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Everything posted by 3below

  1. Several reasons for 'real bass rig'. Play in a range of bands, some have (big, medium, small) pa, some do not. Pod is not simple plug and play, some thought is needed (I want a bass box that has a rotary control with, Hiwatt, Marshall, Acoustic, TE, MB, TC, Ampeg sound) - I have thought about using pod etc to power amp + speaker cab, I have one. I am old school, I plug it in, it sounds somewhere between crap - ok - good. My main band is a 4/5 piece, range of venues, drums, guitars x 2, plus singer who plays guitar. PA for vocals, small pack size, guitars use small 20W combos, how much volume do you need (I use 700W and Barefaced Dubster). As a 'small' band we should be able to do small-medium gigs with own amps/cabs and small vocals pa, is about discipline and attitude. However my main reason - I have a nice bass tone (I like it), I want to hear it with trouser flap, want to feel it, this is part of the fun.
  2. Like it, very nice. Distinctive and yet familiar. Enjoy.
  3. Welcome, long time since I frequented "Qorry Bonk", is Ma Pardoe's still going strong ?
  4. A truly wonderful thing, built to last a lifetime, easy to repair if it should ever go wrong. Having owned a Hiwatt 200 (and 100) in the early 80s, this will be awesome.
  5. After 40+ years bass playing I still get times when you would wonder what is this guy doing with a bass. Luckily rest of band get them as well so we can all laugh about it. Worst bit is when we all have bad playing at same time. Plus is when we get good together is pretty good IMO.
  6. Roto trubass on acoustic bass same set from new, that was in 1980 or thereabouts. I am serious, and they are still ok. TI flats on what was main bass, 7 yrs plus. Ti flats on current main player 3+ years. What is this string changing thing?
  7. Barefaced cab = excellent, I have owned two (still have one). Shermann Audio built me a 3 way bass cab (think Barefaced big one / fearful 15/6/1), again excellent quality from a long established British manufacturer. Start saving and get an original Hiwatt or have a clone made. It will last a lifetime. Shermann would build a 'wide' cabinet.
  8. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1371303077' post='2112342'] A lot of folks on Talkbass use that method , but it's not going to be very accurate Because of the Principal of Moments , the act of holding the bass intoduces a measure of inertia which prevents the full weight of the bass bearing down upon the scale , according to my brother . He's an astrophysicist , but look at the bollocks up NASA made with that space shuttle , so I suppose he could be wrong . [/quote] Hold the bass above your head, also hold beer gut in (if you have one) this will help ensure all mass is acting through scales. Your brother might wish to revisit Newtownian equilibrium principles, or have NASA discovered something that they keep in Area 51.
  9. Very thin / runny superglue, combined with careful clamping. At this stage you may save it so it must be worth a try.
  10. [quote name='the_skezz' timestamp='1370558589' post='2102860'] To be honest, unless it's extremely laid-back, easy listening music or else an acoustic gig, I wouldn't bother watching a band whose members are sitting down - I like groups who try and engage the audience a bit, and it's harder to do that and draw attention to yourselves sitting down than it is standing up. Makes them look like they can't be arsed more often than not too, like they're just going through the numbers rather than making an effort. [/quote] Jack Bruce [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPDZ2M51XDw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPDZ2M51XDw[/url] [size=4]Jeff Healey [/size][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_xvESvZF5s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_xvESvZF5s[/url] Not sure how good they are though, Jack seems to have a good guitar player and drummer though.
  11. Mid Wales and Marches, [url="http://www.timsviolins.co.uk/"]http://www.timsviolins.co.uk/[/url] Tim Phillips - although website says violins etc, he will do DB work. Repaired the neck that my father kindly snapped off for me. Great job, sorted bridge, finish damage, setup soundpost and manufactured a new ebony fillet for neck join. All in price was unbelievably low, have paid same for bass setup, fret recrown and small crack repair. A great guy to chat instruments with.
  12. There's plywood and multi laminate body construction. Two totally different things depending on cost and fashion [size=4] [/size]
  13. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1369600062' post='2090787'] It's best to always have at least one band member in sight of all the gear while you're at the venue. When it comes to loading in / out of a van, make sure there's always someone with the gear or alternatively lock your vehicle if there's a danger of anything being left unattended, even if it's out of plain view. Best to get your gear insured just in case the unthinkable happens... [/quote] 100% spot on, and check small print on insurance. These days I use cheap basses for gigs, does not matter if stolen or damaged. Bass amp/cab is somewhat more upmarket but can be replaced. My 'best' basses much harder to find again.
  14. I finished the oak edges of my kitchen worktops with danish oil 10 years ago or so. It has lasted incredibly well even by sink where it gets wet. Kitchen still not quite finished however, negative wife points.
  15. My experience is that even when frets are just so, lowering action results in loss of tone / volume etc. Bass can play ok, no buzzes etc but lacks tone. I find the same with guitars.
  16. My BF Dubster causes the concrete floor in a 600 seater hall to vibrate (this is rehearsal not war volume btw). How do I stop the floor vibrating ? suggestions other than turn it down please
  17. 78 telebass neck.... yes please. Following other comments, selling basses is like selling houses. Whole market is depressed, your kit may sell for less, other kit also sells for less. It is all relative. Hope it works out well.
  18. So just how do these Ric truss rods work? I guess I did my 1979 Ric in somewhere around 1982 to 1984, luckily (for me) it transmuted into a G&L. Grateful if someone can explain the Physics / Engineering to me (I am Physicist/Engineer in day job).
  19. What is not to like about the bass.... it is the business for someone. See if it sells, but hold tight to get the right price in the current climate. If the lack of body cut/chamfer is the issue get doing it costed. If I did not have too many basses it looks right down my street.
  20. The ding, rub rough edges away gently with very fine emery paper, just enough to remove the 'snagging edges'. After that live with it.
  21. And here we are 3 months later. No amp and no communication. Sad state of affairs.
  22. Do my bit for Europe by reducing the wine lake
  23. 2 x 15 Barefaced Dubster - adequate, it gets the concrete floor moving in the hall we use for rehearsal. I have a second 700W backup head and am feeling the need for a second cab, is it needed?. Mr Foxen I have not forgotten the cloth [size=4] [/size]
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