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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1460845958' post='3029333'] .....I like to roll off the passive tone completely, and just use the high frequency tone control on the preamp. [/quote] A key part of what you want hinges on the phrase "roll off the passive tone completely". This can be construed in one of two ways. Are you describing: a) turning the passive tone control fully anticlockwise (high frequencies removed, you have a bassier (muddier) tone)? or turning the passive tone control fully clockwise (high frequencies pass through, you have treble (clearer) tone)? As Dad3353 has described the solution is straightforward, With the answer a) or some component values can be calculated. SubsonicSimpleton's prototype box suggestion is also good until you have settled on final component values.
  2. [quote name='2elliot' timestamp='1460811598' post='3028991'] I'm currently running an Ashdown ABM 115 neo classic 500w flipped on its side. Unfortunately ashdown no longer make this line and finding a second one is proving tricky. It's a great cab too. Any pointers would be appreciated. [/quote] Locate the same driver and get the Ashdown cab 'cloned' ? Plan b, Locate a suitable Neo driver e.g. Eminence 3015, Faital Pro, get Ahsown cab cloned with correct ports for the driver? There appear to be some ABM cabs on the well know internet auction site. Whether these are the right ones is a matter for you.
  3. All good advice above. The majority of songs are in G, D,A and E. There are a few in other keys. Get on you tube and listen for the following genres: Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, Polkas and Waltzes. They can be English, Irish, Scottish, American but to name a few. That covers most bases apart from one we used to do 3/4, 4/4, 5/4 6/8 transitions in one tune. You will be driving the dance in that people will step / dance to your beat so my advice is keep it simple, light and tight. Most bands use music (or used to when I played regularly in the ceilidh circuit). As mentioned earlier usually two or three tunes with A / B sections repeated then change tune and have a key key changes in a dance.
  4. Great bargains in comparison to the same era USA Fender basses. The non USA current cheapies also represent excellent value - Milestone III (Jazz bass effectively) with EMGs added £100. What is not to like?
  5. Welcome 'Bruce'. Townsville, land of my father and 1/2 sister though the former now inhabits NZ and Europe alternately. GAS is a very dangerous condition, take care to keep in check
  6. Lovely looking bass and being ash will be significantly lighter than the bubinga versions (personal experience speaking). Is it a 'slim' or 'baseball bat' neck? (I prefer the latter, having one of each).
  7. Description and actions sound good, is what I would do / have done with crossovers and some amp components. I had never encountered 'spooge' word before
  8. What were we 'fixing down'? Picture would be useful if possible, otoh the deed is now done One plus of hot melt glue (not overdone) is that it can be 'broken' away from the circuit board when component replacement is needed.
  9. Great basses, nice and light (I have one). With flats mine gives a really solid compressed tone at low volume. Easy to get the Andy Fraser / Jack Bruce tone and it also records really well with DI. I also polished mine with wax which has given a great finish in my view.
  10. Plan A: Have you got quality strings at the moment? If not change them. Plan B: Fit a low cost pre amp - Artec. Plan C : Pickups appear to be MM type. If they are the same size (dimensions readily available) wait until some quality MM pickups appear on BC at a good price.
  11. The other way to get a good circular hole with the router is to use a circle cutting jig. You may also have some extension bars that came with the router. I use these and screw the bars / jig to the centre of the speaker hole. Works really well. Similar picture here [url="http://web.stanford.edu/group/stanfordtaiko/manual/images/circle_routing_jig_2.jpg"]http://web.stanford.edu/group/stanfordtaiko/manual/images/circle_routing_jig_2.jpg[/url]
  12. a) The Uprighter. DSP based, it takes fretted bass input and outputs Double bass through to fretless. Being DSP it might even do arco as well as pizz. possible controls: Thump, Air, Woodiness, Growl and ........ Sansamp Big 3 Super Deluxe This has VT / Leeds / modern (Ampeg / Hiwatt / clean modern heaven). 3 x SVT, 3 x Leeds and 3 x Modern. Clean modern should run between Acoustic / TE / Markbass and whatever. Controls as per current VT deluxe. c) Ripout. Again DSP based, sample a bass tone from recorded music, store. Play any bass in, get the stored tone out. A bit like the Line 6 thingy.
