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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1429206843' post='2749290'] Ha! Like on lawnmowers, with the rabbit at one end and the tortoise at the other! [/quote] Thanks for that you just reminded me of the big green thing outside that keeps growing and now needs time with machine that has the rabbit at one end and the tortoise at the other! I did it a few days ago and the b* thing has grown faster than ever with sunshine.
  2. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1429207816' post='2749312'] [url="http://www.audioheritage.org/images/jbl/photos/pro-speakers/grateful.jpg"]http://www.audioheri...rs/grateful.jpg[/url] 24x12, pitiful... [/quote] So the 24 x 15 cross firing in blocks of 12 vertically? Eminence 3015LFs with (as a first estimate) 12 x 6" mid range speakers. Would have to be active crossovers to keep weight down. Approx 9.6 KW power amp would be starting estimate. Cabinet and port dimensions to follow (if I am bored at work tomorrow).
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1429205011' post='2749256'] Reducing sustain is much easier than increasing it. There are times when I've been crying out for sustain on slower songs. [/quote] Time for the 'sustainer changer' bridge, lever adjustable either way
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429202075' post='2749206'] Plus, sustain is a highly overrated characteristic anyway. Does anyone really need a lot of it for bass playing? [/quote] Many is the time when I would have liked a sustain reducing bridge, I have even tried rubber shim in neck pocket to achieve this effect - did not make much difference. Was back to the good old sponge under the strings method.
  5. Other options (but much more expensive) Eminence 3015 or 3015 LF . Used in earlier generations of Barefaced cabs and in the Fearful range. They also appear in BFM cabinet designs.
  6. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1429050812' post='2747573'] Unfortunately he is only under obligation to answer police questions if under arrest. He can feasibly not turn up to interview, or give a 'no comment' interview, unless there is enough evidence initially and he is charged with theft. [/quote] Good points, I was hoping for the most positive outcome. Given the'front' of what has taken place the 'no comment' interview could have been a high probability.
  7. With One VBA 400 and Barefaced Dubster (2 x 15) I could (can) make the concrete slab and walls of the hall (900 + capacity) I rehearse in vibrate. A most odd sensation feeling the concrete foundation raft move - the earth did move for me Not sure what that says about 1950's construction. What the 8x15 and 2 VBAs used in full tilt will do will be interesting to say the least. I await the BBC news later this year! [url="http://www.linearteam.dk/?pageid=winisd"]http://www.lineartea.../?pageid=winisd[/url] - input the Thiele-Small parameters (from Celstion website) and cab dimensions.. Application will tell you what port sizes, airflows, frequency response the cabinet will theoretically give.
  8. So disappointed for you that plod could not follow through. Having kit nicked is a most unpleasant feeling (have experienced theft - but not in such a personal direct situation with intent). Seems even worse since it is another (alleged) musician - having said that I have been ripped off with failed purchase on here a long time ago so have some sense of that as well. Remember the majority of us are good. The perpetrator will get his due justice in the course of time, he will come unstuck. If he is lucky it will be lawful, if he is unlucky will be worse. No offence, is there anything that is desperately needed - many here will help out, me included.
  9. Deffo have different musculature on left hand to right. Cause - who knows. LH grip is significantly stronger than RH, but after 42+ yrs bass playing is to be expected I think.
  10. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1429030342' post='2747218'] Have you used a modelling program like WinISD to figure out the size and shape of the ports in the front? That should be your first port of call when trying to work the area and length of ports to use - they're not just vents to reduce heat. I wonder how much heat the drivers will actually produce - If that's a VBA400 in the picture, each driver would only be handling 50 watts at full output, so perhaps heat won't be such a big issue. [/quote] Good advice and sharp observation on the VBA 400 and the power sharing. A rough estimate based on my Dubster suggests an 8x15 would need 1670 cm^2 of port area. This is a very rough estimate, WinISD or similar as suggested is the way forward if you want a correctly vented cabinet.
  11. The big plus with the Mk4 is that they can still be found at sensible prices As chriswareham notes there are fixes for the noise and these are easily found. I keep thinking about DR103 conversion for mine but then think I have an unmolested 'bedroom use' condition one...
  12. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1428961407' post='2746544'] I'd be interested to know how much more air this will shift as opposed to an 810? I thought the magic was all in the voice coil and xmax excursion, which could be just as big for a 10" with the extra inches in a 15 being the paper cone? [/quote] A well made point about speaker volume displacement and excursion. We now need the technical input of Mr Claber and Mr Fitzmaurice - what would the optimal 8 x 15 look like? Single column of 15s or cross fired blocks of 4. How could it perform?
