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Everything posted by keeponehandloose

  1. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1474889173' post='3141226'] For improvising you can just play: C major pentatonic Bb lydian (i.e. with an E instead of an Eb), which is Fmajor from Bb to Bb. This is borrowing a chord from closely related key of F major. So it's sort of a IV-I in disguise! You could play F major pentatonic over it,or even C blues scale material. You see this a lot in jazz as Bb7 to C. In that case play Bb lydian dominant (i.e. mixolydian with an E instead of Eb). That scale is actually a mode of F melodic minor, so Bb7 to Cmajor is really Fminor is disguise! Fminor to Cmajor is IV minor to I major, used in lots of songs, including a ton of beatles tunes (e.g. in my life) [/quote] Thats what I wanted to know...where it came from and how it sneaked in there. Thanks
  2. how would you describe a B flat maj7 chord in relation to Key of C? Playing around with Bowies Space Oddity and it raised the question.
  3. Theres a P5110 on Gumtree now.
  4. The P5110 with the matching 1 x10 extention cab is very good for its small size.Hard to come by.
  5. The Dukes in attendace have got my interest.Add me and my Kay twins to the list. I may bring my Barefaced Bb2 cab to compare to Daves Greenboy as well.
  6. My post if for P5110 also. Later model reviews dont seem as positive but I havent tried one myself.
  7. If this is the first version, yes.I have the 1x10 combo and love it.The 10 extension cab means the full 500w but yu will get that on 3x10. There are tales of these not being very reliabe but Ive never had an issue. But just in case I got a second one. Only down is they wont do an overdriven sound if thats what you want.
  8. If your curious about guts you will never be truly happy until youve tried them on your own bass for yourself.There will always be a niggle in your mind while you spend a small fortune on other strings first. Buy the guts and then decide.IMO.
  9. If its a stick on one cgances are it wont be much use.as a rule piezo p/ups work best on dbs when they are under pressure being slightly squashed, either in the wing slot of the bridge or under the foot. Shadow make a dedicated double bass pickup.
  10. Life is much easier now my eldest has left the coup. 4 double basses was a challenge but now they live in the back bedroom.
  11. If you have no intention whatsoever of bowing then Guts are where its at for the type of music you mention.I have found tuning stability can vary from bass to bass so dont let that put you off. The E string is is pretty useless as far as sustain goesso be warned. Lots of people swap it out for something like a Silver Slap E which is a good match sound wise and gives more sustain than a Gut E. The guage doesnt match though. If you buy guts from new they will take at least a week to settle in , maybe 2, so dont bank on gigging the same night!
  12. It was a good day last time. At the moment I dont have anything different to show so I think I will be saving the diesel this time round.Unless somebody is bringing a King Moretone.
  13. Anybody going to this with a Duke bass?
  14. There are folks over here who could do that for you..find a local hotrod day ,NASC or similar organisation hold lots through the summer. Take your bass along and get it done on the spot.
  15. Oohhh! Are you doing labels as well?
  16. Never used a mic but the Promethean is a great combo for DB. If your not happy with your amped sound at any point dont question the amp , they are bang on IMO.
  17. The Kaisers at the 100 club.Think Hamburg era Beatles.Absolutely blinding gig.
  18. If you want to go for an American instrument like a King or Kay, Engelharts are more readily available.the Engelhart brand took over from Kay and use their factory. Dont confuse the King brand of old with the modern King brand who produced the more colourful modern rockabilly style basses.
  19. With the advent of the Silent Disco, is a a Silent Band on the horizon... or even a possibility?
  20. It was 2014.. have we all bought new basses to show off?
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