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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1450709787' post='2935056'] Result and at a fraction of the Warwick cost. [/quote] Satisfying self plagiarism Am pleased it has worked out well.
  2. This hurts, it hurts very much, it reminds me why Mid Wales is not a good place to live at times. What is a Cash Converters? I am told there is one some 32 miles from where I live. I think you should donate the aforementioned equipment to the rural poor at a significant loss to yourself, thus helping reduce the rural poverty imbalance. They are a bargain with capital B
  3. Hope this brings stability keep us informed on what happens.
  4. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1451831219' post='2943756'] For a quality instrument like that, get it resprayed professionally. Stripping to bare wood can be difficult. The tough finishes some makers use resists all chemicals and has to be removed with a blow lamp (I know. I've done it. Takes for ever). [/quote] +1 This. Better and easier to get another colour put on top. This was done by Fender at various times on production basses.
  5. Sansamp VT deluxe and at the other price range Joyo JF-14 American pedal. The Joyo is incredibly good for DI recording, more so for the price. I think it outperforms my Sans Amp Tri-Ac on the equivalent 'Blackface' setting.
  6. [quote name='Pbassred' timestamp='1451768464' post='2943332'] You still don't want 2 X 4ohm cabs in parallel. (buuzzzzert poof!) [/quote] So I do not really want / need the full power my amp is capable of delivering at 2 ohms? (I have my fingers crossed behind my back as I type this)
  7. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1451747309' post='2943042'] Not the same problem, if I read you right. It wasn't the silks that were the problem; the actual round wire which the string is made of was the problem, because of the angle the E string makes where it goes through the bridge. [/quote] You read me right, a different problem (similar to the Gibson 3 point bridge silks/windings over saddle problem). Agree with you on great tone, my bass has great clarity and 'just plays itself'.
  8. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1451682973' post='2942509'] Kramer the Duke... Great tone, but oh dear. - Temperature-sensitive neck. It's aluminium; it changes length with temperature. So it goes out of tune, quickly. - The bridge... it's a BBOT with the strings run through it at an angle. That means that if you put roundwounds on it, the E-string can't be tuned correctly, because the winding of the string catches on the edge of the bridge. [/quote] Kramer DMZ4001 - no issues with tuning on mine, even when faced with dramatic temperature changes when the industrial heater switched on and off. The bridge - I think I had the same problem, the windings went over the saddle on the E string. Fixed by removing bridge and making the string 'hole' deeper in the body. Small spacer nut slid onto string moved the ball end further back and the windings now end behind saddle. Short top horn, aluminium neck, maple body - weight and neck dive.
  9. [quote name='stevebasshead' timestamp='1451681248' post='2942480'] Could be a torn speaker, or a cone coming away from the surround maybe. Does it do it at all volumes and on all notes/worse on some more than others? [/quote] Follow this through, disconnect each speaker in turn, it might be one or more.
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1451590973' post='2941774'] Staying home tonight while my band is out gigging because I was given an impromptu flying lesson by a car driver while out on my bike a few weeks ago. Might have managed the gig from my wheelchair but not with my left arm in a cast from knuckles to above the elbow. [/quote] Stuffed my left hand index finger yesterday in minor bike collision, nowhere near on scale of yours and will be good in few days. Best wishes and commiserations from another biker (pedal not motor, not that it matters whatever you ride, they do not see us even with day lights and high vis).
  11. How many holes do you have in the pickguard now? You could go VVTT or VT VT with dual concentric pots. You could keep existing wiring and do a neat job. Kiogon on this very forum could make you a custom wiring loom. Plenty of wiring diagrams about on Google. Enjoy the bass
  12. [list] [*]Neck dive - on any bass [*]Some Fender P basses, G&L basses and accurate copies - E string is not straight pull to the machine head. My G&L has the 'offset' E string angle. A quick Google images will give plenty of examples. Why? Is there an engineering reason or was it just mis-measurement / accuracy in the 1950s that is perpetuated. [*]Dead notes / super resonant notes [/list]
  13. Current Gibson SG bass pickup pole pieces do nothing to the individual string output. They just look the part. We won't mention the 3 point bridge.
