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Everything posted by BigAlonBass

  1. You'll even save on the Gym Membership Fees if you buy it. By the time you've carried this into a few Gigs, you'll be the fittest Bass Player for miles! (or you'll get a bad back - I did)
  2. [quote name='huwgarms' timestamp='1364334932' post='2025150'] what type of wattage via an 8 ohm cab ie 4 x 10? [/quote] I should imagine 300 watts. In the specs, it says it's "2x300 watt at 8 ohms" so using a single cab should give half the output.
  3. Johnny (the) Depp strikes again! Glad you enjoyed yourself, mate.
  4. I don't know if it's any help, but I used a plectrum exclusively until I got Tennis Elbow a few years back. It kept returning, despite injections, physio et al, and I ended up having to revert to fingerstyle. Not had a problem since. Worth a try, perhaps?
  5. [quote name='davidlovellbass' timestamp='1361743018' post='1990244'] so how would I sell my faker if ebay is so strict? [/quote] Stick it on here, WITHOUT any photo's, referring to it as a copy of a "certain Bass" and send photo's by e-mail to any interested parties. Don't use the 'R' word. EVER. Failing that, stick it in your local Music Shop on a sale or return basis.
  6. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1361344036' post='1984730'] Must be a brilliant experience playing with a legend. [/quote] Yep. Everybody wants to work with Michael.
  7. A Loooong Time ago.....I gave my eldest lad a little clapped-out Grundig record player when he was 4, along with some 'bargain bin' LP's I had picked up. The idea was, if he learned to treat stuff carefully at an early age, it might continue as he got older. It seemed to work, as he spent most nights sitting in his bedroom, playing the LP's over and over again, carefully removing the needle from the record, putting the next one on, ad infinitum. One night, while I was sitting with a room full of friends and family, it all went quiet, and after about ten minutes, he shouted "Daaaaaaaddyyyyyyyyy! Can I borrow one of your Status Quo records?" Proud of my son getting a taste for decent music, and smiling at the assembled throng, I shouted back "Why, son?" His reply "Cos I'm f*cking pissed off with Wally Whyton!"
  8. Have I missed something? Has the Ad recently been updated? It says it's an "OLP" in the title.
  9. If it had been 5 strings, I would have snapped it up!
  10. If at all possible, simplify the Bass Line (to Root Notes if you have to) and concentrate on the Vocals, as these are what are causing the confusion. By the time you have the Vocals off to your satisfaction, you won't have to concentrate on them so much, and can gradually bring the Bass Line back up to scratch. It takes a little practise, but it's eminently do-able.
  11. It seems like a fairly common addition, whatever it is. There's even a neck for sale on here with the same letters at the end of the number. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194662-fender-jap-57-ri-maple-neck-fender-tuners/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194662-fender-jap-57-ri-maple-neck-fender-tuners/[/url]
  12. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1357458956' post='1922802'] Headphones is what I use. Or earphones the noise cancelling kind [/quote] On stage?
  13. Welcome Adam. There are a few of us from the area on here, and they'll probably all be along to shout abuse in a minute. It's mandatory, to make you feel at home, before we all start being helpful. Stick around, it's good craic.
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355578571' post='1900140'] Says on the email orders placed over the weekend won't be processed until monday anyway. [/quote] Placed the order on a weekend...2 extra days wait. This close to Christmas...could be even longer in the Post. The word "Masochist" springs to mind!
  15. Predictive Text? I don't live anywhere near, but good luck anyway.
  16. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1354042418' post='1881362'] Not sure if its my iPad but . . . That is hard to read :S BSB [/quote] It isn't your iPad. That's weird!
  17. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1353695290' post='1877633'] I wonder if Mick will comment on the ticket prices?......I think not! [/quote] Dunno if he did or not. As usual, I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
  18. Thanks for the thought, but I'm sure someone will be along in a minute who's a lot closer than me.
  19. Oh, Bum! Too far away.
  20. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1352141129' post='1859303'] It's just that he meant a "(" , which is Shift-8 on the keyboard, best, bert [/quote] You've got a funny keyboard. "(" is shift-9 on mine. Which is all diverting us from saying a proper Welcome! to Cumbo.
  21. 9 Grown up kids! I'm surprised you had any time for playing Bass! Welcome to the Site, mate. It's a veritable mine of information, even if GAS isn't present. (Yet)
  22. I got problems with it regularly when I used to use a plectrum. It must have been the angle I held my arm or something. Swift steroid injection from the Doctor, switch to fingers, and had no bother since.
  23. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1350912768' post='1844955'] To be honest i don't really know the difference between them myself. [/quote] It's easy. They've got different numbers.
  24. You aren't going to be able to get away with that, I'm afraid. The "rules and regs" say you HAVE to state a price.
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