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Everything posted by BigAlonBass

  1. [quote name='ObscureRyan' post='982343' date='Oct 9 2010, 10:10 AM']When i first started giging i used to [s]lend [/s] BORROW amps all the time just because i didn't have my own. but i always used to contact the bassist before hand and offer them some money for letting me use it, but they would never take it lol[/quote]
  2. [quote name='4StringFortress' post='982335' date='Oct 9 2010, 09:56 AM']Anyone know where I can buy Labella 'Deep Talkin' flat wounds? Iv had a look on-line and the only ones I can find are like £50+![/quote] Yes. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BELLA-FLATWOUND-BASS-STRINGS-/170548305891?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27b5789fe3"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BELLA-FLATWOUND-BASS...=item27b5789fe3[/url]
  3. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='980030' date='Oct 6 2010, 11:08 PM']This thread came up in a Google search, which I did cos I've no answers to my query in the Repairs & Tech section here. Won an ex-Andy Scott of The Sweet Washburn electro-acoustic guitar over the w/e. He also signed a dedication to me on it, which I kinda want to keep but play it too. I was told today by a woman at Plasti-Kote that their acrylic spray isn't compatible with a Polyurethane varnish on the guitar; but from the sound of this thread it is? Any thoughts before I possibly knacker this guitar???[/quote] Yes-I'd be wary of using Plastikote after my experience last week! I'd stripped my old Squier Jazz to the bare wood, then built up coats of Plastikote paint to make it a lovely, glossy white finish. I was so pleased with the result, that I decided to use Plastikote clear lacquer to protect and enhance it. After one light coat of the lacquer, every single square millimetre of the white paint crazed, bubbled and lifted! I spent the better part of a day stripping off the gooey, glue-like goop that was left behind, and ended up going to my local Car Discount store for some rattlecans. No more problems.
  4. Do you still have the scratchplate? P.M'd.
  5. (a) would definitely be my choice as well. Never EVER issue an "it's them or me" ultimatum to Musicians, because you put them under pressure, look like a pr*ck, and they always get rid of the pr*ck. As for the sneaky tactics scenario, the same rule applies. If people realise what you're doing, you'll look a pr.............etc. etc. If you bow out gracefully (citing the Singer as the reason) they will probably look harder at the singer, and may even start noticing the things that annoy you. Stay friends with the guys, they may be giving you a call sooner than you think.
  6. Around this area, Tribute Bands get the most work, so one of the Bands I'm in is a Tribute Band. My old Dad once told me "PLAYING is where it counts, Son. If you aren't playing, you're vegetating" so if somebody asks me to play - I'm there. (I don't mind selling my soul. I'm rich)
  7. [quote name='Conan' post='963355' date='Sep 21 2010, 02:38 PM']Hmmm. That looks like the exact model cab I used to have. Heavy as a bugger but great tone.... I got rid of it because it was too heavy, but I've not been able to get the same depth of tone out of the Ashdowns... I'm in Newcastle... £100 is a [i]great[/i] price... Thanks for placing this dilemma in my path. Not! [/quote] Buy 4 dirty great castors! I did, and my back's thanked me ever since.
  8. I was going to offer a Peavey Max 700 with some cash, but I've just stopped slobbering over the Bass long enough to see you already have an Ampeg behind it.
  9. [quote name='ezbass' post='959096' date='Sep 17 2010, 08:24 AM']Ask him to use Thai Sticks [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/regaltip.html"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/regaltip.html[/url] (near the bottom of the page). These significantly reduce the volume without altering the sound of the drums or requiring a change in technique. Amongst others the great Manu Katche uses these.[/quote] +1 for these. A Drummer from the band I was in about three years ago actually bought these himself! He thought he was too loud in the rehearsal room, so these were an easy way of holding the volume back, without having to alter his technique. Back to normal sticks for a gig, and our collective ears thanked him for it.
  10. You won't be sorry. I bought one of these last year, and if it got stolen/broken/lost, I'd have another one tomorrow.
