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Everything posted by danbowskill

  1. Nice. Im proper craving one of these cabs now after seeing yours..... If you decide to flog one im only in torbay😉
  2. Ive been gassing for a cog 66 mini for a while. But doubt ill get one as it seems as though Tom has shut up shop 😢
  3. I dont know why but again and again i keep getting drawn back to the digitech bad monkey, on these setting using the cab sim output (its great) just makes everything sound full and alive 👌. If there's a bad monkey going grab one.
  4. Heaby Sold! Just The Darkglass and Tc left, open to trades 👍
  5. Its a valeton vintage chorus..... Surprisingly well buit and sounds great.
  6. tremolo is fantasic on long held notes, especially on heavy doom type music
  7. Kind of happy with this, i use the VT bass (bottom left) always on to warm up the b7k (i love the B7k but its slightly sterile) ... I think i want something similar to the VT but with less colour (vt to much hi presence) that can add that little bit of tube/cab sim warmth that will fit in that board space🤔
  8. I really want to try one If only it wasnt so big 😒
  9. I was gonna try haggling it from you... Boo 😂
  10. Thinning things out so a few crackers going up. Darkglass vintage ultra (the latest version, non Aux) in fantastic condition... The Dogs dinggle dangs of preamps imo. boxed £230.... Now £210 posted Mxr m85 bass distortion. Withdrawn Flashback 2 in as new condition (not had it long) £70now £60 posted Jam pedals Rattler. Simply the best rat type out there imo, also does a beautiful subtle drive No box but in perfect condition £120 posted (SOLD) Aftershock, awesome swiss army drive pedal. Boxed with power suply... No connection cable for app (can be grabbed for a quid or 2 on ebay) £80 posted (SOLD) Heaby Green russian bass fuzz...... Hand built by a small irish builder, easily my favourite muff style pedal ive had for bass (ive tried a fair old few).... I got this one as a back up as he doesnt make many.. But i dont need 2. As new £550... £45 posted. (Sold) 👍. Always happy to hear trade offers 👍. If anyone wants more info/pics just ask. Cheers
  11. Genre dependent surely 🤷‍♂️
  12. I just got a used aftershock thats arrived without any connection wires, i want to try the mobile Hub app... does anyone know the type of cable i need to connect to a type C phone input? Or where to buy one. Cheers
  13. Makes sense 👍
  14. Nice! I always wanted the 2001RB. I had the 1001 and new 800 legacy both could go far too loud into my 610 playing in a drop tuned sludge band. 2001 could be overkill.... But i imagine it will have a different/better kind of punch to the other GK's on lower settings?
  15. Curiosity got the best again, just bought this naughty copy from china to see how it fairs against my B7k.... It sounds most excellent and feels well built, definitely not a direct Darkglass clone but sounds great. 20 mins use, has 2 strips of good qulity velcro underneath. Save yourself a tenner and month wait.
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  16. I have a set of westone keys, pins, brass knobs and badge going free to anyone who needs them 🙂. Wont be able to post for a week or 2
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