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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1467057859' post='3080910'] ..... I used to use a BF Compact a while ago, and although it's a more powerful cab than what I use now I sometimes found myself pushing harder than I do now. It appears that my new cabs give me the sound I want more easily. It's their voicing. ............ [/quote] The voicing aspect is worth exploring. The 'clean' / 'uncoloured' / whatever you want to call it sound I get from BF cabs can result in me creating large spls without realising it close to the cab (700W non class D amp). Usual giveaway is the floor vibration (concrete raft) or band members telling me so. Conversely I recently bought a 15W Laney practice amp, this is also surprisingly loud but does not deliver the low end in the same amount (not surprising). How did I cope with 4x12 and Hiwatt 100 (before that HH 100, Vox AC 50), in the 1970s/80s, more so when guitar players were using Marshall / Fender / Hiwatt / Orange 100 watters.
  2. The plus is you have a well built cab made from quality birch ply. Used at sensible volume it will withstand heavy road use and last a lifetime. Added bonus, they also look very good with a DR103 or DR201 on the top
  3. I will add to the more speakers route. Small rig is Shermann 15/6/1 custom build (previously BF Big One). Big rig is Barefaced Dubster. The increase in output with the Dubster is very noticeable. In the interests of pseudo scientific fairness, all cabs have the Eminence 3015LF 15" bass driver and I use the same amp..
  4. <Bodge Alert> If you can get the 1/4 inch socket on the truss rod nut then you may be able to insert an appropriate size flat head screwdriver blade into the 1/4" drive socket (ideally across the diagonal). You will be able to do this at an angle that clears the truss rod 'trench' </Bodge Alert> Dad3353's suggestion reminded me of the bodge method.
  5. You may need to get the Gibson adjusting tool mentioned by Ikay previously. P Plan b. 1/4 socket universal drive or flexible drive Plan c. Cut the box spanner down. The length wants to be about t0 / 15 mm shorter than the truss rod 'trench' (this will allow easy on and off the truss rod nut). Drill two sets of staggered holes at 90 degrees some distance away from the hexagonal part of the spanner. Use a hole diameter that will let you insert a short bar (or Phillips screwdriver) to rotate the box spanner.
  6. [quote name='DanOwens' timestamp='1466846623' post='3079288'] I didn't get a clear explanation as I got the impression that diagnosing the problem would have been the costly bit. [/quote] Might be worth finding a hobby electronics person / friend who can look.
  7. [quote name='DanOwens' timestamp='1466793751' post='3078965'] I have a Hartke A35 that I put in storage for a while and on taking it out, discovered a fault. I sent it to an amp tech who said there's a fault on the board that wouldn't be worth fixing. [/quote] As this is a low power amp it will be fairly straightforward and low component count.The Tech can locate the fault, I just wonder what can be so wrong that it is not worth fixing? Did you get a clear detailed explanation?
  8. Not an EB2 user these days (had one in my youth, long gone) but use my SG bass a great deal. It came with Pyramid golds on - these were instant Jack Bruce / Andy Fraser. Due to a slightly odd E string imbalance (to my hearing) I change to regular TI flats (long scale). I really like these, with that bass they give a great compressed thick tone, plus plenty of 'twang' if needed. OTOH TI flats less successful on an Aria Pro II LP style bass I have. In my EB2 days I ended up using RS66 swingbass most of the time. They devoured the frets in no time
  9. The unmentionable John Hall bass. I used a 4001 for about 8 years in a very successful ceildh band. It was the late 70s early 80s If the EBMM works stick with it. You could always go to the dark side and get the big acoustic double thingy
  10. Having owned the real thing (100w and 200w) in the late 1970s I find the Hiway 100 and 200 models are fairly sound. They remind me of what the real thing was like. I wish Tech 21 Sansamp would do a Leeds deluxe pedal - or even better a bass deluxe pedal. This would have SVT, Hiwatt, Marshall in one bank, Fender Bassman, Acoustic 370 and something else modern / clean in second bank. Covers most bases or basses
  11. Camera bags? Laptop bags as mentioned above - my last two name brand laptop bags, bought used but like new for £2 or so at boot sales.
  12. Good news above I was about to suggest the other possible DIY fix is with the power switch. Depending on the switch, you may be able to squirt a small amount of contact cleaner into it. The other strategy is to replace the switch.
