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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1412604694' post='2570275'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFdas-kMF74[/media] The classic Alan Perry/William Gardner Orchestra recording of "Sailing By", as used by BBC radio for their late night shipping forecast, contains a fairly formidable bassfail -- a very [i]very[/i] bum note at 1:54, followed by a bar of "oh god, where am I?" chart-searching silence, and then back on the money. Once you know it's there, you're listening for it every time. [/quote] Now I am worried, how many times have I listened to this (since the early 80s in my case) and enjoyed it, but never noticed the bum note. How bad is my bass playing if I have not noticed this No answers please!
  2. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1455827345' post='2982833'] Sounds like the best mistake you have ever made. Perhaps we could get a crappy basschat bass just so we can sneakily get it delivered, then make out we are just selling a bass to fund a new one. What can possibly go wrong? [/quote] This has mileage, seems like one of the best moves I have encountered in a long time. Someone should organise a poll - what colour is the basschat 'deceiver' bass
  3. Looks rather good for an excellent price. Must resist getting yet another bass.
  4. I can find you some ex coppers (not sure if any play bass, one plays banjo), what speciality do you want? Firearms, drugs, child protection, miners strike, TSG, rural beat, 'rubber heels' or PPU? Any particular force in the UK required? Interesting user name Jack
  5. Providing you have a suitable number of holes in the bass (body or scratchplate) this will be straightforward. The only issue could be 'strange' non-standard potentiometer (pot) values (as I found with an 80s Aria). What make is the pre-amp, a circuit schematic might be available which will make identifying suitable pots easy. If not, You may be able to read the resistance of each potentiometer printed on them, you may not. If not de-solder one of the outer wires on each of the stacked pots and measure the resistance between the outer two connections. Also measure the resistance between an outer connection and the middle with the pot rotated half way. This will identify a) the pot value and whether they are linear or logarithmic pots.
  6. Keep the bass playing and BC going. Give up the stuff you do not enjoy. New interesting 'stuff' will emerge.
  7. String spacing at bridge (too narrow) was the terminator of my short lived 5 string experience. As mentioned, 'try before you buy'.
  8. After 43 yrs playing I can still have times when it is as if I have never played the bass before. I have reached a point where I can usually play well enough to enjoy playing in a band. I will never be the next Jaco (or whoever) but it keeps me happy. Do you gain enjoyment from bass playing? HOw good do you want to be in view of the time available, commitments you have and potential rewards available?
  9. Many, many years ago saw a Band Called O / The O band in Hereford. Really good live so some time later bought some LPs. OK, but not a patch on the live performance.
  10. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1454952346' post='2974559'] ......Because of the weight of the flight case, you won't be able to carry it if you come across soft ground which means you'll need to take it out of the case, leave the case in the car and then dick about putting it all back in at the end of the night. Padded covers are cheaper, they fold away, are lighter, just as smart and offer enough protection. [/quote] [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1454955403' post='2974599'] Flight cases may well protect your gear but have you seen the damage they can inflict on cars, vans, doors, walls and anything they come into contact with? That may not be a problem, but it should be a consideration. [/quote] Even with a van you will need a loading ramp. So, unless you are a professional touring bassist with road crew and suitable transport the reasons why not are above.
  11. The low tension is a 'strange thing' I play with a heavy touch and have found TIs to be excellent on all of my basses except one. This covers 30", 32" and 34" scale lengths. They are flexible but I do not suffer fret buzz, my basses are typically 3mm at 12th fret. Buy them s/h to try, about £20 to £25 when they appear. They seem to last forever, I have one set running at about 8 years now.
  12. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1454615324' post='2971414'] Great pickups too.. [/quote] +1 on the bass I fitted them to. Plenty of reviews about.
  13. 3below

    Strat info

    As suggested by RhysP Might be one of these [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_STRAT"]https://en.wikipedia.../wiki/The_STRAT[/url] More info and helpful pics [url="http://www.guitar-list.com/fender/electric-guitars/fender-strat-cbs-models-1980-83"]http://www.guitar-li...-models-1980-83[/url] I have x3 late 80s very early 90s USA standards (Strats / Tele) and they are all very good in terms of fit and finish, one is an outstanding guitar to play, one is good and the other is just ok (somehow it does not inspire me).
  14. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The active tone control Mk IV amps can in some cases be noisy. There are answers to this on the Internet, varying degrees of success are reported. You may get lucky and have a 'quiet' one, I have no issues with mine. Internal build quality is variable, some are very neat (approaching Hiwatt standards) others less so. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] You will not lack volume with one of these. A cheap enough L120 can be rebuilt with the Hiwatt pre amp at a fraction of current Hiwatt prices.[/font][/color]
  15. Have wondered what the 'lifetime' of forum members is, or perhaps the 1/2 life, time for posting rate to halve? I wonder if is a 'constant' over all forums.
  16. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1453666332' post='2961608'] ... I guess my point is that it doesn't make sense to assess instruments in terms of a binary "does this bass have a dead spot, Yes/No?" approach. It would make more sense to ask "Is the dead spot on this bass in a place that bothers me?". ..... [/quote] A very good take on the issue. Just to confuse the matter, my G&L SB1 (somewhat Fender like) suffered the opposite problem, G string 7th fret D massively louder than any other notes. Cured by a setup and not using strings with a single core over the saddles (I forget what they are called, seemed like a good idea at the time). TI flats or Chromes every time for me, YMMV.
  17. What will the 'conversion' cost. There are many seriously good value fretless basses or fretted for conversion (diy) about at the moment. As with others in the thread, if you have a really good fretted bass, keep it that way. Find something else that 'does not matter' or get a fretless neck e.g. mighty mite to try.
  18. I have the long scale version of this, the build quality is first rate - no significant differences between this and my German Warwick Corvettes.
  19. Yes please, at some point I need to leave the boonies of Mid Wales, locate one of these and play it. Wallet might even open
  20. In my peak (a long time ago in so many aspects) 70+ gigs per year plus weekly rehearsal. This lasted for about 4 years. One bass, Gibson EB2 (£80, circa 1975, seems unbelievable now ). It even fell off the strap and the headstock stayed on. Built my own flight case as they were not readily available (and I was 16 and broke). Not in my peak - as in now, OMG 9/10? basses of which two are main players. Gigs - hmmmmm not many. Accumulating basses is another worry. As per casapete, I have this strange need / want to get another Warwick Corvette. Why? I have one, it is my first choice bass at the moment, it does what it should and very well IMO. Why do I feel the need for another?
  21. Fender Flats or Pyramids? what is the bass btw?
  22. As above, no visible cracks, splits. They would usually radiate from the screw holes or rarely along a grain like the ones in your first photograph. I go with the HowieBass and AndyTravis on this. Is just marks from a hanger.
  23. [quote name='stevebasshead' timestamp='1451681248' post='2942480'] Could be a torn speaker, or a cone coming away from the surround maybe. Does it do it at all volumes and on all notes/worse on some more than others? [/quote] Check the two 'duff' speakers for signs of this - they can be repaired (if you are lucky). I destroyed a peavey BW speaker with cone detaching from surround - failed to really recognise the issue before damage done, lesson learned. I did get 25 yrs out of it though
  24. Plenty of good advice in the thread, It could be worth contacting Alex to see if the glue used is waterproof and to see what he suggests.
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