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Everything posted by 3below

  1. When it is buzzing try the following. Turning 90 degrees, Turning strip lights off, hands on strings / hands off, moving further back from amp, moving round amp to different positions - change orientation by 90 degrees for any position. It sounds like em field from transformer being picked up by pickups. There are solutions.. as above humbuckers, shielding cavities, active pickups e.g. emg. One of my humbucker basses will hum when right next to amp but once a few feet away all is fine. With Telecaster guitar I can sit and play on valve combo. Sat one way iot hums, loudly. Rotate through 90 degrees and the issue goes away. If it really bugs you you could get an amp with torroidal transformer, these tend to be much lower in radiated field.
  2. Youtube is your friend. Warwick have an excellent series of bass setup videos. A set of vernier calipers or feeler gauges are useful. String height is an individual preference, Warwick suggest 2mm at 12th fret (if my memory serves me). Way to low for my playing style.
  3. Headstock design using straight pull on the strings and larger machines does not leave a vast amount of scope for 'new' design. Function dictates form to a large degree and someone else will have produced something similar to your 'new' design. I quite like the look of it.
  4. I had the luxury of owning Marshall VBA and Peavey Tour 700 with Barefaced Big One , then Dubster. I moved the VBA on, for me the Peavey just sounded better, had graphic etc and way lighter. As 0175westwood29 says - try some amps out.
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1425421030' post='2707272'] Nice! and good luck. Since I retired from traditional 9-5 work band life has been a dream. Side topic; A lot of guys over here work only because they need the health insurance. I would think that is not an issue you guys have to deal with? Blue [/quote] 100% with you on this one, my new world is rather different (read better). I have control over the work I take and decline. We (UK) are lucky we still have a Health Service that is free. It may not be perfect but alternatives (too expensive to treat / insure) seem far worse. Blue, I like your take on life as shown in your posts. Pity we are both bass players and about 3750 miles apart. Regular rehearsal might prove challenging.
  6. All this talk of A432 is just lowering the pitch of this institution. We should aim higher.
  7. Easy to build. At the time I had one if these and a Barefaced Big One. Very similar sound to my ears. A fun project for someone. I suggest you do not spill tuffcab onto the drive, it reduced my popularity somewhat.
  8. The day job was my gig killer - it took total commitment and left little energy for other stuff. Luckily those days are over and the next phase is underway.
  9. As above, remove machine head, glue in the crack and clamp. Gently open the crack with finger pressure to help glue in. Thin firm paper can help to work the glue in. There is room to drill and insert a maple plug into the headstock sideways on if you really want to do full scale job.
  10. Some kit might be considered a long term bet. Wish I had kept two basses and three amps from my youth. Silly money for those nowadays. I am thinning kit down but some basses will be put 'under the bed', if I sold then decided I wanted them again they would be hard to find.
  11. Based on my Warwicks - the nut is Just A Nut 2. It has the little side clips. Just A Nut 3 does not have these. JAN 3 is available in plastic or brass. Fitting JAN 3 is easy, just done in 5 mins to my Corvette this week. What a super bass for the money - have no connection with seller, just got the W bug.
  12. Minor counties university rag ball circa 1982 - fell off stage amazingly did not damage self or bass.
  13. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1425244862' post='2705563'] I've never owned one, but if I can make a teensy-weensy observation/comment it's that the headstock on the above models is way better than the[i] chewed by a bear[/i] ones on the later models. Message ends. P [/quote] I agree, but then I have one with the early headstock as well. Legal issues forced the change.
  14. Copydex on thread or if you are feeling rich 'threadlock'.
  15. SB1 (half an SB2?) experience. The three bolt neck is solid, mine dates to 1985, no issues at all, no need to be concerned. The MFD pick-up can get pretty aggressive, this is one of the few basses I use the volume control with.
  16. Early stuff is also worth a listen, very slick controlled band. He is a better bassist than me, has done rather better in music world
  17. How do I justify 4 corvettes without divorce?
  18. TI flats pricey to start with. Currently have a set 8+ yrs old on my G&L and they are going strong. Long term vfm seems excellent.
  19. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1424941817' post='2702088'] I'm a bit worried about the lack of any science here........ [/quote] I am having the same thoughts here, and the words Materials Science / Engineering keep popping into my mind. Somewhere 'unbreakable polycarbonate' has been mentioned by the OP. I can only hope the end users do not put any stickers on the amp or cabinets. Solvent cracking is well known, it can be quite spectacular. Google motorcycle helmets and solvents. if you want a home example get a PES (PolyEtherSulphone) microwave cook dish and apply nail varnish remover (acetone). I offer my comments as critical constructive support, it is what we get on BC with the diverse range of knowledge and skills within it.
  20. Fitted my usual TI flats to Corvette fretless - hmm. Is now much improved with Chromes. TI flats then Chromes on SG bass - hmmm, Pyramid golds that were on it when I got it are the biz. TI flats on all my other bases - super. Some strings do not suit some basses (or me).
  21. Now have Hipshot supertone bridge courtesy of Dan.. Excellent, arrived the next day. Many thanks. Top deal.
  22. Looks really good. The bass landscape just gets better and better in terms of value for money.
  23. If the previous advice does not reveal anything try each speaker on its own - careful with that volume knob and probably better to use a transistor amp rather than the VBA for that test (kinder to the output stage if anything untoward happens).
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