  13. [quote name='JoeEvans' timestamp='1466026066' post='3072950'] If you get hooked, at some stage you are going to want to spend £2k+ (+++) on a decent solid wood bass, perhaps an older one that has settled in properly and been well set-up. When that day comes, you are going to want to spend a few hours in a room with a good number of nice old basses, trying them all to see which one is really right. But to choose the right bass, you need to be able to play the damn thing reasonably well, so that you can get the best out of them and see if they can make the kind of noises you like making. So you need a temporary bass, good enough to get your skill level up but cheap and battered enough that you can do pub gigs without getting stressed, and not new so that you can sell it for something close to what you paid for it after a year or two when you buy the really nice bass. On that basis you might look for an older Czech or Hungarian plywood or solid top bass for under a grand - Golden Strad, Boosey and Hawkes 400 or similar, maybe. [/quote] +1 on this advice. You might also find that you have the initial enthusiasm, get reasonable (or even good) then as with many things interest diminishes. Every so often I get fired up with my DB, use it a fair amount, then get fed up with lugging it around (with car so not a real effort). At this point I realise I bought fairly well: hybrid Czech bass in fair condition at a fair price. I will have had my money's worth when I move it on, will not lose and have enjoyed it.
  14. [quote name='highwayone' timestamp='1465849185' post='3071620'] ........... I took it for a repair and he said the fuse had gone and that there may be an underlying issue. He changed the fuse and I have used it at practise tonight and it has f@@ked up again. The power is still there (maybe because he put a higher rated fuse in) ......... [/quote] Replacing a fuse with a higher rated one does not inspire confidence in your repair person (unless a particular fusing issue is well known with the bassman 500 amp). My take is that there is an underlying problem, just needs the right person to find out what it is and rectify.
  15. I am lost for words other than methylated spirits will remove permanent marker. Stubborn marks may require acetone but try on an unimportant part first. Impress your other half, take one polyethersulfone (yes I know it should be sulphone in English but the new IUPAC names...) microwave dish , dab nail varnish remover on, await spectacular results .
  16. A good s/h db will be better value, someone else will have paid the initial depreciation and if you purchase wisely it will have been setup well at some point. The downside is that this bass takes time to find.
  17. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1465787584' post='3070949'] The caps are the black can looking things and smaller blue ones. But keep away from the large ones. Is it me or does the resistor between the heatsinks look a little burnt on the board?? Since you didn't know which were the capacitors then I advise you fasten it back up take it too a tech as you really can get hurt. [/quote] +1 and the 2nd resistor above the inductor (greeny-blue coil) on the right hand side above big smoothing capacitors also looks a little 'charred'. (might be shadow in photo though). The big plus is that your Hartke is traditional discrete components on 'big' PCB. This means repairable at sensible costs. I doubt the components that need replacing cost more than £5, this money will be in labour costs, diagnosis and time.
  18. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1465630622' post='3069711'] [b]Hubris + Hutzpah[/b] .... if anybody is looking for a new band name (1% royalty non-negotiable) [/quote] [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1465635935' post='3069772'] But what if you were to spell Chutzpah correctly? [/quote] Chubris
  19. Glue failure with a peavey Black Widow - age approx 25 years. The sponge 'air filter' inside the magnet / coil structure had also crumbled to dust / gunge.
  20. As always at the moment Corvettes seem an absolute steal. I can not justify a fourth Corvette even at this price. GLWTS,
  21. Warwick Corvette - ash body. Not out of the ordinary but mine seems to weigh nothing in comparison to G&L and Kramer.
  22. The similarity of names, business carried out (music) and operation within the same locality may constitute the common law tort of 'passing off' At this point seek some friendly legal advice as to what to do next.
  23. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1465569891' post='3069364'] I just finished up recording an album at home for a singer, I simply plugged my Precision with flats into one of our (I work for Focusrite) Clarett 2Pres and it sounded fantastic. This isn't a sales pitch at all, but just an example of getting the right instrument, strings and interface for the project you're doing, and you don't need much else. When I sent the completely un-produced stems to the mix engineer, he commented that all he needed to do was to put on a light compressor on them and it sat in the track wonderfully. Si [/quote] Very similar to my experience. Gibson SG bass (with flats) direct into Focusrite or Sansamp then Focusrite. As per Sibob's engineer a small amount of compression is all that is needed. Joyo American pedal also works really well using same method for guitar recording. The biggest mistake I made to start with was recording with too much input level (it is not like my youth on tape). Record with low levels since there is virtually no background noise.
  24. "T[color=#121212][font=helvetica, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]he similarities are "instantly recognisable to the ordinary observer"[/size][/font][/color] [color=#121212][font=helvetica, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]"Given the striking similarity between the ........... (the) defendants knew when writing, publishing, recording, releasing, and distributing ...... that they were infringing on a pre-existing musical composition.[/size][/font][/color] Insert Robert Johnson song and derivative blues works of choice. State that you are a descendant of Mr Johnson and consequently claim copyright infringement in all blues songs from all artists. How long before this one plays?
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