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Everything posted by danbowskill

  1. smelly Christmas bump
  2. that was the 1 . I don't know why something like that cannot be done in a large xfactor type way and be successful?? all the groups had singers in them ( be it good,bad or silly!!)
  3. &u&I blasting away in the van :-)
  4. didn't they have a band talent/judge show on the box a few years ago?? it had Alex James, Lauren lavern and the bassist from New order on the panel. think it was aired on Sunday afternoon's? I thought it was ok, all kinds of genres..... obviously never took off!
  5. bad monkey all the way. best sounding value pedal imo
  6. oc3 drop to £60
  7. pics up. any ped considered
  8. oc3 Traded! Morley bass wah good condition ( no box) great sounding wah, and unlike most where you have to push forward and click it to turn on ............with this as soon as you push it activates then release to turn off :-)£36 posted or trades for a bbe opto compressor ( or similar) or a good muff ( pickle, box of war etc) with adjustments either way. pics up tomorrow.[attachment=150459:DSC_0009.jpg][attachment=150460:DSC_0016.jpg]</p>
  9. those bb's look grand si. I have been getting big gas to play 1 of these.
  10. Vt bass £150 .... Ampeg vr £1500 , is My reason for 1 + recording benefits
  11. purchased a pedal from Paul. we had a slight problem ( no one's fault) and he dealt with it straight away. a true gent to deal with, and I would be more than happy to deal with him again :-)
  12. if this is possible then i'll be all over it :-)
  13. sibob's demo is on YouTube just type knightfall circles ( I cannot post link from my phone)
  14. sucks that it's only for Apple :-(
  15. are you going for the 66?
  16. pm digitech
  17. :-D yeah, I think I've sold it by now haha ( not literally)
  18. initial tests at home were grand.......... then I took it to practice :-) :-) it is such a versatile pedal, and that's without going into the 5 different clipping modes for each channel( that can be changed by an internal switch). I can easily say this dirt pedal works better for me and my band than any other overdrive/distortion I have used ( and I have used a lot)it does the little bit of clear grit to a nice fuzz and just cuts in the mix build quality inside and out is A1 and thr lack of any bad words about Tom holds testimony to how great a chap he is to deal with. Happy chappy. will certainly be commissioning a custom build soon.
  19. I agree with the Led settings Si, having gone trough them all.... it sounds v nice
  20. not had a fiddle with the internal yet. I'm liking the tone of low25% blend70% high80% on a med gain. Im sure my first gain is set at mosfet and the second is led... seems nice. plenary to play with :-)
  21. I have posted in the gear porn thred. this landed today. full test on the weekend........ so far from what I have heard from it has sounded phenomenal :-) Tom's the man.
  22. Here it is. Cog knightfall 66. although the pedal design wasn't custom to me ( originally for sI)..... it's not a stock pedal so I guess I can post here :-b I'll post a full review on the weekend, but initial little jam a home on it......,, WOW!have been through heaps of dirt pedals from cheap to expensive and this for me ...feels the tits! check out si's 'knightfall circles' demo for an idea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv0oqDxP6_I [sharedmedia=core:attachments:146651]
  23. I have got my new ( Tom n Si design)knightfall 66 waiting for me at home. cannot wait! pics up soon + a wee review after Friday practice. this is my second pedal built by Tom, the man's builds and customer relations are amazing.
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