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Everything posted by 3below

  1. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1426801834' post='2722238'] If the learner cant learn by the way the teacher teaches then the teacher needs to learn to teach in the way that the learner will learn. The best teachers are flexible to the learners individual needs. Good teachers explain and demonstrate...great teachers inspire. Unfortunately most are sh*t. [/quote] Thanks for that. In inspection speak / reporting most means 90%. On that basis I guess it is time I left Basschat.
  2. Very sound advice in the previous replies. Just walk away, all you have to do is say I am not requiring any further lessons. If pressed the usual reply would be, it is my choice, is not up for discussion, etc. Find someone who 'helps' and develops your playing. The description of "[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]slapping, tapping, chords etc" left me cold. Of no use to my playing. As a qualified teacher with 30 years time served who now mentors and ratifies teachers final competence I could give a professional opinion.....[/color][/font]
  3. What is the issue? Some musicians get together to celebrate Jack Bruce and his music. They may play in a totally different style. They raise money for a good cause. They are free agents and can do this in a libertarian society. Seems good to me.
  4. Andy Fraser is the bass player I always wanted to be (and never will be). Way too talented at 17, how do some players get to be that good that soon. The playing on Free Live is one recording I have returned to time and time again - an outstanding bass player for me.
  5. Small hands here - and I have also recently noticed how much easier narrow necks (width is the issue, I like baseball bat profile) are in my increasing years. I enjoy my G&L SB1 which I have had for 24/25 yrs but narrow necks are now my choice.
  6. String choice made quite a difference with my Corvette fretless. TI flats and now currently D'addario chromes. Significant tonal differences.
  7. In the current climate - price hmmm. Get to a few shops, try various Warwicks. You may find other variants e.g. corvette, streamer also of interest. Good German corvettes seem to fetch between £350 to £500 on BC at the moment. They are great basses, especially at the money. Good advice about neck profiles, check them out and decide what you like - mine have extremely different neck profiles, baseball bat through to super slim 'shredding'. Get the purchase right first time and the Warwick will do for practice, gigs, recording and whatever. Will last you a lifetime.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1423241216' post='2682726'] Camembert Electrique was a seminal album. I bought it in 1974 for 59p (the price of a single at that time - Virgin were promoting various albums this way to give more exposure to artists). It introduced me to psychedelic rock and blew my little teenage mind. [/quote] Bought at the same time. A massive driver for me getting a band together at the same time. Music that is as fresh to me today as it was then. He (they) changed my life.
  9. Looks like an amplifier to me, some pretty substantial transformers in it. Very well built, very tidy. The price was right a good buy, buy of the year in fact. Need to get a multimeter and start probing - what HT (B+) voltages is it set up for. With that info we can work out what valves it will work with. Nice project.
  10. No confusion on my part.... Choice at up to £750 will be overwhelming, like buying a toothbrush in the supermarket.
  11. At the higher end - although they seem to be marmite, German Warwick Corvettes seem to be the bargain of the moment. £350 recently for an ash bodied beauty on this very forum.
  12. Funky Dunky - where are you based? You might get lucky with someone offering to have a look at your bass for you. I can not stress how impressed I was with the Warwick videos on you-tube. I have played bass for 45+ years and always done own set-ups. I now do better setups after seeing these videos. Did my SG bass when I had it from fellow BCer. I was happy enough. Watched the Warwick videos (so I could sort my W basses out) then applied method to Gibson. Result - much better setup.
  13. Twincam's explanation is excellent. One other issue that can be present is incorrect nut height - usually in cheaper basses. Warwick suggest that there should be 0.3mm clearance (business card thickness - card not plastic) between the string and first fret. If this is drastically out then the rest of a setup will be affected. Plenty of info on internet about nut height.
  14. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1426057505' post='2713783'] I would never part with my 1988 SB1, it's blown away every Precision it's ever gone up against. [/quote] 1985 SB1 in my possession since 1990. All the quality of a custom shop Fender at a fraction of the price. tommorichards - it may well be possible to still get a crackle finish pickguard from G&L. If not it will be possible (for a price) to get one laser cut and crackle finished. Whatever the finish is, it is b* tough. Mine still looks like new.
  15. What bass are you planning to fit it on? I would start with BBOT Fender type bridge and make some hardwood (Ebony probably) saddles in the DDP style. It should be possible to tap threads into the ebony - see how they last. Interesting that the saddles do not appear to have a clear defined break point like 'regular' bridge saddles do. This will depend on what angle they are set up at though.
  16. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1426095478' post='2714356'] When I first heard 'Blurred Lines' I immediately thought it was a Marvin steal from 'Got To Give..',astoundingly so, IMHO. [/quote] Agree, when I heard it in car I initially thought it was a cover - was remembering the original from memory (a long time ago).
  17. Bought VT Deluxe from Jim. Excellent communication and the kit arrived next day. Deal with confidence. Thanks Jim.
  18. For the retro sound, Marshall 4x15 ? The bass players answer to the 4x12.
  19. Serious good value for these - have them on two of my basses and am well impressed.
  20. Paul packed the pre-amp to survive nuclear detonation and couriers. Excellent communication and rapid arrival. Many thanks Paul. Deal with confidence.
  21. Very elegant with the large 'lollipop' heads and curved edges on baseplate.
  22. Am surprised the obvious answer of remove the neck and check the neck & pocket dates has not been suggested yet. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425745421' post='2710304'] Good point Lozz. I favour a medium/high action for the same reason... note choice becomes more important and if a string has room to vibrate, it sounds better. IMHO. [/quote] Totally agree on this one. On some basses you can hear the tone / note bloom / string response 'disappear' as you lower the action even when there is no string buzz etc.
  23. Am surprised you are getting this with EMGs, my one EMG kitted bass will buzz but only when you put bass on top of amplifier and even then not much. They seem pretty good at rejecting noise.
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