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Everything posted by 3below

  1. I would name them Verity, However as mentioned earlier your best bet is measure the cavities and then see what pickups are available in that size.
  2. BB300 - 1980s I guess. P type single pickup, it is comparable with the 1977 P I owned. Way cheaper than that bass is now. Big body, big neck
  3. As another alternative, build to order. Since it is all CNC manufactured I should, be able to order for example: a PJ jazz body, wood choice of own, maple neck, bound, dot markers, in my colour choice. There should be a reasonable number of options. This should be at USA prices, not custom. Car manufacturers, PC assemblers can do it. Just need to get consistent outstanding quality. There should not be 'good' ones and 'so so' ones.
  4. As a guitar playing friend says to me, his guitar has notes on it that mine does not. Staggeringly talented player with a quite unique sense of timing.
  5. The Peavey combos above seem outstanding value? Has anyone used one, own one, any comments?
  6. They are all different. I keep re-discovering mine. Also one super duper bass, gets stolen, damaged whatever - is gone. I will not take some basses out now since they have become irreplaceable. Not vast value, just difficult to find another. Cheapy bass £150 has 90% + of the tone, does not matter if goes awol, damaged at gig.
  7. Peavey bass combo - the choice version is the 300 Watter. I sold mine for £140, but seeing as how a mate bought one for £90 a few months ago I may have been lucky. Plus sides - indestructible, reasonable tone, highly repairable. Downsides - weight, weight, weight and image (in some people's view). At about 25 years old my BW seaker gave up - the glue holding cone to frame packed up. If it was me, I would get a Hartke LH500 / MB 200 / Mark Bass Black line 250 (choices based on s/h price and perceived quality). when funds permit get a suitable cab later (or build one).
  8. The advice above is good. As an alternative, Seymour Duncan RB neck humbucker looks like it will fit into my SG bass with minimal fettling. I really like the tone on my SG bass but the output is woeful in comparison to my other basses.
  9. It might be the speakon connector on the cable. My QSC power amp is very discriminating - it likes genuine Neutrik connectors, will not play with 'copies'.
  10. £500 seems somewhat steep, is this for new neck or repair? Where are you based, it will help identify possible known luthiers.
  11. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1412890679' post='2573159'] I have put a LOT of time, money and effort into bass playing / learning to read / musicianship in the last couple of years. The last month or so I've struggled to put in an hour or so a week as I "feel' I need to rest for my day job that pays the bills. [/quote] In the nicest possible way, take care here. It is all too easy to be 'driven' by work. I have been down that journey and it is not good.
  12. Get the used TI flats (BC bargains) on it. Adjust truss rod, all will be good. Enjoy a vintage USA quality bass at a fraction of the price of another brand.
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412889229' post='2573139'] ..... Your employer is in breach of their statutory duties and you have a legal duty to report any work-related ill health. There's a good reason for that. Get it sorted. [/quote] Xilddx is bang on the money. No point damaging health, bass playing etc. for employer. They will not be able to fix the damage when it is done.
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412889033' post='2573136'] A lowered desk is a better solution if its possible mate. [/quote] Totally agree, luckily these days I am not chained to the desk anymore.
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412888620' post='2573124'] Footrest is not a requirement unless the floor is too far away with everything else correctly adjusted. But yes, the employer must provide correct equipment and some instruction. [/quote] I have the 5'3" perspective - hence the footrest comment
  16. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1412888129' post='2573111'] I've ordered a separate keyboard to be able to sit in a more neutral position. [/quote] I am presuming that you have full size mouse as well? Adjustable chair and footrest should also be provided as part of working environment.
  17. You may get lucky with the tendonitis, I thought I was going to have to give in - could not play for more than 30 mins without agony and more wrists swelling. Stopped playing for probably 10 years. Came back and no problems, Go figure. Your blue Warwick is very tempting - need to get rid of some kit first as always. Edit: having just read above posts - if you are getting tendonitis from keyboarding is Health / Safety issue in the workplace as mentioned above. Occupational health if a large business?
  18. Check out the neck thickness and find to taste. Corvettes give you the option of easy pickup replacement should you want to. Chinese Rockbass Corvette - excellent quality and available s/h at silly prices. German ones - outstanding and available at excellent prices. I speak from experience of three.
  19. I accept it because I know my place in life, I accept what I am given by the overlords (bowing, touching forelock).
  20. When you get the new drivers, before you fit them, check if they state the dc resistance. If not, measure dc resistance and permanent mark on them. You never know in 14 years time ........... by which time PA mixers / power amps will be the size of a laptop / slab and speakers ???
  21. x3 to determine repeatability. Some of the shin bashes may have been outliers.
  22. Thanks for info. Modify above plan to: buy new speaker, use copperhead in extension cab
  23. Use the copperhead in a home built extension cab to match the combo. Best of both worlds, and since you have the Em 1028K speaker, the cost is minimal. Which Princeton reverb circuit did you use - I have time on my hands.
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