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Everything posted by 3below

  1. If he is telling the truth then he would be a liability in a band. Leaving kit unattended - a very basic error on his part and a very costly one. I am not convinced. I would report it to plod and let him experience professional questioning. I have seen this as a third party, his story (if it is) will soon unfold. He was the last one seen with the kit... is his call to answer.
  2. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1428344673' post='2740446'] I don't gig my more valuable vintage instruments, not because of concerns about reliability but purely through fear of theft and/or drunken punters causing damage. My main gigging basses are G&L's from the 80's [/quote] This is my main concern. Depends on how replaceable your YOB bass would be. I also use a mid 80s G&L but am increasingly aware of how would I find another one it cane to grief.
  3. From what you describe it seems eminently achievable by a good luthier. It will not be cheap. Earlier suggestion get a look a like neck made seems a better idea to me. Should Shergolds ever achieve vintage Fender prices this strategy will be well worthwhile.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428313896' post='2740052'] And pull through with oily rag. [/quote] Sounds like the fabled military cure for certain afflictions - mere though brings tears to the eyes. A pull through used to be 4" x 2" these days is a less eye watering 45mm x 45mm
  5. Warwick prices seem very competitive on a fair range of their hardware. The Tuner will cost less than the postage if my memory serves me (increasingly unlikely these days )
  6. Agree - BoB is on the money with this. If you are lucky you will be able to re-solder it back in and it will be obvious where.
  7. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1428213219' post='2739101'] My apologies, missed it was for a fretless. I'd use a Graphtech/Hipshot system, and make sure you have a high pass filter somewhere in your signal chain. [/quote] Low pass filter should also be on the agenda to block 'clicky - clacky' high frequencies Cabinet choice can also make a significant difference - my full range cabinet (15" 6" horn) reveals all the evils with my piezo fitted acoustic bass.
  8. On a different offbeat road. Warwick Corvette with ash bodies are pretty damn light. DiMarzio model j humbucking pickups get into p bass territory with my bass. Streamers with P pickup might be an alternative. As mentioned before, another plan could be getting custom smaller thinner body made - Gibson SG bass thickness combined with G&L SB 1/2 size and chambered ( P bass on diet). Something will be out there. Plan C, what about sitting rather than standing?
  9. There are bridges available that have piezo elements built in. They look fairly presentable. I have not fitted mine yet so can not comment on tone. The well known internet auction site would be my first port of call - in the £30 range. Schaller 3D4P looks nice if you want something upmarket.
  10. [quote name='CHW' timestamp='1427838948' post='2735012'] Just started to experience what I think is a form of tinnitus- I can often hear my own heart/blood swishing in my left ear. [/quote] Ditto - sometimes, however I live in a very quiet location, can hear single cars 400m away, trains 3 miles away. Can have 'real silence' My hearing seems ok (according to the test) but what I am noticing (at 50 onwards - now 56) is losing the ability to pick out conversations in a crowd - the effect of 30 years teaching, ie long term low level noise exposure.
  11. My Gibson SG chocolate brown was satin. I have used Briwax dark wax polish on it and it is now developing a nice (IMO) lustre rather like my Warwicks. I like it, is easy to keep looking nice.
  12. Thanks, I might give them a try. Pyramids are excellent for instant Jack Bruce / Andy Fraser tones.
  13. How is your E string? Mine with Pyramid Golds is noticeably lower output than the others. I have the Hipshot bridge fitted.
  14. I have had one (VT dlx) for two weeks. Am pleased so far, it passed the 5 min idiot test. Can I get reasonable / good sounds in 5 mins without reading the manual.
  15. I seem to note that Mr Glover was using a BC 'banned' bass rather a lot. One of the greatest live albums - I also rate Free Live, \the Who Live at Leeds and Dr Feelgood Stupidity as being amongst the best. Each to their own though
  16. Upper horn to 12th fret or less - avoid building a neck diver.
  17. Have to smile, was going to put collection ok but if Shetlands.... I nearly escaped Mid Wales (if that is the right word) to Tiree.
  18. Where are you? Great bass but I am biased about G&Ls.
  19. Why I sold my Rickenbacker Bass - to buy a G&L. Why that would be of any interest to anyone is beyond me. At the current rate of posts it should be another 5 days to reach the 1000 post mark.
  20. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1427061030' post='2725366'] Well, that's me off the hook. I don't have any testosterone and I'm not wearing any underwear. [/quote] [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1427061151' post='2725369'] I concur, I'm sat here naked and I feel as chilled as a mofo. BTW the Rick gang didn't want to fight so I'm back here, turn out the rumours are just rumours. [/quote] I had not realised that 'sans underwear' was required. How had I gone so long without realising this
  21. Conversely have never lost out on ebay but have been scammed on BC once. I paid for amplifier which I never received. Another BC member also had issues but at least got his amp in the end. The guilty party was / is xxxxxxxxxx - [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Last Active Mar 25 2013 .[/size][/font][/color]
  22. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1426802769' post='2722258'] +1 for the AKG D5. Its well made and has a nice deep sound to it. [/quote] +2 now
  23. Warwick Corvettes - probably the greatest value for money bass at the moment.
  24. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1426871619' post='2723005'] Sincere apologies if you have taken offence. It was absolutely not my intention for you to take my words to heart on a personal level. I was merely offering an opinion based upon my own life experiences of bass "teachers" and various others that I have interacted with..... I don't speak inspection speak I speak in real terms. I would however rather you did not consider leaving basschat because of my post! Btw I also hold formal teaching qualifications and teach both in the UK and abroad. [/quote] My apologies back - I was a touch sensitive - probably the result of prolonged 'teacher bashing' over many years. like you I hold formal teaching qualifications, it used to be the day job. I totally agree with you that good teachers adapt and inspire. I also agree that there are poor teachers out there as well.
  25. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1426804341' post='2722292'] 51 % is most, so definately doesn`t mean 90. I doubt he meant you personally. A lot of the teachers from my area are guitar players, who will teach bass. There are some bad ones. Probably some good ones as well. I would imagine more than 50% would not be the best bass teachers available.I have to travel to get a dedicated bass teacher. [/quote] I am sure it was not aimed at me personally, have never taught bass In terms of the 'weasel words' there is formal advice from the inspecting bodies e.g. ESTYN about how they are used nearly all = with very few exceptions most = 90% or more many = 70% or more a majority = over 60% half = 50% around half = close to 50% a minority = below 40% few = below 20% very few = less than 10% Thus in every education inspection report you read most certainly does mean 90% or more.
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