  11. [quote name='mpjsols' post='952352' date='Sep 10 2010, 11:37 PM']I have been invited into an Elvis tribute band and we are covering this song, and I have a nightmare trying to hear the bass line, I cannot work it out, I think its a bit more than root notes but cant work it out, anyone done this and what did you use, U can't find anything that works well and its really bugging me! Appreciate any help![/quote] Stick "cc rider" into the youtube search box, and you get him singing it at the opening of one of his concerts. You can hear the Bass clearly, and it's practically all simple runs from the root note most of the time. I played this in a Covers Band back in the day, did exactly this, and got compliments on how authentic it sounded.
  12. [quote name='ezbass' post='952053' date='Sep 10 2010, 05:36 PM']Should have been replaced immediately as not fit for purpose. This is shoddy and you should name names and bring the force of BC to bear.[/quote] He did. In post #7.
  13. [quote name='tino' post='949780' date='Sep 8 2010, 07:18 PM']Thanks Anyone any idea on the Ampeg gear???? Thanks[/quote] A Bass Player I know in a local Blues Band has just paid £300 for a B2 combo, and thinks he got a bargain. No idea how much the 2x10 would be worth, but I've just sold my Ampeg 4x10 for £200. Hope this helps a bit.
  14. On a local Music Site that I frequent, most of the "Drummer Wanted" Ads actually stipulate 'no electronic kits' in the posts. Admittedly, it's a Rock-orientated forum, but it seems that a lot of people are starting to feel the same way that you (and I) do. Nothing beats the sound or feel of an acoustic kit moving some air for us to lock in with. (IMHO)
  15. [quote]ps. this is patently not a custom instrument, it's just what's written on the truss cover OK![/quote] It must have been something they stuck on all of them, because my old Vester Clipper has the same thing written on it. Still nice Basses, though.
  16. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='925355' date='Aug 15 2010, 09:35 AM']From information about a Harmony H22 bass. [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/H22.php"]http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/H22.php[/url] Really? That's not what I've heard.[/quote] I only wish the people that write this sort of tosh were actually there to play the same Basses I did. I'd love to be 13/14 years old, and starting off again with the type of equipment there is on sale these days. I'm constantly astounded at the levels of finish, etc. that are available for much less (in real terms) than I paid back then. [i]Young'uns today-don't know they're born-I remember when it was all fields round here........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[/i]
  17. Careful!!! My anti-virus software blocked a "Trojan Horse" Virus attempt when I opened the picture attachment!!!
  18. [quote name='tiffen' post='914282' date='Aug 3 2010, 09:05 PM']Hi All, I have only now noticed that during the bass solo of Alright Now by Free there is a run up half way through the solo. I have bought the Tab book music for this and its not been transcribed. I have been trying to make out whats going on but cant quite get it. Does anyone no what notes are playing to create the small run up?[/quote] Which bit do you mean? Pick some numbers from this, and it'll give us a clue. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR2V60yLIaw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR2V60yLIaw[/url]
  19. Unfortunately, the Forum Rules say you must state a price, as Auctions aren't allowed.
  20. P.M. sent. (Probably too late, but you never know)
  21. [quote name='Marky L' post='895313' date='Jul 15 2010, 07:57 AM']Surely, what goes on tour stays on tour???? You never know who could be reading this![/quote] Precisely!!! The Statute of Limitations probably hasn't run out on some of the stuff that I've done in the past.......and the Wife sometimes reads this over my shoulder.
  22. Really chuffed that all went well, mate. I'll keep an eye out for the Band playing in future, and I'll pop along to slaver all over your Rig!
  23. Well? You're back now.....how did it go?
  24. Where abouts is the Gig? I'm at Nikhs in Blyth, which is around your area, so I could probably catch your Band between sets.
  25. [quote name='stevebasshead' post='879090' date='Jun 27 2010, 06:58 PM']4x10 now sold [/quote] I got home, lifted it out of the Van, and the Wife said "Oh, isn't it a pretty one?" SCORE! Nice to meet you, Steve.
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