  13. Just spotted this (whilst searching for a bass bridge - go figure). I have 2 x the 700s and rate them highly, they are 'middle weight'. Sale is nothing to do with me in any way whatsoever - no offshore involvement. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-Tour-450-bass-guitar-amplifier-/361521505010?hash=item542c5c62f2:g:g3MAAOSwdU1W-FO3"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-Tour-450-bass-guitar-amplifier-/361521505010?hash=item542c5c62f2:g:g3MAAOSwdU1W-FO3[/url]
  14. I am not sure if there are any 'non invasive' solutions. It will be fixable with fretboard removal, truss rod replacement and subsequent fretboard re-attachment. There is a recent thread on BC where another Warwick had similar issues. I am now avoiding the truss rod adjustments on mne.
  15. Gorgeous bass, better than my 85 SB1 in both condition and it has the 2nd pickup. Someone will get an outstanding bass with the original smooth headstock
  16. Used many, many times. They have been excellent, they have been around for a fair while.
  17. A while back I purchased a K&K pre amp and bass pickup set from this parish. The plastic label on the pre-amp was serviceable but looking a little tired. Mail to K&K in USA, resulted in very helpful and positive replies, "however, it is an older model, we will have a look". Further same day email communication, we have one, will post. A week later the "last one" replacement plastic label arrives in UK - free gratis. Excellent customer service above and beyond.
  18. Looks like an excellent short scale bass. At that price the value for money is outstanding.
  19. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1458917290' post='3012111'] Weirdly I've noticed on every bass I've had, and they have all been fairly different that I've always dialled in pretty much the same kind of tone and I don't vary much from that. No two basses are quite the same but long as there capable of a good basic well rounded tone I'm happy. [/quote] +1 Somehow I seem to make nearly all of my basses sound very similar. This encompasses active, passive, EMGs, etc etc. Physically they play differently, respond differently, some are more rewarding than others. Some record better than others (= more easily, less faff - Gibson SG, just DI in, add small amount of compression - result) but in a live gig at any volume that involves a drummer, all subtlety and nuance is lost IMO. Bass into PA combined with venue acoustics throws yet another set of factors.
  20. Resist the temptation. There are two things to do: Sell your stingray, find and purchase a natural finish one. Which way you do this depends on your circumstances, of which you are the best judge. In other related news I brought another bass in today and divorce proceedings not started - yet.
  21. 3below

    Kramer 350B

    [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1458751361' post='3010527'] My customised Kramer fretless. [url="http://s817.photobucket.com/user/23basslord/media/DSCF9325-1.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] If a 'new' 'trendy' company built that now I can not begin to imagine the eyewatering price tags that might be possible. Great looking bass, but I like 'brown wood' basses (have hidden French decor tastes).
  22. Bought a bass body from Dan. Excellent communication and he will go the extra mile. Thanks.
  23. Libraries great places. My mum was librarian as well. Political point: enjoy them while they still exist, austerity 2 / 3 / 4 ? is on the way.
  24. 3below

    Kramer 350B

    These basses fall into almost unobtanium. I doubt if I could ever replace mine (unless paying megabucks). So though not cheap they are a once in a lifetime purchase these days IMO. I will not disclose what I paid for mine on BC, other than to say 1980s Fenders seem nuts money in comparison.
  25. Many years ago I had a John Birch EB3 bass (serious neck diver). This had the strap button on the upper horn, back inside chamfer. did not help the neck dive. Current SG bass has the neck heel location and does exactly what yours does, same issues using strap lock as well. With my 'older' man profile I quite like the way it tilts the bass away from me. It places less twist (hence carpal stress) on left hand wrist. This is not much help really
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