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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1442402262' post='2866638'] There's also the £108 Harley Benton one. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_40fl_sb.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._jb_40fl_sb.htm[/url] If it sounds and plays like their JB-75 You're on a winner. [/quote] Having just looked, the specification is just amazing for the money basses are becoming like bic razors, no need for refrets, adjustments etc, just disposable at this price.
  2. Not at all usual in my experience, however I do live in Wales. Does your bass have a dual action truss rod with the walnut (?) access plug at the nut end. My Telecaster developed a loose plug (glue failure) which resulted in subtle truss rod issues. This was spotted when I admitted defeat and got a professional setup. Solved with some glue Some truss rods end up crushing neck wood due to inadequate size washer behind adjuster.
  3. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1442261055' post='2865631'] ive got a satin sg bass , is it a simple job mate? [/quote] yes And so far (1 year later) not destructive at all. I used Liberon dark oak wax (my bass was chocolate brown) and just rubbed in with cloth. Allow to soak / dry and polish off (shoe brush is good). Have given it several goes over the year. You will get a better result by slackening strings and removing knobs the first time, makes it easier in those areas. The neck is super with this finish - if I ever get round to building myself a bass this is what I will use. I also use the same wax on my Warwicks and all is good. Disclaimer - it worked for me, YMMV.
  4. Simple low cost solution - pull jack plug partially out of amplifier input. Switch to active or passive. Push jack plug in. Works every time but not ideal if you are doing this mid tune.
  5. How exact a copy do you want the guitar(s) to be, to the nearest 0.5mm, a few mm? Broadly right to within 5mm (obviously critical dimensions e.g. neck pockets must be spot on, but these will be done with router templates I am assuming)
  6. [quote name='JJW' timestamp='1441724290' post='2861224'] I wanted to do it from other specific guitar, i wanted to take a picture of a guitar I like and be able to make a template like the template in the picture (just the outline) I dont mind having them on mulitple sheets but they are now printing the correct size. [/quote] One issue you will probably encounter with taking a picture and then producing a template is the perspective distortion introduced by camera position relative to the object
  7. AKG D5 - sounded best when we A/Bd it with several others for female singer. Try several in good music shop.
  8. Is the bridge ashtray too low to clear the Babicz? If that is the case, some cunning shaped spacers (plastic, wood, aluminium) could give the ashtray a lift. What to do - these are times of austerity, make do I find cosmetic imperfections annoying on my basses, after a while I just forget / ignore them and play the thing. Then again I have one bass with a bridge issue that is preoccupying me at the moment.
  9. If it was black I would have done the deal by now. Have you thought about hiding it with the Fender ashtray? Could you cope with the ashtray - I know I could not.
  10. Print image as large as possible onto A4 graph paper. Find big squared paper. Use the original A4 print to give coordinates and just scale up onto the big squared paper. Another easy way is to find a friend / colleague who has IT skill and a big printer. Provide suitable incentive and you will get a template printed out.
  11. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1441569842' post='2859957'] Save the picture, crop and re size it in paintbox, save that on a stick, take stick to a decent high stationery shop and as them to print it on A2 paper. Low tech solution like that should cost you about a quid. [/quote] +1 for the obvious
  12. On the well known auction site you will find pantographs for about £8. Use one of these to trace round and enlarge the image directly onto mdf or plywood.
  13. Following on from the trace image method on screen: large sheet of paper, stick on wall. Use pc projector at a suitable distance to project image on paper. Draw round image . Stick paper on mdf or ply, bandsaw and file away till happy. I would recommend carrying out a full written risk assessment and then wearing personal protective equipment when playing the guitar, could take someone's eye with those points Good luck with the build.
  14. Suspect rasp and sandapaper as mentioned earlier. I would also make a template gauge with the correct chamfer. Use this to check for consistency (often) and with skill do not take too much off.
  15. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1441405703' post='2858758'] i forget on a weekly basis and often wonder how i have managed thus far its like riding a bike [/quote] +1 On one occasion which will live with me forever, I played like I had bought a bass two days previously. 40 yrs bass playing had been lost.
  16. Thanks for info. As a sometime Physicist I appreciate the devotion to accuracy 16.66875mm in new money. Super looking bass but sadly I can not manage with the closer string spacing. GLWTS.
  17. String spacing at bridge please - am thinking is standard not broadneck.
  18. KK bass pickup and pre bought. Super fast arrival, brilliant packing. Excellent communication. Thanks
  19. Endorsements & commercial interests or am I just cynical?
  20. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1440837654' post='2854186'] ....... Warwicks are either C or U shapes (I have examples of both). [/quote] Likewise, and for the same model bass they are very different to play. Linking in with Alyctes idea of a database of bass dimensions, why not make cardboard templates of the profiles at nut / first fret and 12th fret. Photograph the profiles with ruler scale in picture. +1 to Manton Customs, it is all personal preference.
  21. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1440799039' post='2854046'] ....It doesn't make sense (to me) that there can be much wrong with the frets if the other strings are intonated correctly right the way along the neck. Check the nut slot depth though, if it's too shallow you'll have issues with the fretted notes nearer the nut. Neck relief should be a slight concave bend, I hope that's what you mean when you say there's a 'nice concave bend' because it's thickness of card territory you're after. [/quote] Good advice above on nut slot and relief and the sense check is excellent. If the ADG strings are ok the frets / neck / nut / bridge are likely to be spot on. Fender (and other mass market bass builders) have got this down to a fair art.
  22. Concave neck (relief) is good. Quite staggering fret wear can be ok. My first thought is duff E string (even from new). I struggled to get a bass to intonate correctly until I eventually figured it was a duff new string. It was the only one I have encountered in 44 yrs of bass playing however Other thoughts: Nut slot smooth? put some wax or pencil graphite in it, ball end secure against bridge? Pull string firmly a few times to take any slack out (I have read on the Internet that this is not recommended but has never caused any issues for me). Last question is how out of tune? Noticeable to hearing or a few dots out on the tuning meter - finger pressure can make notes go sharp on tuning meter.
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