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Everything posted by NJW

  1. We are planning the mother of all toilet tours for 2008, so my gig count should be higher by next year.
  2. Very few - about 40... which is a big decrease from the 120 last year.
  3. I frequent both types, and needless to say, this is my preferred one.
  4. Alex Claber has it spot on. I dont mean to be all righteous and 'stop picking on us'... but the reason there are so many people perceived to be 'bad soundmen' is twofold. First of all, they aren't bad at all... YOU are bad. Secondly, all the GOOD soundmen have given up doing live sound ages ago because bands are a notoriously terrible group of people to work with. And then of course theres the issue of a bad soundman, a bad PA, or a bad soundman WITH a bad PA. Bands who show up with good gear, and are clued up on how to make it sound good are a dream - because I can mic them up and have to do very little other than make them a bit louder, theyve done all the eq'ing and balancing themselves. Then there's the bands who mid set turn one guitar amp down to 1, and the other to 10, and complain because the guitars all of a sudden arent balanced anymore. For every bass player story on a forum about 'one time there was this sound man' there are 20 sound engineer stories on forums about "this one time there was this dreadful band".
  5. 95% of the bands I do sound for have terrible bass sounds/bassists, so it isn't really beneficial to have it LOUD.
  6. but did you [i]really?[/i] Hehe
  7. Hello from a fellow Fifer (currently living in Dundee).
  8. My promised review will hopefully be up tonight - but after the intitial weekend of playing, it doesn't dissapoint!
  9. Just thought I'd post some pictures of my new 'swiss army knife'. I will post a full review later (perhaps tonight, I can't decide how sleepy I am). It's a Sandberg California PM, 4 string, with matt black burst finish on alder body, maple neck with rosewood fingerboard. Active/Passive switchable, with 2 band EQ, blend + volume. It plays great and sounds great. Happy times.
  10. Has anyone got any concrete information on this yet? Did we conclude that it was a tweeter protect light only? The reason I've brought it back up is that this happened again the other day, this time with a bassist using a Mesa 400+ head through my cab, and a Boss ODB pedal. Everytime he hit the distortion, lots of light. Having a look at his EQ afterwards, again he was pushing a shitload of low end through the cab, but was complaining that he couldnt hear himself. Hmm...
  11. Listen to you guys whinging about making one little omni cab!... We are currently working on our 4th Titan 48 sub and have another 5 DR250s to make!!! I can think of worse ways to spend my days. Although actually, I wouldn't recommend trying to make so many in such a short time period. You never have time to actually listen to the things
  12. In my case, you can hear BFM cabs here... whilst watching Lords Of The Rings in a comfy armchair. In this case, two DR250s and a Titan sub
  13. NJW


    Thats a pretty famous bass!
  14. bass sounds great! nice one....
  15. Is this upstairs or downstairs at the Barfly? I've dealt with them many times and have mixed experiences, but I have definitely seen bands getting deliberately screwed over by them.
  16. This is probably the best thread on Basschat!
  17. I've travelled from Dundee, via Glasgow, to London... played in Camden... packed up... driven home again, with no sleep inbetween. That was rubbish. Other than that, we've played pretty much everywhere around the country and always get paid enough for fuel and food and that's about all we expect.
  18. Imperial it was... both saddle height adjustment screws and intonation screws fitted perfectly! Thanks folks.
  19. Indeed, that was my worry... I went and bought imperial anyway so hopefully it should work out alright! Thanks guys.
  20. this should probably be in 'repairs + technical issues'... sorry!
  21. Hiya... Don't know if anyone will know the answer to this one, but I have an American Standard Fender made in 2003 and was wondering about whether the saddle height adjustment screws would be metric or imperial measurements? I need to replace a couple, and have the option of buying "Bridge height screws (8 pcs) for bass, hex head, black #6-32 x 1/2" " and Metric bridge height screws (8 pcs) for bass, hex head, black M3 x 10 mm. Now I have measured the height of the screws, and they are a touch over 10mm, approaching 12mm. Since 1/2" = 12mm I would have thought the first option would be correct. I know this is near impossible to tell without looking at the bass itself, but I am so skint right now I cant actually afford to buy both sizes Thankzzzz Nico
  22. And the Cort has been sold on to make way for a new Sandberg PM 4 string... alder body, rosewood fingerboard on maple neck, black burst matt finish, black P/G, Delano P and MM style picks and Glockenklang preamp. Can't wait!
  23. I've always been very tempted by Warmoth products but would love to know peoples opinions/suggestions on where to find similair things in the UK (thus buying local and avoiding import charges). I'd much rather buy a nicely finished body from the UK than the US.
  24. [quote name='Machines' post='92534' date='Nov 22 2007, 08:27 AM']People certainly do obsess about things that aren't really there.. did you tell him NJW ?[/quote] Nah... I couldn't be bothered with the agro! haha... Fair enough, I can admit there is definitely a tone difference when using non-bypass pedals... but playing an amp into a crappy cab in a practise room isn't going to magically turn into this religious bass experience as a result of going true-bypass.
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