A Loooong Time ago.....I gave my eldest lad a little clapped-out Grundig record player when he was 4, along with some 'bargain bin' LP's I had picked up. The idea was, if he learned to treat stuff carefully at an early age, it might continue as he got older. It seemed to work, as he spent most nights sitting in his bedroom, playing the LP's over and over again, carefully removing the needle from the record, putting the next one on, ad infinitum. One night, while I was sitting with a room full of friends and family, it all went quiet, and after about ten minutes, he shouted "Daaaaaaaddyyyyyyyyy! Can I borrow one of your Status Quo records?" Proud of my son getting a taste for decent music, and smiling at the assembled throng, I shouted back "Why, son?"
His reply "Cos I'm f*cking pissed off with Wally Whyton!"