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Everything posted by danbowskill

  1. Old school standard ......P bass (with a Vt bass deluxe and many peds) into SVT cl valve head into a Ampeg 6x10 (or Ashdown CL 6x10) cab . Always puts a smile on my face :-)
  2. Pics now up and open to sale and trades £110 posted
  3. Look forward to your vid
  4. Nice to know,i always take the "loss of lows" with a pinch of salt because of style/playing variables .it was from JohnK on talkbass ( pedal builder fanatic)
  5. Be interested to know your thoughts on the low end?as some have said this sounds nice but it's the one way huge where you loose the low end.
  6. The "paint job " looks quite cool I think :-)
  7. Fantastic ( like new ) condition pickle pie B.getting hard to get hold of now. As the reviews show its a fantastic fuzz for in the mix use. But still searching for that fuzz sound that suits me ( fuzz is a very personal taste I think) Ideally only wanting to trade for a W&C tall front ,Tarkin fuzz or TAFM but open to other offers[attachment=226655:14151787_10157392466195424_1154959977_o.jpg][attachment=226659:14163649_10157392463395424_145129207_o.jpg][attachment=226661:14191752_10157392471465424_382710844_o.jpg]
  8. Yep,but for some odd reason it won't do it on my phone??
  9. Had sooo many PM's .sorry guys :-( I haven't access to my computer atm so can't change the header to Sold on my phone. If your after a blueberry with more options then this is the one
  10. Cheers man,it sure is a beautiful sound..nice and small footprint as well .open to trades ( all settled on dirt though)
  11. Fantastic crunchy fuzz. Anyone familiar with the ba Future of the left....this is the bass pedal used on most of their songs http://www.fredric.co.uk/green-russian-sovtek-clone As far as muff clones go this is a fave of mine :-) just no use anymore Fab condition,not very old Price includes postage
  12. After pleanty of play time with it I can understand why it gets a lot of love. But for my set up and needs playing a tube sound into a tube emulator into a tube amp is to much......think I need to stick with a nastier screamer type drive. This would be awsome used as preamp that doesn't over colour( it adds something wonderful to a clean tone). Works very well with other peds......just a tad to much in the low to medium drive relms for me. Probably whack it in the sales section?
  13. Haha.....you will definitely hear it. It was nice meeting you the other week mate. The small but wonderful world of Basschat:-)
  14. I'm still a little interested in the blower when you mentioned it in another thread Dan ,tough to know from all the heavy demos.......could always buy used and flog it if it's not to like :-) I'm also quite eager to try a pork loin with the cap change mod to make it brighter, I've not read anything bad on the pork loin.
  15. [attachment=225835:received_10157342765945424.jpeg] New setup to try
  16. [attachment=225833:received_10154171088935379.jpeg][attachment=225834:received_10154171089300379.jpeg] I get the Blueberry connection (from my memory of playing 1) not a million miles away.After a quick playabout this thing can easily do that nice old vintage tube sound.for the purpose that i got it for was to use as a drive pedal , i play through a svt cl head with a tech21 VT DI bass always on (mainly for front of house sound) the type of music i play is downtuned pick, leaning towards punk........Iv'e always used a tubescreamer esq type pedal as my boost/drive so i think i really need to get used to this 1..... as its not that. im a bit undecided at the mo? as a preamp/always on pedal the Grizzly rocks! heaps of low end and quite transparent.I think this would work amazing with a SS amp (very mowtown sounding) if i decide its not the drive for me then i think it would be a hard call between this and the VT as a always on pre? I'll make up my mind after a band practice
  17. Finally got my mitts on a creation audio grizzly bass [url="https://youtu.be/c--VeNuENzI"]https://youtu.be/c--VeNuENzI[/url] Get to try it out later ( pics up when home) ..... regardless of any sounds this has to be the coolest looking pedal i have seen :-) Pics don't do it Justice,its built like a tank.I T seems quite a firm favourite over on talkbass.......hope it meets the hype?
  18. Sold Ale my Nobel's pedal.superb chap to deal with :-) no hastle here guys.
  19. Bump Nobel's now SOLD B3K left :-)
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