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Everything posted by Eggy

  1. Mongoose - Indie Rock covers
  2. Hi, Thanks for the replies. Will check all the suggestions out. Bert, hope the cold gets better Eggy
  3. Hi, With the band on a bit of break, I wanted to learn something new, and a bit different. I wanted to try something melodic rather than a normal "bassline" Had a look at Fur Elise, Beethoven. Enjoyed it altho part I learnt was only the first section can see that to play this really well will take focus. Tab (i know I know) easy to find. May have to hunt down full score. That will improve my reading too Anyone else playing any classical and suggest any other pieces? Cheers Eggy
  4. Hi, I think I am one of many on here that played guitar and then switched to Bass to meet a band need and never looked back. Welcome Eggy
  5. Will check out the Eric Bibb, been thinking of doing that sort of thing myself, so all help appreciated.
  6. Went to see Tom Jones at Newmarket this weekend. About 20 foot from stage. Tom and the whole band were great and the Bass, who I now know to be Dave Bronze, was just fantastic. Good to watch a master in action Eggy
  7. This is a really interesting thread for me, have been thinking about doing something similar as a sideline to main band. The main band is full on indie rock and I feel that a small stripped down arrangement may make it easier to find pub type gigs, more gentle music for people to listen to rather than jumping up and down rock party stuff. Our drummer has a set of bongos, so acoustic guitar, bass and bongo could be the set up Thanks for all the great advice in the thread Eggy
  8. Hi, As examples Scales - Pick a scale practise it in three dif shapes (first finger, second and little finger lead) each in 3 positions on the neck. Great if you can have a loop of a chord strumming in the background to develop your ear Arpeggio - play arpeggio thru a major scale say Cmaj Dmin Emin Fmaj G7 Am Bdim in 3 positions on neck. Techniques - Depends on where your technique is. I am working on hammer on/ pull off three fingers and cross string descending speeds. Pick a topic, clean picking, muting, string skipping, dynamics whatever, set the metro and work away thru a scale or something making that the best you can Timing - Sensible speed metronome, hit the whole, half quarter, eight, sixteenth, swing, triplet, off beats(2+4). Remember slow and really accurate. Try sixteenths missing one of the parts, 1 e + a missing the e for 4 bars then swap missing the a for 4, swap missing the + etc Make a quick note of what you have done, inc metro speeds etc and you will know that you can set the bar a bit higher when ready. I forget what have done and so prob would revisit and so stand still. Hope that helpful Eggy
  9. Hi, I have found that setting myself a regular schedule really helps concentrate. I have an hour a day and so spend 15 minutes each on Scales Arpeggios Technique Timing And then practising songs after that. I always try to use backing tracks with the relevant chord(s) for the scales & arpegs to try to develop my ear and groove at the same time. Think of a rhythm and play that to the tracks As mentioned above, Scott's videos are really helpful Regards Eggy
  10. Hi Here's an alternative that I have been using, been sticking with beginner, will be trying intermediate. http://www.soundfeelings.com/namethatnote/index.html Fun Fun Fun I have found even limited ability to read music really opens stuff up, like all those transcriptions in another thread Eggy
  11. Signed up. Good idea, thanks Adrian
  12. Hi, I am doing something similar myself. Have a new teacher and he has me learning & practising arpeggios and scales/modes in 3 positions up and down the fretboard. The strategy is that I will eventually instinctively know which notes fit over any given chord wherever my hands are and so when I want to create something I will hear it in my head and my hands will play it, taking away the "is that gonna be right" moment. It also reinforces the note learning Spending 15-20 minutes a day (every day) on this has moved me forward hugely after only a couple of weeks. If you have a chance to create some backing tracks over a few chords for you to play over that helps put notes in context. Major chord, the four is ugly, the six is sweet. Apologies if telling you stuff you know Have a look at Scott Devine's vid on arpeggios http://scottsbasslessons.com/technique/practice-bass-arpeggios.html Hope this helps Eggy
  13. Nice one. Good to hear an acoustic bass helps the vibe, good luck with the gig.
  14. +1 on the volume issues, did not bump into any BCers as do not know anyone although I did spot a pair of DMs on a T shirt way up a queue I was in.
  15. Hi, You didn't mention this when saw you yesterday, can you add me remotely please ? Thanks
  16. Truckstop, thanks - hitting g string with fingers and pinching G scale with thumb seems to do it, was not sure about the drone being higher than the scale notes but seems too work! Louisthebass - thanks, something to do on a rainy Sunday EZbass - interestingly they had a load of ear defenders in the corner of the masterclass area but did not offer them up Later
  17. I surprised myself with not buying anything. Closest to buy was a TCE Polytune pedal. TBH I was not inspired to pick anything up to play although there was some great looking gear. For me, the resident slapper plus a crowd of knowing onlookers put me off. What with that and the noise so you would not really hear yourself (it was like being on stage with 25 other bass players). Enjoyed looking round though The main take aways for me were in the master classes Jon Thorne - Interesting upright player I had not come across before. "There is no good or bad music, it either moves you or it doesn't so gravitate towards what moves you. When playing it is in the feel, you are the instrument, the wood and strings are just a way of getting it out Yolanda Charles - was brilliant, got the chance of a quick chat. Loved her style and great voice. Will be hunting for her lesson on youtube. Interesting when she did her exercise clapping and counting. Most of the audience could instantly clap her rhythm but then when she asked us to count over the top it all went pear shaped pretty quickly (near where I was sitting anyway). Tony Butler - Was my favourite, what a great guy, endorse his belief of encouraging kids to play. Also he showed that to get a good sound a £300 guitar can do it just as well as a £2000 one. (Ashdown stack prob helped tho'). Again he all about the feel and grove of the song. Enjoyed his drone string thing and have tried that already. Drone a E and played E pentatonics over it, same for A and D. Not sure how a G would work will try that later. Sure other stuff will come back to me. Look forward to other's thoughts, enjoyed the day and pleased I went. It has inspired me. Eggy
  18. See you all there later, check shirt, blond hair @aegelton #lbgs2012
  19. Eggy

    Hello Again !

    Thank You !
  20. Hi, Have been a member since 2009 and dropped off the map, but am now back so hello again! Been playing Bass 6 years having been asked to give up guitar to play a gig, usual story, and hooked from the first moment. Love playing in front of people, a bit of a stage tart. Current band, Mongoose is an Indie Rock Covers band playing East London / Essex area. Later Eggy
  21. Hi, Planning to be there on Saturday, my first visit. Hope to bump into you all there. Are you using twitter #LBGS2012 to try to track each other down? @aegelton Eggy
  22. lol @ras52 Eggy
  23. Hi, Would add my agreement to all the above. Great shop, not on the high street so not full of widdlers and I have spent many an hour trying stuff out. Only downside, more often than not have to explain to Missus why I NEED......... Eggy
  24. I was in the shop when the kid was trying out, he was great. Guitar looked even better in the flesh than on the picture Got there about 3.30 so only a quick try out of a couple of pedals before had to dash with a couple of prezzies to myself. did not know about the get together, will watch more carefully next time Eggy
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