The big price cut on the G70/75 is appRently due to them failing to pass a German quality test on the frequencies used.. theyve been witgdrawn from sale there...
I was also dubious about active speakers...but I got the Yamaha DXR12s in the end. 700w each .
The built in speaker management beats passive cabs hands down.
Sometimes add a Dxs12 sub for a bit extra. I kept to a 12" sub for ease of transport .
Mixer is a Soundcraft Ui24r digital affair. More inputs than needed but has the ability to record 20 channels straight onto a memory stick. Handy if you like recording gigs/rehearsals..
The Souncraft has a 'more me' feature on all the aux sends. Assign yourself an aux channel , or 2 if you want stereo, and you can have a screen with one big fader that will adjust only you against everything else in the monitor mix..
I use the Soundcraft ui24r and have tried the Behringer ... all units have a few things in common.
Firstly the wifi in all of them isnt as reliable as it should be. You will need an external router. Also a laptop connected via ethernet cable as back up. You wont loose connection this way.
Quick tip... dont leave them in. Rubber has a habit of retaining its shape over time. If you take them out between gigs they will be a tighter fit than if permanently squashed in place...
Im after the sound in this clip, but which pickup would get me nearest? I appreciate this could be a vintage bass but apart from that what would do the job?
Im after the sound in this clip, but which pickup would get me nearest? I appreciate this could be a vintage bass but apart from that what would do the job?