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Everything posted by 3below

  1. Thanks for info. Modify above plan to: buy new speaker, use copperhead in extension cab
  2. Use the copperhead in a home built extension cab to match the combo. Best of both worlds, and since you have the Em 1028K speaker, the cost is minimal. Which Princeton reverb circuit did you use - I have time on my hands.
  3. Current speaker is 98.8 dB sensitivity. Change speaker to lower sensitivity model e.g. Celestion tube 10, 94 dB might be way forward?
  4. Purchased 4u rack case. Arrived well packed and faster than a fast thing. Excellent communication, thanks Kevin.
  5. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1412083023' post='2565434'] I'm 6ft 4" so using the wheels I'm stooped over , Plus it's so light for me I just want a decent handle on the top , the Ashdown is slightly heavier but for me a lot easier to move because of the handles . I might have a look at a Big Baby II. [/quote] Should be straightforward to open it up and add an additional strap handle and suitable load spreading washers to the top in a position of your choosing. Ask Alex and a matching one may well be forthcoming. I understand the wheels and shins issue - had the same issue with BF Big One, even at 5'3". My current BF Dubster is tall enough not to cause the issue (or I am short enough ) edited for typos
  6. [quote name='Madad1' timestamp='1411944011' post='2564263'] Just picked up a used VBA400 and VBC412. Both in great condition but when I played with it at a gig the sound was awful. Very hollow and distorted. With the gain on 25% there's hardly any volume. Turn it up to 75% and it's worse. Hit the deep button and it sounds worse still, all mushed up with no clarity. So disappointed. Must be something wrong as these amps are supposed to be among the best. I just want a deep warm sound with the occasional crunch. Any ideas fellow owners? Thanks Mark [/quote] Probably a duff pre-amp valve. I had a VBA for a while, immense volume and great tone. The weight was the final straw hoewver.
  7. Be aware of the narrow string spacing that will result. My 5 string Warwick Rockbass is up for sale locally for the simple reason I could not manage the narrow string spacing. As mentioned above the cost of parts can easily exceed buying a bass.
  8. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1411830432' post='2563143'] Ahh, Gibson, bless 'em - not giving a flying f hole about what bassists want since 1953 [/quote] Nothing wrong (much..)... with SG / EB3 bass. Am enjoying mine. It could be better for zero production cost to Gibson, It could avoid neck dive, could have pickups that have decent output, tone control that does something. It might even have the strings evenly aligned on the neck - this is bridge placement issue by mm or two. What it does have in spades is the Fraser / Bruce tone, playability and a for me a great neck profile. What do we want Gibson to build? What would the 2015 Gibson must have bass feature? I want my EB2 back, but with full tone range, not just mudbucker. I also want sane prices, it is possible to build a good instrument and retail out at £6/700 ish.
  9. To my view these Peavey basses are unsung bargains. US made, quality woodwork fit and finish. They can be picked up for 1/10 of big F USA basses of same vintage. What is not to like?
  10. I struggle with mine(Pod and Zoom B2?). Despite being an engineering & Physics technical type I no longer have the patience to faff and sort them out. As above I just plug into the amp and play. I would suggest 'borrowing' from mates and trying before buying if possible.
  11. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1411674335' post='2561872'] Good thought but in this case I don't need to. The feet on the amp kind of overhang and keep the head in place. It's just I like neat and tidy and a head should never overhang. It just looks wrong. To fusspots like me [/quote] Sadly, I so agree with your viewpoint. Hope this goes for you soon.
  12. I know just how annoying the 'overhang' can be.. VBA 400 and Sound City 120 with Barefaced Dubster. A great amp, hope sale goes well. Have you thought about a keyboard rack or some kind of amp stand - save the amp from vibration induced fatigue..... Save ££
  13. Look out for the bargain 'broken' valve amp and get it rebuilt to taste. Carlsbro 100 ebay yesterday £136. Seems a fair price for 100W transformers, etc. Sound City amps still appear for little money, can be made into good Hiwatt clones.
  14. [quote name='BigGuyAtTheBack' timestamp='1411455353' post='2559577'] Just about to gig a £40 Peavey Milestone 3 from evilbay. [/quote] I have one of those that came at the same price. When you look at the spec - alder body, maple neck, single coil pickups etc etc and compare it to the big F there is little difference. The body is an excellent design. Is my USA G&L x15 better - very debatable.
  15. Am happy with my Soundcraft 16 channel, however with power amp (mid weight), driverack and well built flight case ... it is now too heavy. Watch the weight, and size as you have found.
  16. Guess the threads were within a gnat's cock of being actionable, which is my all time favourite description of a guitar setup carried out by said same adjuster.
  17. I did but the 1/4" jack split the case wide open, it would not go in easily Seriously thanks to Stoo as this is of considerable interest with phone and slab.
  18. The quality of the Rockbass series is pretty amazing, a good 5 string for someone.
  19. [quote name='Magic Matt' timestamp='1410365239' post='2548616'] The local timber merchant stock Birch Ply. I asked if they stocked "void free Baltic Birch or similar" and got this as a quote... 12244122BIRPLY 12mm 2440 x 1220 Birch Plywood BB/BB £31.49+VAT Not sure if that qualifies as really cheap stuff, but the ends looked pretty good. I've not bought it yet - I probably wont until I know what size panels I need, as I'll need them to slice it down to get it in the car. [/quote] Check the surface of this, it may be Birch that is surfaced with a very thin set of outer layers. Not as good as Wisa / true Finnish where the plies are all the same thickness. Good enough for a first build. Mr Fitzmaurice's plans work well, the circular saw sled is a really useful bit of kit. You will need plenty of clamps, Polyurethane glue (like all others) needs the work pieces well clamped. You can of course glue and screw, removing screws after if you want. Enjoy
  20. Cheap basses they get broken, stolen or whatever - get another one. Quality of cheap kit is very good these days, not like my youth - Columbus, Jedson, Woolworth's K basses spring to mind.
  21. Warwick Rockbass corvette - can be picked up for £150, quality is very good and fingerboard is ebony.
  22. Guess I must be lucky with my DB, I use the Schaller and have not had any feedback problems playing with some fair volume (Barefaced Dubster plus 700W Peavey). Not an acoustically faithful tone but I quite like it.
  23. If you are planning to build a cabinet using this you could take the easy option - use the Eminence design(s), [url="http://www.eminence.com/pdf/Basslite_C2515_cab.pdf"] http://www.eminence.com/pdf/Basslite_C2515_cab.pdf[/url]
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1410027782' post='2545554'] Now discontinued but the updated version, the TB10, is expected in stock at Thomann 30/09/2014 ... [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/takamine_tb10.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...kamine_tb10.htm[/url] [/quote] Just need the first user discount applied i.e. find one on BC at sane money.
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