMed are rendering me illiterate.....
  25. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1474925883' post='3141617'] Our (my) first gig was £15 between us AND, we'd hired the van You had a £100 gig 40 years ago? You are John Paul Jones and I claim my £5. [/quote] Ceilidh band I started in (see above) was £80 to £120 for 4 piece in that same 40 ish year ago era. To quote myself, "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Downhill ever since really"[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]Ivansc well in the lead as a bass player, but in the scheme of things a fair way to go. Cliff Crockett (a[/color][/font][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] relation of my vocalist / guitarist) [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]played the drums till 100. Started at age 7. [/font][/color][url="http://www.jazzandjazz.com/2014/05/celebrating-cliff-crockett-100-years-young-and-still-drumming/"]http://www.jazzandja...still-drumming/[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]. [/font][/color]
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