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Everything posted by NJW

  1. This price is hurting me! I want this but must buy a new cab first! Sigh...
  2. Less tension indeed but it doesn't mean the neck will be 'wrecked'. Just a wee setup and it should be right as rain with the new strings on...
  3. Hi Nathan, Just letting you know I asked joe the same question a few weeks ago and this cab is indeed sold. Bummer
  4. Will not wreck the neck at all. I think truss rods and neck adjustments are often painted as some sort of dark art, but what you have to remember is it's really just a bit of wood with some metal in it. Changing the tuning/strings on your bass will be fine but will need a good setup to have it playing nicely. Your bridge/saddles and nut will be the main problem here but you should totally go for it.
  5. 2 x 1/4" jack 1 x Speakon
  6. [quote name='Shawman' post='1229335' date='May 12 2011, 09:30 PM']didn't realise you were on here (should have known though)[/quote] I'm everywhere, Shaw...
  7. So my amp has been starting to sound like it needs a little TLC recently because it has gone from 'BEST AMP EVER' to 'really good amp' lately (y'know... we all get excited when stuff sounds good). This means it's time to take it to the doctors, but before calling and making it's appointment I'd thought I'd open her up and see what was inside. To my surprise, I found that one of the Marshall 6550s in there has been swapped out for a weird old Leslie 6550 and I can only assume it was done by someone in the studio where it has been getting used sneakily thinking 'hmmm I need a spare 6550, i'll steal one and put this broken one in there'. Anyway, she is now gonna go for a full retube but I thought I'd take photos of the internals so they can be used for reference by any other Skunkworks owners, and I'll put more info here if anyones interested. Spot the odd one out... Grrr!
  8. Dear Moderator, Please delete me? Sorry!
  9. Howdy Rob, from another Scottish member!
  10. +4... Dennis is the only man I would trust to fiddle about inside my gear!
  11. 'Owdy, Whats the impendence of this cab? 8 ohm? Also, what inputs are on the rear panel? Does it have a link?
  12. Chris - when do you leave the country? If you could post a slightly better pic and maybe 1 of the back too that would be great.
  13. Errrrr sorry Keiller! To put this back on topic, this Mesa Boogie 400 and Ampeg 8x10 sound great and someone should buy it!
  14. Sounds about right! My SVT + 6x10 spends most of its time at Robins place. The SVT VR + Berg rig would have belonged to Campbell from the band Rush Hour Soul... he used to borrow my 6x10 all the time and then bought the Bergantino and injected some jealousy directly into my brain. You should hear the skunkworks head through the bergantino, best of both worlds I'm Nico, by the way. Nice to, in a way, have met you.
  15. Torturo Nervosa, ahhah! It all just clicked into place.
  16. I still can't figure out who you are so I'll just have to ask... who are you? Hahahaha... The Bergantino is the best cab I've ever heard and I'd love to get one soon. I sold my Ampeg 610 half a year ago, stupidly, so now need to replace it with something.
  17. oooh an AD200... are you gigging at the moment? I'd like to hear that sometime.
  18. Think it may have been Paul Engages 400 that Kev has used in the past. He's also used my SVT and Trace Elliott stuff. He is a whore.
  19. Kris - I need to speak to you 'bout the cab next time I see you
  20. My 2003 MIA Jazz... I've played countless other jazz basses since and just got lucky on this one, it's.... different.
  21. NJW


  22. Glad you're enjoying it, mate!
  23. Hey folks. I just bought this PCI soundcard... and then realised I have no use for it whatsoever. £55 shipped to anyone? [url="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.m-audio.com%2Fproducts%2Fen_us%2FDelta44-main.html&ei=Ic-3SNPAKZHG0QTQ46GMDw&usg=AFQjCNHrD2xedgH91zRb6dild5--v20kgQ&sig2=pphhBLzxI7dOYDY0Y8zvuQ"]http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&sourc...xI7dOYDY0Y8zvuQ[/url]
  24. sold pending the usual
  25. [b]£520!?[/b]
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