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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1465417271' post='3068111'] This might sound stupid... Do you have a screwdriver you can change the ends on, you usually get the bits in a case with the handle and the bits pop into a hex hole at the end. I've found one of mine is a perfect fit (sans driver bit) for Rickenbackers... If not, it's a box spanner you're after. Try to measure it and look on eBay. They look like a little smoking pipe. Taylor, ric, Gibson and a few others use this type of adjuster. [/quote] +1 a 'box' spanner of the appropriate size. Mini (1/4"?) sockets sometimes fit but the socket walls are often to wide. Thin wall box spanner is the way forward, no mre than a few £.
  2. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1464898197' post='3063699'] Weird. I just wiggled the bridge pickup around and it's fully restored. Good you might think. No, not good. This harks back to an issue I had when I got the bass initially. Hmmm. [/quote] This suggests a faulty solder joint at the pickup might be the cause. It is fixable if you are skilled with the soldering iron. It might be a failed winding as neilp suggests. This is not fixable without a rewind or replacement.
  3. Some very nice looking kit in super cosmetic condition, too good to use Silverface Bassman 100 (obvious), [url="http://www2.fender.com/support/articles/amplifier-product-dating/"]http://www2.fender.com/support/articles/amplifier-product-dating/[/url] and [url="http://www.ggjaguar.com/fendamp6.htm"]http://www.ggjaguar.com/fendamp6.htm[/url] will help dating the year of manufacture. Your spine hurts, my wallet is feeling the potential pain
  4. Having owned both, the 300W version made the TNT series seem lightweight in comparison. Both did a fair bit of damage to the wheel arches in the boot space of my Citroen(s) at the time
  5. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1464689163' post='3061377'] Warwicks aren't popular at the minute. Some of the prices i've seen some German made ones go for are ridiculous. [/quote] Agree, cheap as chips and bargain basement value As stated earlier, for the money you are looking at you will have far too much choice. I have the same problems buying toothpaste and a toothbrush these days - am overwhelmed by choices. Looking at the tribute bass, get a Gibson SG bass (also 'cheap as chips' since they seem unpopular) and have the additional pickups fitted. I am finding my SG bass the one that gets most use these days.
  6. [b]Marl[/b][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4] or marlstone is a calcium carbonate or lime-rich mud or mudstone which contains variable amounts of clays and silt. The dominant carbonate mineral in most [/size][/font][b]marls[/b][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4] is calcite, but other carbonate minerals such as aragonite, dolomite, and siderite may be present. Just sayin .......[/size][/font]
  7. The Yamaha is super value, it will take quite a price hike to improve on it. Even that can be avoided with improved pickups (if needed). I have a Chinese Warwick rockbass corvette and the German version, there is not much in it. When you do feel the need for a 'better' bass BC is the place to look and buy. It might be worth asking a local BCer to give the Yamaha a lookover and setup - I am sure someone will free-gratis. Youtube is your friend, search for bass lines that you like and learn from the many, many talented people on it who explain / demo how to play. In my day (old man here) you listened to the 7" single and tried to work out what was being played. Explains why I am still learning
  8. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1464288955' post='3058255'] Tfhhft! How many permutations can there be of a P Bass with flats? [/quote] Given how many have been made (and we all know they are different, never mind copies, tributes etc) x the range of flats available I suspect the answer is somewhat large No immediate answer on Google about how many Fender P basses have been made in total.
  9. Great looking bass of undoubted quality. Some info that might help sale: String spacing at bridge, scale length and nut width.
  10. Bill Fitzmaurice will be along soon to explain why these top loading bins do not perform as well as horn loaded bins.
  11. have been using Peavey with DDT for years. No ill effects yet some may disagree
  12. Is it possible to get it rewound, plenty of pickup builders about. I suspect this will be far more cost effective than Novak or MEC replacement.
  13. Penetrating oil, soak for a long while. Only problem is the penetrating oil will cost more than scrounging a s/h bridge saddle
  14. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1463574015' post='3052433'] It ok I'm not stressed or wound up, slightly irritated maybe. A toothbrush? Is it an old bone one? Ivory? Please don't tell me it's plastic. [/quote] At £12,000 it should be made from unobtanium at the very least
  15. Midweight head, lightweight cab. Sometimes glass and bog iron head (got to love those Partridge transformers). Unable to vote
  16. Enjoy the benefits of kit that can be repaired locally and cheaply. I like (older) Peavey kit for this reason, bombproof and IMO good tone.
  17. Could be worth looking at the grounding layout. Merlin's book is a useful guide, online chapter here http://www.valvewizard.co.uk/Grounding.html. Some grounding techniques are subtle (certainly would not have been obvious to me) e.g. only connecting one end of shielded cables.
  18. Following on from Beedster's expansion I would like to add some other elements of complexity that I believe should be considered. In playing from notation the difficulty may be in 'reading' rather than physical technique (stated above by the time I had typed this ). If deciphering a tune by ear the difficulty may lie in recognising / working out what is being played rather than the technique difficulty. These both represent cognition and comprehension difficulties. Perhaps some questions should be located in finding out what bass players perceive it is that makes some music difficult to play and other music straight forward. This qualitative insight might help shape the next phase of your research. Completely random thought, ask bass players to list 10 tunes (bass parts) in order of difficulty giving them free choice. With a sufficiently large and varied sample, subject the notation to AI and see if the machine learns what constitutes difficulty (if this is technically and computationally possible - I recall something similar has been done about hit songs over time?). Once this is possible, reverse the experiment. Machine rank some common music for difficulty, ask bass players to do the same. test the statistical significance, feed the data back into the AI. PhD for anyone?
  19. Done. Suggestion - it would be worthwhile having a free text box to seek comments about the questions and possible further questions (seeing Jazzneck's post, did I miss a comment box?) As an example. I found the qn about ability to play in differing keys difficult to answer. I can relate to it when I played Sax and was not fluent (or anyway competent). As a bass player I do not perceive keys as any great complexity (all the notes are there to find - or not). Are you working on positivistic methods e.g. an algorithm, qualitative or the 'mixed-methods' paradigm?
  20. It will be worth it when sorted There is something very satisfying having kit that can be self repaired, something that will increasingly be less possible.
  21. My next port of call would be adding a centre tap / humdinger to the heater circuit (assuming it does not have one). Straightforward to implement. [url="http://www.valvewizard.co.uk/heater.html"]http://www.valvewizard.co.uk/heater.html[/url]
  22. Should be a cheapish fix, capacitors are not expensive. Well within the scope of DIY repair since the PCB tracks in the older Peavey kit are substantial.
  23. Worryingly I recently played a Farida tele (standard pickups) through a Stagg practice amp. At low / medium volume it was seriously good, on a par with my USA tele and valve amp. There are many good pickups out there, even cheapie OE. I have had good results with Kent Armstrongs and DiMarzio.
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1462832020' post='3046182'] All is not spectral analysis, though, as illustrated by a Youtube (I can't find it right now...) which showed, for the same sample heard, two faces mouthing a different syllable. Depending on which face one watched, the interpretation of the brain changed to reflect that seen. Hearing is a very psychological experience. Not saying, of course, that the maths don't matter, just that there's more still when we listen to stuff. Edit: Found it ..! [media]http://youtu.be/G-lN8vWm3m0[/media] [/quote] The measurements and maths are a starting point. It may not be possible to produce a plausible effect however the journey is intellectually interesting to me. The mk1 human ear will be deployed in field testing
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