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Everything posted by BigAlonBass

  1. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='460908' date='Apr 13 2009, 12:11 AM']Age is just a state of mind (apparently...)[/quote] I'm bloody ancient, then.
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='459280' date='Apr 10 2009, 01:50 PM']I'm not quite in Ed's league. ha ha. ...let me know what you would do.. stick or twist? [/quote] Personally I'd stick, Michael. If you want a Bass that 'does' three different sounds, go for the TF, but IMHO the '71 beats it hands down on what it does best-sounding like a '71 P. I A/B'd them on a couple of laptops at the same time, and the '71 just has more 'soul.' Only my opinion, though. Keep trying them out until YOU decide which one is better for exactly what YOU want it for. (Grammatical poo, but you know what I mean)
  3. Shame you lived so far away, mate. Something like this would have honed my building "skills" no end, and I certainly would have offered more than a measly fiver. Bargain or what?!?!? . Bump for a nice little project.
  4. [quote name='silddx' post='456207' date='Apr 7 2009, 10:24 AM']Fascinating as they are, I think this sort of thing would make any musician feel like they were walking naked in the streets of Riyadh. Isolation of something is to reveal its flaws, and people passing judgment on things like tone, timing, errors and erroneous noises outside the context of the whole recording, is a bit weird. Would you isolate the rice from a risotto and tell everyone you think it tastes bland?[/quote] +1 It all comes back to either being a Bedroom Superstar, or being part of a BAND. You do what sounds right for the BAND, so you have to learn to compromise your tone, so that it fits in with what everyone else is playing. The sound I use for practising at home is FAR removed from the sound I use on Stage. Just use this facility the way you would use tabs. It helps you find out exactly what the guys were playing on the recording, and you can put your own stamp on it later.
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='447367' date='Mar 27 2009, 03:17 PM'].... should you let them cool down or quench them quickly? In other words, is the boiling process just cleaning them or partially effecting the molecular structure?[/quote] If you feel you have to boil them, pour the boiling water from the pan through a sieve (or even hold a pan lid slightly askew, so the water runs out.) Let the strings dry naturally, on kitchen towel or a piece of old cloth. Heating and quenching can weaken the structure. I used to do this regularly, until I tried Meths. (You can't drink boiling water, but............)
  6. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='446838' date='Mar 27 2009, 05:45 AM']how do we know they're BCers?[/quote] Because they both post on here, using the same User Names? The articles are also identical in wording and photographs to our very own "For Sale" threads.
  7. Really knows his Basses as well - "I can't remember if the LED's were in it when I bought it" I suppose it's possible, but the way the auction has been run, and some of the later disclosures, make me think 'what else is/could be a bit funny?" (Funny-hmmm, not funny-haha)
  8. It happened to me a bit earlier this evening. I was just logged in as a Guest (I'd aleready signed in) and had to sign in again.
  9. Thank you, kind Sir.
  10. PSB's address, please!
  11. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='422925' date='Mar 2 2009, 09:48 AM']I'd love to be able to play with a pick but it's a complete mystery to me how to do it. How the hell do you keep a slippery bit of plastic from falling out of your fingers??[/quote] Take a fine soldering iron to the bit that you hold. You can either just rough it up or put holes right the way through, like I do. (Making sure to leave the melted bits standing proud) On the rare occasions that I have to use a plec, it stops me worrying about slippage and allows me to work on my technique a bit more. (I use flexible nylon/plastic plecs-don't know if it would work for other types)
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='422608' date='Mar 1 2009, 08:02 PM']Unfortunately, my mate Craig (non-BassChatter, 3rd pic down on post #121) has been swayed to the dark side and despite my best efforts has decided that his first bass will be... a Fender! No accounting for taste! [/quote] See! Told you I wasn't the only one.
  13. [quote name='ARGH' post='421876' date='Feb 28 2009, 07:00 PM']Fags,grow up,get lower,get a 5.[/quote] Rather a sweeping statement there, almost as bad as the blokes comment about the OP. There are some people who prefer 4-strings, just as there are people who prefer fingers. A bit more tolerance all round seems to be needed.
  14. Well...for a change, I didn't want a new Bass or to change my strings, and I have a Leatherman already, so I bought a flight-cased Mixing Desk off him. Good nick, even better price. What a stunning Bass Player, handsome beyond reason, all round good chap, and mature beyond his years. (That's another Tenner you owe me, John)
  15. [quote name='bassoctopus' post='417694' date='Feb 23 2009, 06:52 PM']Might be practicing on Saturday.[/quote] That's good, it's on Sunday.
  16. If there aren't any photo's, they don't exist...........
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='391111' date='Jan 25 2009, 06:45 PM']It'll probably be an excellent opportunity/experience. We'll try and rein in Big Al's use of expletives! [/quote] Not a problem now. I'm doing the sound for a Club Band on the afternoon, so I won't be there.
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='409266' date='Feb 14 2009, 10:02 AM'] OK... I've looked and then looked some more, am I missing something?[/quote] I think it's the fact that he's using the middle finger to point Jon, so it looks like he's 'flipping' the camera.
  19. Sorry, but a definite no.
  20. Glennoooooooooooooooooo! Wondered how long it would take to get you over here. Enjoy yourself, mate.
  21. Sorry about the delay, Andy. I've been out all flipping day dealing with family "stuff" Payment now sent.
  22. I'll have this. It'll keep the Drummist from complaining he can't hear the Vocalist at the back. P.M. sent.
  23. [quote name='markytbass' post='403257' date='Feb 8 2009, 10:56 AM']Access is good unless someone parks across the end of the alley (like they did on Tuesday night).[/quote] Played there a couple of years ago, and a Nissan Micra had done just that. Five Band members, two roadies, and a couple of passers-by (who thought it was a great laugh) and the Micra was parked sideways in the middle of the road. That's one idiot who'll think twice before doing it again.
  24. If I think back, I can probably remember girls who were bigger teases than you, Michael. If I think very, very hard.
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