  14. At the moment I alternate between a Warwick Corvette and Gibson SG bass. Chalk and cheese you may think, but with TI flats on both I get a remarkably similar tone. SG (short scale) is faster to play (5'3" small hands), the Warwick has a touch more 'authority' on the lower E string notes (noticeable when recording, not so when played live). In my view the quality of modern strings makes short scale basses a viable proposition (unlike in my youth).
  15. Crack / chips in the fretboard can be filled and hidden by compressing rosewood sawdust into the damaged area and then dropping a little superglue onto the dust. Allow to dry and sand smooth. It is surprising what can be hidden. Plenty of information on this method can be found on Internet. I was pleased with the results I got using this method in a recent diy refret. [url="http://www.stewmac.com/How-To/Online_Resources/Learn_About_Repair_Tools_and_Repair_Techniques/Cleaning_up_after_sloppy_fretwork_fixing_chips_in_the_fingerboard.html"]http://www.stewmac.com/How-To/Online_Resources/Learn_About_Repair_Tools_and_Repair_Techniques/Cleaning_up_after_sloppy_fretwork_fixing_chips_in_the_fingerboard.html[/url]
  16. A good starting point is here [url="http://www2.fender.com/support/articles/bass-guitar-setup-guide/"]http://www2.fender.com/support/articles/bass-guitar-setup-guide/[/url] Gives a guide to what you should be able to achieve and how to get there.
  17. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1451253937' post='2939159'] A used Ditto X2 Looper has just sold for £112 + £3 postage on eBay UK. You can buy a new one on Amazon UK for £100, free postage. Madness, IMHO of course. [/quote] This happens many, many times, best advice before buying anything: check price, customer service, warranty etc etc. |s observed, the well known internet auction site provides endless examples of this
  18. There are not going to be many of these about which will help with 'finding' it.
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1451001624' post='2937847'] I hope this doesn't mean what I first read this as, by association and context. Please tell me I'm deluded. Please..? [/quote] I am unable to deny or confirm what it is that you may think this refers to
  20. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1450993750' post='2937777'] The letter 'p' and 't' aren't close to each other on the keyboard. I shall assume that it is not a typo. [/quote] We do not know what keyboard was in use. "The QWERTY layout was designed in the 19th century. Colemak is a modern alternative to the QWERTY and Dvorak layouts. It is designed for efficient and ergonomic touch typing in English". On the Colemak keyboard, the P and T keys are next to each other although on different rows. At this point I am going outside for some natural activities which can be carried out in rural isolation and to spot santa
  21. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1450989292' post='2937736'] Not if you are camping... [/quote] No sense of adventure! However I would agree with your view on this even though it seems a bit cold and wet for camping at this time of year. In my defence the original quote is "I will not s**t outside the UK".
  22. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1450716162' post='2935157'] Alternatively, you could adapt my suggestion for a band-name generator from a few months back, and just use Basschat topic titles as song titles:[list] [*]Why did you start? [*]I must be getting old [*]Scooped tone [*]Credit where credit is due [*]Shivers down your spine [*]You'll never perform [/list] etc. [/quote] The more I look at the titles from threads the more I like this. Over to the mods to produce a digest of the titles as a service to the community?
  23. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1450901358' post='2936909'] I have a 36" But then I'm 6ft 4 & it feels in proportion for me , plus the string tension is good for D tuning . [/quote] I have a 42" But then I'm 5ft 3 & it feels in proportion for me , plus the string tension is good for regular tuning. Some call it a double bass, I call it bigger than me
  24. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1450824589' post='2936298'] ....I can't think of any other country where the social origin they were born into in would be factored into the potential or authenticity of a band. It's an amazing concept to think of yourself in that way. [/quote] Strongly ingrained into us by our lords and masters (thus betters) over many hundreds of years. We serfs and vassals know our place in the scheme of things. On a different but similar tack, In my youth (in the 1960s/70s) I was always surprised by how many musicians in 'famous' bands had university degrees (and / or had been to public school).
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