  13. [quote name='zacclowes' timestamp='1427445423' post='2730371'] ..... Then the mark 4 amps that came after are totally different. These have partridge transformers and a nice build quality (but not hiwatt neat). They often get criticised as being cheap builds but they're as good as most vintage builds I've seen like laney, Marshall, Carlsbro, Simms watts, matamp....:it's just hiwatt is next level neat and are perfect. [/quote] [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1428958054' post='2746489'] This deserves a bump ... I use the 100W Mk 4. Sounds brilliant, very loud and punchy....... [/quote] Agree with the above. Some Mk4 do not have Partridge xformers but have pretty substantial equivalents. Some (and I have one, by luck not judgement) are superbly wired (every bit as good as 70s Hiwatts owned at the time from memory), some are 'messy'. Mk4 can be noisy but with bass cabs that have limited high frequency range this can become a non issue.
  14. I am lost for words. I did the Acoustic 370 and Marshall 4 x 15 thing in my youth. An 8 x 15 makes me think of Robert Oppenheimer who remarked after the first A bomb that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.". The vents seem a bit small (compared to my puny weakling Barefaced Dubster 2 x 15 - small upstart wimpy cab ) Just noted where you live - luckily I am at a safe distance when you undertake tests. An excellent undertaking
  15. Chiliwailer - so is your 'old' set TIs? Mine have run me 8 years so far, used TIs yes please
  16. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1428955248' post='2746446'] ............they're basses, they all sound the same............... [/quote] I find I sound pretty much the same over a wide range of kit. Other people playing my kit sound different. Anyway - the kit is: bass > Peavey tour 700 > then Barefaced Dubster (big, loud and forgiving of sloppy technique) or Shermann 15/6/1 full range cab (small not as loud and very detailed). I have MXR and VT pedals available but live just think Peavey is the business - pedals are super for recording. At one point I had VBA 400 but felt is was just not as good for me as the Peavey, each to their own however. Basses - too many is all I will say.
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1428786048' post='2744591'] Thanks 3Below, was thinking along those lines. Shocking on a commercially built bass! [/quote] Agree - what surprised me was that the Hipshot bridge bought used from this forum was set up to deal with the same issue on another SG bass. It is not just mine.
  18. Having seen a friend who is also a luthier doing this - string / thread. He attached thread to machine heads (E and G, E and E 6 string) or their holes, ran it through nut and then to bridge. Thinking this through a bit - stick bridge to body - double sided tape? Fix thread / string to saddles and then through nut and onto something 'solid'. Adjust bridge position left - right then drill pilot holes. 2mm is about what the bridge on my CNC mass produced 2014 Gibson SG bass is out by. Not impressed on that one, overcome by Hipshot.
  19. [url="http://www.glguitars.com/faq/GLmanual.pdf"]www.glguitars.com/faq/GLmanual.pdf[/url] Warwick have a series of videos on Youtube - although they are for setting up Warwicks (stating the obvious) they explain everything really well.
  20. I have played this very nice bass when I picked up a Corvettte from Dogz73. If you are looking for a lightweight bass this is well worth a look.
  21. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1428336430' post='2740354'] Beats the normal one, shutting the case with the strap over the pots and bang, the pot snaps the wood underneath and falls in. Loverly basses but almost made out of glass. [/quote] Ouch - I seem to recall seeing a picture of a similarly damaged Warwick many years ago. Reminds me to take care (and think about strengthening the cavity).
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1428435208' post='2741295'] .... Since you have asked for the Police help and they say let them do their job, then that is what you should do... [/quote] Sound advice, I would minimise any contact with the singer, ideally none. if he does contact you make verbatim notes (date,time and sign) of any conversation, be wary of entering into conversations about what is happening. As others have said, I hope you get the kit back.
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1428338330' post='2740383'] There's plenty to go around... [/quote] Just how big is this? At 250g it is not a lightweight chill pill.
  24. You have done the right thing, the forces of law and order should now sort this. For them it should now be an easy one and helps the clear up rate.
  25. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1428357938' post='2740615'] I really doubt the police would want to know to be honest. I would check CCTV though. [/quote] Depends where you live I suspect, depends what the crime rate is, what the volume and nature of what the Police have to deal with.
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